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RE: @sweetsssj is the largest abuser of last minute upvotes!

in #steem7 years ago

And what is a good, sustainable system? The only ones so far are highly centralized publishing companies. Do you think those are better than this? Do you have a better idea? I honestly would love it if you had something better than this, because I'm only here since it's the best I've found so far. Is there something better? Can you envision something better?


Not sure how old you are but i remember google in like 90's and 2000 when it used to be a real search engine when you could find anything you wanted and you could brose millions of pages if you wanted to. Today you cant even get past like 100-200 results and most of them are inserted there its not a real search. Over time since more and more people got involved they switched priorities, and also free flow of information doesnt seem to suit guys at the top. Also they seem to be operating differently in different countries since if something works in US its clearly not good for somewhere else. Steemit is very little and young platform its all fun and games now, until they get a little bigger than the real show begins when government start interfering. As to centralized or not that really doesnt matter, because there are different types of decentralization and on different levels and plains. Saying decentralized just because data gets stored on blockchain means nothing because people form groups and you get some kind of centralization anyway. Problem with whole crypto world and this platform isnt decentralization its the people on top. You can have centralized system that just wont do censorship in that kind of system you get few on top that are responsible for it. This platform is "decentralized" and has "no censorship" in a way you can put anything you want on it go speak against platform or something similar and talk about censorship then. All those companies are sustainable and they have been here for years. And they are sustainable because they rely on ads and other stuff, ads have purpose and work for both sides platform gets paid than pays creators, and advertiser gets exposure with potential new customers so everyone has incentive there. So for outside investor you get in pay your way and get your share of that action. Here firstly your content will never get seen unless you have money invested here. The content gets buried by all the self promoting garbage faster then you hit the post button. I dont even want to start writing here just because of that. I did write few garbage posts to test the platform and got like few views. i dont really care about that anyway since i use other sites and i do fine there. On this platform investors have no incentives since if you invest here you will just burn money since Steemit doesnt really have any income streams other than burning your money. Yes you can make money here but it just shrinks over time. I dont really share my ideas with anyone i know how world works some moron just comes and takes credit for it, no woder you have so many provoking articles and click baits to provoke people into conversations. People have no good ideas anymore (atleast people on top dont). Atleast when you go on reddit and enter some sub you like you get what you came for only bad thing there is down voting but thats just groups being mean has nothing to do with censorship. You can write a post it gets seen by everybody there who is interested will take a look who wants to help will help, pure organic. There are shadow bans but thats another topic. Here you get advertised one thing and get another people arent that stupid. Here as far as i see it people come stay a month or to and leave. Most user base is from 3rd world counties that come here to earn little to no money. I can talk about this for days or publish a book but fuck that il just stay on other platforms and just come here from time to time. I dont want to be the guy with a vision for someone else's idea. If i wanted to make a platform that works i would be working on it not chating here on one that doesnt and let my work do the talk. Since talk is cheap and i see lots of people here talking about similar things but nothing gets done about it. For me thats just politics and i tend to stay away from them. Sorry im kinda scatter brain when it comes to writing for me to explain my vision and ideas is kinda time consuming for me and i like to be detailed. So if i would want to explain my vision i would end up writing thousands of pages of paper from start to finish that would turn into like whitepaper at that point i wouldnt care less about steemit would start my own company and build my own shit not explain to people what they are doing wrong and on how many levels. I want to stick to things i like write about it exchange ideas with like minded people i came under the impression this could be a good platform for that and i realized its not.

Main problem with all this social media platforms is idiots in cubicles and suits that dont spend time with real people and have lost touch with reality. Where you have idiots debating global warming and changes, and those people dont spend like 20 minutes per day outside they go from home to car to job to car to home etc. But they look at some fabricated documents with numbers from 2 different sides and money just changes hands problems dont get solved and life goes on.

This platforms should be just extensions of real world people interactions not some sterile garbage of unilateral thoughts. Where you cant say this or do that. So i didnt come here to upvote my posts or upvote others so they can upvote me, i just upvote things i like and respect so in a way i am supporting them, also on the other hand i dont wont anyone upvoting my post or comment or anything just for some sake of it. This is like some poorly augmented democracy where your vote has more power than other guy. If you are a writer or reader it really shouldnt matter. Its like if country candidates for presidency or congress or you name it would pay people for vote, but candidates could pick their paying price so candidate who pays more per vote would win of course. There should be no earning from voting or there should be some kind of risk implemented. Im talking here about you getting paid by voting someone elses work. And also self voting should be excluded. That would solve some problems for starter. Votes should count maybe not with monetary value but should atleast give some credit to author maybe respect/influence not sure how its called here. And curation rewards could go towards platform or get split platform/author. There are many ways you can look at this depending on what you want to achieve. You cant even interact here that well so you need to go to some other platform and ask questions. You have no rooms here or something that would look like subreddit on reddit or some sort of forum. So many things so little time.

I would like to stop this conversation now if you decide to post more comments i will read them but i will not be responding anymore. This kinds of debates are pointless.

Thank you for your time.

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