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RE: No More New Customers For Steem Power Delegation

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Nicely done! good to see you are doing this because I know you are checking for spam and other stuff.

I too am doing a similar thing to randowhale. I check their post before I vote on it. If their post is spam or copyrightd or not good I won't vote on it. They get a full refund and a reason why.

I think we need more stuff like this on here, or else the paid upvote bots will get out of control. I really do not think they are checking what the bots upvote. They should be. Officialfuzzy is getting zeroed out by Ned right now if you go look at his blog posts about whaleshares. Thought I am not 100% sure if whaleshares uses bots or not, Ithought they did but I could be wrong.

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