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RE: Details on Proposed Comment Reward Curve

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

You can't judge of a curve over another until there has been enough users to the platform. The fact that we can't subscibe to tags, that the retsteem are at the same place than the followed posts. and that there is no more 30 days trending. (there should be way more time range) Also we should be able to select a bunch of tags and cutomize a homepage like reddit does.
I really wonder where the steemit energy is being put.


esteem is very good and better than, What's the point ?
Are you making responsive or building iOS / Android native app ?

I really wonder where the steemit energy is being put.

I was just saying what Steemit is doing ;) I don't get why they (sneak) are going full throttle into mobile, and ignoring the existing userbase of bloggers and requests for better features. They are going to focus on mobile users, and their attention spans, and what they can do (not blogging/writing obviously).

Because STEEM is a currency first, and a social media app second. The number 2 most used (#transactions) chain on earth.

steemit doesnt care about the past
it only cares about what it can make off your content TODAY
all posts should be on a constant 24-hr pay cycle but not all of them will get paid out after the first day because then they fall off everyones radar
thats why this place is not a source of information like it should be
no one comes to steemit to "look up that one blog post that was really awesome" because after it pays out its forgotten by everyone even the author
people come here to post things to make money
the whole site is so damn blinded by the money that no one cares what you post

Google remembers and generate a ton of organic traffic.

youve missed the point
the limited payout opportunity for a post results in people reposting because their original post got zero attention
not all good posts get the attention they deserve and its pretty crappy that after 24-30 hours its over
not once have i seen a 30-day post resurge into the trending section because people are conditioned to forget a post after it pays out

and you shouldnt be relying an ANOTHER site to do the job YOUR site should be doing
dont get me wrong - google is a necessity but its laziness to put some of the functional responsibility of your site on the shoulders of another

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