STEEM: Whales Are Losing Their Power....The System Is Not Broken...Report through 4/30/2018

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I last reported the numbers in a post that covered through March 31, 2018.

Special thanks tho @arcange who runs these numbers everyday.

Now that we are at end of month, time to post the numbers again.

Here is the breakdown through March 31st.


The total MVests here is 385,184.

On a percentage basis:

Whales 61.74%
Orcas 17.74%
Dolphins 11.44%
Minnows 5.84%
Red Fish 1.34%
Inactive 1.91%


The total MVests here is 387,333.

On a percentage basis:

Whales 61.74%
Orcas 17.47%
Dolphins 11.49%
Minnows 5.96%
Red Fish 1.34%
Inactive 1.98%

The change over that time period is as such:

Whales +0%
Orcas -1.5%
Dolphins +.43%
Minnows +2.05%
Red Fish +0%
Inactive +3.66%



So what does this all tell us.


The rich are not getting richer. In fact, more of the pie is going to the smaller accounts.

On March 31th, the Whales and Orcas had 306,125 MVests (79.48% of the total); on April 30, 2018, 306,820 MVests (79.21% of the total)...a decrease of .34%.

The final thing that I wanted to mention is this number: 9,782.

That is the total number of people who are Minnow (around 500SP) or above.

My friends, that is called being an early adopter....

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This is turning into a confirmed trend!

Greetings, taskmastter

Thank you very much for putting this information. I'm just a little dolphin and I notice the difference between the prize I get for my posts and the whales and whales they get. But I am never discouraged. I know that if I continue in my rhythm, always active here, I will tend to grow more and more. Posts like yours motivate us to believe that we can step out of our small or intermediate fish positions and become a bigger fish. For this, work and focus are needed in the long run.

Thank you and good evening!!!

I think whales losing power has more to do with them selling more of their earnings, whereas minnows are powering up as much as they can to help increase their earnings.

Hope keeps descending. :)


Great information, thanks.

I appreciate your undying optimism and support for Steemit. I needed it today. I've been seeing an increasing number of influential people on here talking about how they're having a hard time and are considering other options. It's discouraging to hear so much negative stuff all the time. I wish Steemit would hire a PR person or customer service rep to help encourage people that issues are being noticed and that they're working on it. Despite that, it's nice to hear your perspective. I know I can count on you to have a positive view on things. :)

Very good to see these numbers. I am glad the system is designed to do this. Brilliant!

This is getting pretty serious ...The whales must be angry. Sure they don't like the outcome of losing their power.

It is normal...they post, they gain, they sell... and their earnings comes from our investment...

But, they Steem goes slowly to the little early adopters that are HODLing.

This is crucial for system to survive in the long term in my opinion. It is very encouraging to see this numbers. Hope this trend will continue, although in the end you get what you put in.

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