My Ordered list of what makes a good witness. v0.1steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

I often get asked for witness vote so here are how I prioritize my witness votes.

* From @timcliff post about [what makes a good witness.](

  • Minimum operating requirements (SLA)
    • Host a seed node.
    • Review new Steem versions and choose whether to run new forks.
    • Participate in discussions on hardforks / platform changes.
    • Submit regular witness reports.
    • Provide an SBD price feed and making informed economic decisions when necessary.
    • Participate in discussions on the appropriate values for witness parameters.
    • Host a full / RPC node.
  • Social
    • Communicate your vision for the project.
    • Marketing / PR / Recruitment.
    • Run or sponsor social projects / contests.
    • Educate and help new users.
    • Build communities.
  • -Technical/Financial contributions
    • Learn how the steemd code works.
    • Submit pull requests for minor bugs + enhancements.
    • Develop third party tools and applications for the community to use.
    • Fund projects that add value to the community.
    • Work on getting STEEM/SBD more widely accepted as a form of payment.
    • Develop tools for the witness community to use.
    • Help fight plagiarism, spam, and abuse.
    • Start new initiatives to make the platform better.
    • Push to get STEEM/SBD accepted on more exchanges.
  • Good practice
    • Use the platform.
    • Actively curate.
    • Keep in touch by blogging.
    • Be a role model for how new users should act.
    • If you make a commitment, deliver.

Best Witnesses are the ones who can review code for hard and soft fork. After reliable block production this is the most important for blockchain reliability. Dissapointing to have ones who don’t review steemd code.

Witnesses are not all professional programmers. There are other ways to contribute to the platform besides coding.

There are lots more ways those witnesses can the platform down by not coding and reviewing C++

What about voting for witnesses that are sinking the boat by supporting plagiarists?

I don't understand that reply!

You and me both, friend.

I'm guessing he forgot the word "bring" between "platform" and "down" or something similar.

does it require advanced c++ or just the basics !!?

That's a good list. Thanks. In addition to the minimum criteria you mention, I want to vote for witnesses who work (and use income) to improve the Steem ecosystem. In particular, I'd like to see witnesses using their resources and roles to create teams for development or marketing. If someone does a particularly good job in one or more areas (e.g., funding app development), then I would not expect them to cover other areas (e.g. fighting spam). Some specialization there is fine.

Thank you for the concise list. I placed my first witness vote today. It is a lot of work to research it properly.

Sure is. Always research the recorded blogging history of users (using and their often separate witness accounts. Many users would make good witnesses, except they are emotionally unstable individuals that could potentially make rash decisions and even lash out at the community.

Thank You so Much such a nice post

thank you this post, I hoop you upvoted me.

Thanks to post

I was not clear what they were, but now I understand a little more in that they focus

Thank you for posting this @transisto.

I am often asked to give my vote also yet only have given a couple. I still have some powder left in the witness voting area.

This list helps a great deal in developing some criteria which to give my votes. It is easy to fall into looking at reputation or money received which really tells little. A terrific poster might make a terrible witness and vice versa.

Thank you for the guidance.

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