I Fired Myself

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I fired myself

This is how it went down:

A couple of days ago when I wrote the post about all of us being owners.  I ended up taking the lecture to heart.  I find if I write about something it is because I usually need to sort my own thoughts out about it.

I read my post about how we are all investors vs. customers   Which is here.

As a result, I hired myself at $0.00 an hour, to communicate with the end-users about the Steem blockchain and how I understand the vision and value of how things might develop.  I thought someone needed to step up and take the job of spreading the Vision.  

After a couple of days of trying on that role, I didn't like the job and I didn't like my performance.  I just want to be an end-user.  I sat myself down and fired me.  I made a bad and presumptuous decision to make that job up.  For one thing at the technical level, I only have concept level understanding of the Blockchain.  In addition  It felt so official I couldn't just be me, with my casual style.  :)  I'm fired.  It's okay, I don't mind.

So, for a couple of days I was the Executive Vision Spreader, but now..  I'm back to just being an Opinionated Steemian.  If you didn't notice the difference, don't worry about it, it was only an "Inside Job".   The pay was terrible also and my boss was inconsistent and unreasonable.

Now that my role is clear, here is my opinion on where we are and how things are going.

SteemIt.com is not the focus, it is a proof of concept project on the Steem Blockchain.

SteemIt, Inc has been telling us since Steemfest 2, that their focus is the Steem blockchain, not SteemIt.com the site.  Maybe that was the first time I listened and they have been saying it longer.  I didn't love the idea at first, but it has grown on me with time.  I support the vision.  

We are already seeing new sites like dlive, dtube,  and others develop, many of these have an obvious market and a problem they can solve.  YouTube censorship and demonetization is one use case for dtube and dlive.  As most of you know there are a lot of other communities, platforms and even some SMTs already being planned.

I've heard from developers that the tools they use to "tap in" to the blockchain are under improvement.  If you don't like the features of Steemit.com, don't hold your breath for them to change, because I don't know what exactly is in the roadmap, but I assume it isn't anyone's focus.  However, I am happy that SteemIt, Inc. is working on the Blockchain because that is the future.

I picture the ability for a "Gift Economy" site, and a "Charity Site", as well as sites for videos, photos, memes, games, news, singers, etc. It is my understanding that at some point in the future these sites and their communities would be able to monetize, advertise, administrate and reward their end-users with their own criteria and goals.  This make sense to me because the the current Decentralized Community is kind of dysfunctional and consensus is hard to get and greatly influenced by a few large stakeholders.

What do we do in the meantime?  I can only answer for myself.  I am going to Just Keep Posting.  The price can go up, it can go down, the crypto markets can rise and fall.  I will be here posting and trying to gather some Steem.  I will support the users I can, debate the issues I find fun to talk about, and answer questions when I feel like I know the answer.

Retention isn't that big of an issue to me, because I have no idea what a good retention rate is at this stage in the game and I am not sure it matters for where we are headed.  The price and usage of the site just moves with the Crypto-Markets for the most part.  

Everyone can fight over whatever the current topics are and I am sure I will have to jump into some of the debates, because I enjoy them.  However, I am not going to lose any sleep over them.  I will continue to power up and watch this interesting experiment carry on.

This post is all in fun, which is what I want to do on SteemIt, have a little fun, learn a little, make a little money.

What will you be doing?


Just an opinionated Steemian.


Very good strategy, indeed.

I like your mindset.
Keep on posting.
Keep on improving and see how far the rabbit hole goes.

I resigned once as CEO of the universe and I felt much better and had less stress in my life. But actually I kinda liked your other role. You had everybody fired up!

Hahaha. This cracked me up. :)

I think you’re on to something. I’ve also heard Steemit Inc say that their focus is the Blockchain and encouraging developers to come on board. It makes sense. Steemit like sites will pop up and some of those will be on the Steem Blockchain. It makes sense for Steemit Inc to focus on bringing the big players onto the Blockchain to make Steem a big deal.

This is a good time for us all to gather as much Steem as possible so that we can have as much influence as possible when these new projects eventuate.

^ Agree! Just time to support the community, grind and keep the flag ship rolling.

I am one of those that enjoyed blogging, reading other Steemit posts and learnt more and share. My rewards are so little but i just continue to post for enjoyment more than making a living out of it. Of course i hope it can grow if more people like my posts. Just enjoy and you won't be disappointed and affected by the current situation.

Honestly I’m just tired of not making a lot of Steem but I’m just living off of it now and just saving Steem hoping it goes up one day and changes me life and my babies . I take out here and there to pay for bills since I don’t have a job. I’ll just continue to post everyday , and not be upset when I don’t make 10$ a post

I do see a small glimmer of hope. Hopefully the mooning does start soon.

If you are making enough money to live off of Steem writing content, that is amazing. Especially while the price is low! :)

Yeah barely making it though. And thanks :)

I see what everyone is doing here....One for you, and one for you!

Such a goddamn smartass.

There are some posts I skim through and get the gist of at an almost superficial level. There are some that I just can't do it because I will miss some nuance or fact or joke or bullshit and totally miss the point.

This has all of that and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Subscription Noted. Sadly my email server is down, and you can find the posts, Right here, each day! :)

Next time feel free to consult with the future Supreme Ruler/ #King. ;) lol

I had a friend who fired himself by stealing a bunch of cigarettes and cases of vodka from the liquor store he worked at. The police saw things differently, unfortunately. lol

Keeping up with posts is about all we can do. I would like to see more people using this site but, as you point out, the price has an effect on usage and it isn't the best right now. Hopefully, those of us who push this rough time will come out better off in the end and if not, at least some people read my crazy ideas and that makes me happy too.

Dang, now that I read this, I've realized there was a huge shortage of Vodka involved in my firing, and I am now a little disappointed. Dang....

haha I imagine it would improve most firings.

Hopefully you got a good severance

My boss was such a bitch. She didn't give me a good severance at all.

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