It Is Time for Separating Downvotes from Flags

in #steem7 years ago
votes and flags

New UIs, new users, flags, mixed functions, confusions, annoyances. We've spent enough time in the beta to see that this won't work well without separation.


In the end of 2016, after a long selection, I dedicated my mind to the Steem blockchain – until it deserves it. Steem hasn't disappointed me yet, and you could see on my account history that I don't lie about dedication (I don't like to).
After I've seen @asshole's "work", I've written an article about how we can defend our visibility and why I don't hate the troll. I've got some comments, and thought more about these kind of problems, looked for a long-term, future proof solution. What I'm writing here, is the result of this thought process (another thing why I don't hate @asshole; the whole thing started with them; and maybe it's because I like Joker's character).

joker meme
meme by @tibonova; click on the image for the scene uploaded by arcanus2344a

The Flag

The problem of the flag is that it isn't really a flag but a downvote plus a flag bundled into a tiny flag icon that everyone associates with "one did something wrong."

There is an advantage of this mix, namely when you don't like something and you think it will harm the community at the same time, you need to click only on one sign instead of two. But are there any disadvantages?

Reasons of the Separation Request

What happens if/when

  • I don't agree with somebody;
  • I don't agree with the payout amount of one's post;
  • I'm a semi-@asshole, who wants to downvote;

but I don't want to make their post less visible?

Now, I have to use the flag, there is no other option to balance out upvotes.
And what would happen when I or any user would use it like that? We have already known that thanks to @asshole: drama, confusion, annoyance, required explanations, hesitant new users, even fear about consequences. That is because they don't see a simple dislike but a well-known flag.

If the devs would just change the UI to show a simple downvote like on, we would just go to the other extreme. Everyone could push the dislike button without realizing that it is also a flag.

3rd Party UIs

With open-beta, we can see that the blockchain must to be separate from the UI as possible, as @steemitblog has already written. What am I talking about? Let's see a screenshot from a random test post.

dislike button
screenshot by @tibonova

@steemit shouldn't think that every developer uses the features of the blockchain the same way as they. Actually they don't do (they are in connection with

As you know that, is an UI, which means they are using the same blockchain (Steem) as @steemit. When somebody hit on the dislike button on, it appears as a flag on @steemit, because they are same.
Has somebody ordered chaos and drama? /s
The good thing is that shows the dislike button only in full post view, under the post. This makes pushing it after a short impression less likely. However, I think's example shows that well we need to separate different things.

KISS the Isolation

In @steemitblog's post, the organization made that clear that they develop Steem by the KISS principle while also isolating functions from each other. We could think that the separation of downvote and flag is against the KISS, but as I've written before, we can see it won't work well together. I use the same quote as they:

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. – Albert Einstein

Simplifying things on function level is isolation after all, which also means that one function should be viable in itself, the less dependency the better. Therefore separating two different things that developers could use with a greater freedom, is desirable.

The Functions of the New Buttons

Whith the separation, I would introduce a new flagging mechanism, where every flagger must make a (filterable) comment, where they have to explain the reasons of the flag. Since those comments could also have a flag, false flags could be counter-attacked by the community, and flaggers would think it twice before they risk their reputation.

The effects of flagging a post would be:

  1. Making a post less visible (like now)
  2. Harm the posters reputation (like now)
  3. Show the number of flaggers (like now, but they wouldn't contain any downvote-type flags [e.g. when sy. flag for too high payouts now, which would be deprecated with this proposal])
  4. Make a (filterable) comment section with the reasons of flagging for future discussions about the flags on the post

The downvoting wouldn't require any explanation, just like the upvotes. It's important that it would only harm the payout, not the reputation or visibility. Also, it would make available a new filter tab (like Trending now), the Controversial.

The effects of downvoting a post would be:

  1. Lower the post's payout
  2. Lower the upvotes number by the downvotes number
  3. Show a percentage or an indicator to let the users know the upvote ratio (otional, maybe it fits the votes dropdown better)

The Issue at Github

I'd wanted to open an issue, but after a search I saw that @timcliff has already opened one about this. I wanted to comment my ideas there but the discussion is closed. Nevermind, I've written that I had wanted here.

PS.:Sadly, I cannot manage to read a lot here (putting up this article has been taking me 7+ hours alone, and I have many more tasks), but I will look into @timcliff's witness work, as I met with his name many times, and I'll consider voting him for witness. It seems he put a lot of effort into making Steem better and he also seems a real community player.


I'm waiting for opinions for this post more than my regular posts. Your feedbacks are kind of a fuel to my mind. If you have better connections than me (it's not hard, for I spend little time here for building relations and I am forever alone, lol), you could send this proposal closer to the decision makers. I don't think mentioning @ned or @dan & @dantheman could work, so it depends on you. Six users should be enough. ;)

Image Credits

[1] by @tibonova is hereby released under CC0 1.0 Universal License and Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License.

Follow [tibonova⏷], upvote ⮹ (like 🖒), comment, resteem ↱ (reblog) and share – the power is yours from now! 🛀


I'm surprised this hasn't been done yet, we need downvoting button with power slider for whales that only affects payouts. We can all see the drama that follows flagging..

i think if you have enough sp, there is already a slider for both upvotes an dDVs

Has somebody ordered chaos and drama?

Yes, the steem blockchain has ordered it. The "flag" is a downvote. Plain and simple. The decision to misrepresent it (then showcase the misrepresenttion) on the steemit UI is the problem.

I don't think that the flag is only downvote.

Youtube could be a good example, where users have dislike button and also a flag. They have different use cases, and they should have on Steem, too.

Really great solution, before there is 50 or 100 or more @asshole's.

it's not that bad he is flagging everything in the "mainsteam" and many are on his tail upvoting at fractions , anyway even 1 vote equals his and you don't see anything , ie comment is shown and ther is no problem.

Thanks, I hope I've taken everything into account and it will stand the test of public discussion.

It seems to be a very logical solution, definitely worth discussion!

Hi @tibonova. Thanks for the kind words!

There is actually a lot of discussion about this behind the scenes. I think there are plans to have flags and downvotes be two separate things. It is largely a question of implementation at this point.

Time is also the other factor. Flagging is one of those things that needs to be figured out for the site to be successful, but it is not going to bring millions of new users to the platform. There are some other things that are higher priority at the moment, so any major changes to the flagging/downvote system are going to take a back seat for now.

I did submit a pull request a few weeks ago, which should hopefully be accepted and put up onto the live site soon. It will hide the flag counter from posts/comments so that they don't stand out compared to non-downvoted posts unless they are downvoted to the point that they have a negative voting score. It doesn't solve the whole problem, but it should at least alleviate some of the annoyances.

Putting customer aquisition before user retention is a horrible idea, imo.

I hear you. There are a lot of changes that need to be done between now and "non-beta". Flagging is definitely one of them. It is something that in theory could be done 'off chain' by just turning the current flag back into an actual downvote and adding a separate flag system at the GUI level. I think from Steemit's perspective they would rather focus on the major changes that are going to allow the system to scale (including support for sites like, and worry more about the UI level changes later this year / next year.

I don't agree with only UI level changes since it would be only on Steemit. I expect many more UIs and custom implementations where a downvote shouldn't be a flag.

No one could cry out flag abuse until this thing is done.

True. As multiple UIs pop up though - they all may want to handle 'flagging' differently, whereas a downvote will always be a downvote. There is still a lot to discuss regarding the way to handle this. Nothing is decided yet / set in stone.

I'm personally very confused about how does the reputation score work. I sometime downvote post that I believe have a too much exposure on the front page. By doing so am I affecting their rep score negatively more than what they've earned from the post ?

Do you know of where I could find the details of how it work ?

As long as the post payout is positive, then the user's reputation score will not go down. If someone downvotes a high paying post (but not enough for the payout to reach zero) then it just means the person's reputations score will go up less. (Since the post has a positive payout, the overall affect on the reputation from all the votes combined is still for it to increase.) Does that make sense?

Also, if you have a lower reputation than someone, no matter what you do - you cannot make their reputation go down. Only someone with a higher reputation can cause a score to go down.

There are a lot more details here (search for "reputation"):

If you have any other questions, let me know :)

A good proposal. There should also be a mechanism behind the flagging action to notify the support about it. With the support meaning a distinct user or role behind the UI being used. Noz the blockchain support. Which is non-existent :)

BTW - followed.

I write this comment like my proposal would be accepted without modification.

I think there would be UI-independent groups who would voluntarily investigate the flags behind the posts. They wouldn't need notifications from any "official" UI but a bot that would scan the blockchain continuously for flags. They could defend the poster, start a debate with the flagger via the flag comment section, or flag the post more when they see it appropriate.

I could think about @anyx as the best example. They were able to create @cheetah as a bot, and @steemcleaners as a community. They work solidly and very politely. I think they have the experience that it would take, and not they are/will be the only one in long-term.

OK. I agree. Yes, there should be some protocol in place and some semi-automated way to implement it. Otherwise, part of the meaning of the flag is lost.

Lower the upvotes number by the downvotes number

I'd rather see the actual #'s.

You are right, I mixed the backend logic with the frontend there, I should be more clear about what belongs to where... :/ The most important thing is Steem in this proposal, not Steemit. I look at Steemit as an UI (a very important one).
All in all, I'd let the UIs decide how they show (or not show) the data, but I'd separate data and functions at blockchain level.

I thing the solution is simple!

Like you said we need both... the flag button and the downvote/dislike button...

1.When you push FLAG apply a -100% "downvote"
2.When you push DISLIKE apply -5% downvote


Are you thinking about separation on UI level only?

First at UI level and whatever is proven successful could then applied on a blockchain level.

Then we agree on that the final solution must be implemented at blockchain level in the end.

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