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RE: Reward curve doesn't really discourage self voting

in #steem8 years ago

How do you know if someone has self voted? Are you saying users can give them self 1 vote after they post, on their on post?

If that is the case, then surely the easy solution would be to remove this feature.

Or by self voting, you mean something else? (Sorry i am new here) :O)


Self voting means voting for yourself and yes users can do that. It would be pointless to restrict self voting because users could create sockpuppet accounts and upvote themselves. The only way to stop this is to downvote it which reduces or nullify rewards, the community would police itself.

Thank you for your reply.

So how do people here know, when a post has been upvoted by its curator ?

Thank you.

You can see on every post who voted for it.
If you want to explore what everyone is up to check out

Great! Thank you Snowflake, i have bookmarked this site. The only question i now have, if you would be so kind, i see where someone has upvoted and at the end of the text, is a number in brackets.

EG: (28.8%) (41.5)

What do these numbers mean please.

I'm not sure exactly what you are refering to. A screenshot would be helpful.
If I had to guess I'd say 28.8 is the percentage weight ( you can chose how much weight your vote has) and 41.5 could be reputation score .

Hi Snowflake, i found out what the number in brackets means (the grey numbers) it is to do with STEAM POWER and how much Percentage of a VOTE is given. So you can see exactly what each member awarded your posts. As seen here on

So in this case i see someone gave me 28.8% of their steampower vote.

100% being the maximum.

All the best.

I can see the reputation score next to the username, when hovering mouse over it actually says Reputation Score.

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