in #steem6 years ago

Yesterday I read the post of @steemmonkey, read it here, it was about his experience in his first two months on @steemit . Made me think that I am already 6 months now on Steemit. 6 months isn't the longest time but for me it is a moment to look back and think of my actions, experiences and idea of Steemit and the Steem blockchain.

Meeting people is the thing

When I first got to know about Steemit was when I was doing some reading online about #crypto currency. I didn't have the slightest idea where to start or if it was something for me in the first place. (now somewhat further I can tell that the whole trading thing isn't my cup of tea) , There is just to much volatility, differents currency, dependencies... not something I want to put a lot of energy and time in....But everyone his or her thing of course...


Then at one moment I read about Steem and Steemit, a platform you get rewarded for writing valuable content. Of course the definition of 'valuable' is relative but I sure wanted to check it out. The first couple of posts I read on Steemit where about music, and music is something that really drives me so my attention was caught. I started to write some little posts about music of which I think they were cool, but obvious no one gave a comment, not to mention a upvote. I recal seeing some whale's with massive rewards on their posts (not knowing the origine from that) I was a bit discouraged... But nevertheless I holded on. I kept on posting, used some different tag's and the magic did happenend.. I got some comments on my posts.

I started developing my musical series "Music is magic, mucis is emotion" from which I wrote about an artist or a band and my experience with that band or a memorie about that particular artist. I thought it was great going trough those memories again and to share them with others..

Trough those posts and by reading similar posts of others I got to get in touch with some people. If I recall correct one of my first 'Steemit friends' was @melbookermusic . A great musician with a passion for teaching music. Soon I got 'connected' with a lot more music minded people.

Tip 1: Don't focus on get as much as followers you can, focus on engagement with other steemians. There are a lot of people who follow you but only a few who honestly read your posts..

Rewards and effort

As I told in the first piece and which probably sounds very familiar to a lot of you, it's hard to get rewarded. But then again, leave that thought. Don't make rewards on your posts your goal. I admit in a flash, that was the first thing that drove me towards Steemit, getting rewarded for your posts. But the time I am on steemit now really turned that. Of course it's fun when you got a massive upvote , or loads of great comments.. But the essence for me is writing or doing what I like most.... In some cases I wrote a posts where I have put in so much effort, when I hit the button POST I was sure it would go sky-rocket.... lol...what a disappointment when it was only 2 cents... lol...

Tip 2: Don't measure rewards against effort for a post, be genuine and honest. If people like it, you will be rewarded

Steem projects

There are a lot of great projects build on the steem blockchain. There are several I actually use.


I think Steepshot is a great app on the Steem blockchain. My kids go balistic with Insta, I never could get used to their interface. But with Steepshot it's so easy to take a snap, upload it from my mobile and share it with the community. Thet are doing a great job, and I love using it...


Steemit is actually the first I have ever recorded a video for. Before I used Steemit I never did a vlog in my entire life. And I must confess, I think it's still awkward to see myself on video, although you're getting more used to is :)... When I do record something on video I use only dTube for it because that's in first a great platform and it's totally in the phillosophy of the blockchain and vision of Steemit. Besides that it is very easy to use. There is sometimes some problems with playing the vid right after it is uploaded, but that are minor problems for me..


Steemhunt is quite new, although for me, but they are doing very wel. I like to search for cool products, mostly music related. Just for the kick of finding them. Pitty that (just like in real life) there were people immediately abusing the system by using votebot's to get a higher ranking and thus getting a bigger reward from Steemhunt. They adjusted their rules, so things will go better I think and hope. It's a great product hunting platform with again the steem phillosophy.


I use Steemworld daily , it just gives me a quicker view of people who commented me or mentioned me. That way I wont forget to give a comment back :) It's also a great tool to see your SP, payouts and stuff.. Great project..


When I first installed this add-on on Chrome, I could'nt beleive the ease it brought. There are so many great functions to make the steemit site so much easier to use. For example in the last update you got the extra option to put a signature in your post... I used to copy/paste it all the time, now it is on button and the signature is added... Great work..

Tip 3: Use Steemplus in your browser, it brings so much cmfort


On steemit the ammount of curation communities are growing. To say it simple, these communities are scanning the Steemit website for creators of good content. And if they find them, they upvoting them with nice rewards. They do this to give everbody a fair chance and to encourage people to keep putting great content outthere. You have @qurator , @curie , @steemengine and many more. It's a good thing to get involved with these communities, for sharing, caring and posting :) Great initiatives..


Although I'm busy with a lot of things like photography, steemhunting my main thing still is music.. For example I contributed to @openmic for a couple of times, and I am sure going to do more.. But I could spend a evening long just watching the entries for that weeks openmic. And you'll be suprised how much talent there is on steemit. For instance @breakoutthecrazy , boy do they rock... They are great musicians with great original songs, every time they suprise me with their songs..

I chat a lot with @slobberchops and @steevc about music in their or my posts. By the way, both guy's are awesome. Besides the fact that we seem to have a lot in comment the always provide my posts with great meaningful comments.. Thanks guys.

But besides these great guy's there are a lot of other great steemians with whom I interact , if you like go check them out.


  • @tijntje - Tijntje is a collegue of mine, we often talk about steemit and our mutual interests photography and music.
  • @melbookermusic - Great musician, excellent teacher I can imagine. I still have to schedule an interview with him... But that will come, no worrie :)
  • @conradt - a very nice guy from NewZealand. He loves music and is keen on the steemit platform.
  • @bigskycustoms - Great guy how still teaches me some 70's music. Great to discover. He is also a pro-beer-reviewer :) If you like beer, you have to check his reviews
  • @brittandjosie - A very nice woman from the netherlands, alway's in for a comment and a chat. She writes about a lot of subjects, but for me all interesting..
  • @s3rg3 - S3rg3 and @exyle both are part of the @blockbrothers and are heavily envolved in the app steemify. It's a great app to receive notifications on all that is happening with your steemit account.. To bad there isn't any android version yet ;)
  • @exyle - I don't really interact a lot with him. I follow him and wacth his vlogs because he has a great sight on things , he can explain the crypto and Steemblockchain challenges so clearly, it's great to watch.
  • @endurance1968 - A german guy which often commented om my music posts. I like hearing the thoughts and things of other people. I discovered a lot of new music by this.
  • @outoftune - He is a great musician with excellent taste when it comes to guitar-sound.. He plays fenomenal... Love to listen to his posts on @dsound

And of course there are so many more great people on Steemit that I didn't mention particular... but I do also am thankfull to read your posts, let you read mine. So keep it going..

My future on steemit

To close this rather long post, my future will stay on Steemit. I think great things are going to happen with steem and steemit. There will be changes, but all for the benefit... So let's stick together and make this platform even better than it already is...

As soon as I really can make a difference, I'm planning to support even more people because I think we all must benefit and enjoy this great oppertunity.

Have a great evening and keep up that music !!

I fully support @s3rg3 and @exyle, who are witness with their developer group @blockbrothers for the Steem blockchain. If you want to support them, they would appreciate your vote here.

They are the creators of Steemify, THE notification app for your Steemit account for IOS.



Thanks for the compliment! I started put also 6 months ago and its hard but paying off eventually, i hope! Consistancy is important and I like the fact that people follow😊 i know in the beginning their vote is small but appreciated. I struggle to come to 500 but try to do good to everybody and try to always comment. The Reading is a moment for me. Human interest never hurt anybody. I going to continue for another 6 months and I in the future would like to meet other dutch steemates in real life, Ted Steem Talk aTST to talk, recruit and advice eachother. Well keep in touch, en vanavond weer Humberto’s nr4 ben benieuwd welke muziek highlights er zullen zijn

We'll keep in touch for sure.. You're doing well, you have great spontanious content I like reading very much, so the 500 SP shouldend be a problem.. Consistancy is the key, and all small bits eventually will be a big bit ;)

That's (I think) one of your quality's which are visible just by your comments, human interest !! Great job !!

And let's think, if people are interested, to gather a Steemit Dutchie meeting somewhere this year, would be great I think...

En we gaan het zien met Humberto !!

Fijne avond !!

I Will be consistent as mich as I can but..... its hard some days and de Ted Steem Talk komt er zeker Humberto begint!!

Its been great getting to know you, when I'm in Holland next time we will have to hook up :)

Likewise. And that's a deal !!! would be awesome !!

Great to have you here buddy! Always enjoy reading your posts. And thanks for backing my group the Blockbrothers. Would be cool to see our today released Steemify update in your Steem projects section ;) Although I know it currently only is an iOS app, we are close on releasing an Android version!

Enjoy everyday on Steemit man!

lol, I doubted mentioning Steemify, but i only mentioned projects I do use and I have android so I couldn't share my experiences.. :) So when the android version is released I absolutely will share my experiences :)
Likewise, your posts are alway's down to earth with a big humoristic touch, love them !! And we keep enjoying the Steemit vibe !! Thanks a lot !!

Found your article through @trufflepig.

I can relate to some of the things you mentioned here and I agree with the tips. Engagement is one of the keys to make it here. (Have you come across @abh12345's Engagement and Curation League?) Also, joining contests and challenges is one way to be interactive.

I like this platform for we can meet people we share the same interests and more. It is a continuous learning process.

Good for you to be able to keep holding on and for finding what works. Cheers and good luck!

Thanks for your comment , it's great to meet people with the same interest, discussing things you like. I didnt came across @abh12345 yet, will look for him :) . The challenges and contests are a lot of fun especially (for me) the music related. Steemit is one of my new hobbies 😂

It also is a new hobby for me, again. I have joined other blogging sites before. There is something about writing and sharing your thoughts that is kind of therapeutic :D

It is, isn't it 😊

Congrats on Six months! I am closing in on that as well. You are right it is pretty hard, but you have some good tips and pointers in here that should help others. Even after 5 months I am just doing what I can to plug along and get my content out there. I always look forward to reading your posts.

Thank you very much, much appreciated. I'm doing what I like the most and then it's so cool if others like to read it :) I've noticed that I was not following you, shame on me, I thought I did... Corrected it, so I'm looking forward to your posts :)

Thanks for the shoutout @verhp11! Hard to believe someone thinks enough of me to mention me in their post! I love music but don’t play (well I did take 5 years of piano lessons and sang in the high school choir) but that really doesn’t qualify for playing, but I have loved listening to music since my youth in the 1970s and it continues as I approach my 60th year!
Congratulations on the 6 month anniversary, I’m closing in on mine too at end of the month.

It's sincere, your comments and your musical choices and tips are great. And music isn't about playing music (although it's fun lol) , music is just like I said in my posts all about the magic and emotion it creates and represents.. And altough I don't comment much at your beer posts (which I should do as a beer lover) they are great, and that's what makes this platform great.. The interaction and listening and learning in many ways... Thanks man !!

Hi it's 😎 you took time to share your thoughts and endeavours in this 🎂 blog. I think the right mindset on this community is to share what we like without the idea of getting a reward. If a big reward is received it should be a surprising moment and we should be like a kid getting the gift he ever dreamed of. The best thing is to interact with other people. You say it right when you say that only a few followers are really reading our posts and we end getting a 0.02SBD reward.
I hope you will enjoy the journey on steemit.com and that you get a lot of interesting meeting with people of various horizons.
I will try to read your posts on a more regular basis.

Thank you very much !! Interaction is everything, at least for me, it's great meeting so many people with so many stories, so more important than the rewards :)

Hi, thx for mentioning - I like to comment in case it fits. Just saying great I try to avoid - then "only" an upvote. Another big thx for sharing your content very well done!

Currently not that much time to properly comment all the great content. Tommorow starting a bicycle tour around black forest - let's see maybe I manage to upload some impressions. Cross fingers regarding weather the forecast is terrible with thunderstorms...

ow that's to bad... thunderstorms while cycling isn't the best combination.. And don't worry about commenting :) You have a race to race :) Good luck !!

Awesome keep up the good work mate!

We might be coming to Holland this summer! Looking forward to it i enjoyed reading about your culture.

Keep on rocking and steeming 🤘🤘

Thanks man !! The fun on steemit is only by people like you :) let me know when you're around , we'll have a beer :)

Thanks mate! :) Yeah sounds good!

Spirit of Steemit is in every of your posts: you love what you are writing about! It's not all about earnings, it's about contributing to the platform thinking on people who will read it. Bringing knowledge or just entertainment.
I'm also happy to see that everyday more people is talking about music in Steemit, and hope it will grow and grow.

Thank you very much !!

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