LuvBug Blog Curation - 25th February 2024 ❤️

in #steem5 months ago

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It is always wonderful to discover awesome content and it is even better to make new connections with awesome individuals. The aim of these posts is to highlight both the content and the creators, so please take a moment to look through the posts, pick out the ones which appeal to you and give them a read and show them some support!

Each one of the five content creators featured in these LuvBug Blog Curation Posts will receive 10% of the total rewards, as well as a 100% upvote and resteem from this account. Let's help one another to grow and connect with awesome bloggers and content creators in this space!


It is impossible to find ALL the good content out there, so if you feel that one of your posts deserves some more love and attention or you would just like to share it because you believe it to be a good piece - please drop the link in the comments and I will do my best to get to as many as possible (within reason). Also - if you have spotted a really awesome blog by someone else, please feel free to share that in the comments too!

Moving on to the gems found...



25th February 2024



Good Things Take Time...

written by @soulfuldreamer

Bonding over maths, tears rolling here and there, I mediate sometimes, but it's mostly him and her.
Something unique, no interference do they seek, Yet full-blown tantrums, when silence is too bleak.
First-born's love, she is the daughter of her dad, He sat by her cot's side, long nights never sad.
The world followed, but in love's own art, She's always been the queen of his heart.
They fight and argue, and they do it like all, But they can't be away from each other for more than half an hour.



Small garden project

written by @iris08

Monday was holiday here, so I just worked 4 days this week. I even didn’t realize Friday is here already. Time flies! I have a small garden project to work on this coming weekend. Hopefully I can complete it. We concreted a walkway around the fence and leave some space between walkways and fence and covered with small rocks. It looks very clean and no maintenance needed.



Contest: Nurturing Little Lives

written by @patudoh

Indeed raising happy, healthy, and thriving little children is not a little or minor task. It is a huge responsibility that you must be fully prepared before you embark on as a parent. It is a wrong perception to say "born the children God will take care of them". Yes God will take care of them, still as a parent the sole responsibility of catering for those little ones right from day one to their maturity is completely your obligation.



Our Strange Minds: The "Downsides" of Being Unashamedly Ourselves

written by @denmarkguy

To what extent are we truly and fully ourselves, on our journeys through life? Do we feel free to be just that, or do we inevitably end up "self-censoring?" Just to be clear: I'm not talking about being deliberately boorish or engaging in outlandish behavior for no purpose other than to provoke reactions and outrage! I'm just talking about being authentic. Being authentic sounds really good, doesn't it?



Rostro de Mujer || Dibujo a lápiz de grafito

written by @nohe15

Vuelvo a tomar los lápices de grafito para dibujar y hoy compartiré con todos ustedes el Resultado de mi dibujo después de un tiempecito de no dibujar rostros en grafito, así que inicio creando los ojos claros de esta ilustración para dibujar luego el rostro entero, miremos un poco más adelante como va apareciendo la imagen.


Hope you enjoyed today's content selections!

Until next time...



#TheLuvBug was launched in March 2018 with the intention of supporting the really hard working and genuine content creators here on the Steemit platform by upvoting and resteeming their content and working in conjunction with @steemitbloggers. It would be AMAZING if we were able to support more people, more often - and with your help, we can do that!


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Poetry - keyword 'thirtheen'
It's German and there's an English version underneath.

Thank you so much for your compliment。

You're very welcome :)

Pleasure sweetheart! <3

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