Newer People Should Be Posting 10 Times A Day

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I know this sounds odd coming from someone who continually espouses the virtues of commenting.

The reason I say this is not to increase your rewards significantly. In fact, the odds are if you are making nothing on 3 posts, you will get close to the same on 10 posts. So why should someone do this?

I feel this is a good approach because of all the different applications that are starting to emerge that could use support. It is a way for a newer person to get his/her numbers up while also gaining some recognition. Like with commenting, the more posts that exist, the better the chances of gaining a following.

One of the biggest objections to posting this often is that it is impossible to put up that much quality content in a day. If we are just looking at writing blogs, I would agree 100%. However, there are other applications that can fill the void. is a new application that could really use some support. This is a true linking site similar to Reddit. The learning curve is low since it mirrors Reddit so much. One simply needs to post a link to a quality article which takes under 30 seconds. Doing this 5-7 times a day is something that is within the realm of most people.

Steepshot is an Instagram type application where people can post pictures from their smartphones. This is another situation where the learning curve on the application is low and it takes very little time.

Zappl is the "Twitter" of the STEEM blockchain. Technically called "microblogging" this application allows for a maximum of 240 characters to be "zapped" out. One simply can put together a quick idea in a couple hundred words and convey it to everyone.

These three applications allow for one to post a great deal of quality content in a quick period of time. Due to what I consider a flaw in the Steemit coding, a newer person does not really have to worry about all the posts from those applications ending up on the blog section on Steemit. The reason why this gets to be a problem is because of the auto-upvoters that many people use. A large amount of posting will result in burning up someone's VP. Also, if one is popular enough, he or she runs the risk of taking an larger portion of the reward pool.

Quite frankly, a newer person does not have to worry about this.

So why should one do this if the compensation is not there?

To start, if you are on STEEM simply to make money, that is the wrong reason. Yes the prospects of making money are here yet it takes time and effort. STEEM is a compounding machine. One thing that people commonly overlook is one of the main factors in compounding is time. It takes time to build things up here. Posting at a greater rate often might help to accelerate it.

By being on this blockchain, you are a part of something much larger. We are involved in a revolution where someone other than a select few has the ability to create and distribute money. Each time you do something on this blockchain, you are helping in the battle to ensure those who are enslaving humanity are not in full control. We are at the early stages so all the help we can get is needed.

Finally, the bigger STEEM becomes the more the ecosystem benefits. This helps everyone who is on here. Each positive actions makes this blockchain stronger. Ecosystems are unique in that one benefit is spread across the entire system. A newer member posting quality content on a host of different applications makes each of those apps stronger. This translates into a positive impact on the whole.

Using some of the other applications is a great way to stand out from the crowd. Since a site like is just getting started, putting up a few posts there each day will get you recognized by some of those other people using that application. This will gain you followers. It is a much better way than posting a blog on Steemit in hopes that you are seen among the 20K other blog posts.

Give it a try.....see how it works.

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I did this when I was new to the platform and I would do a freewrite, a Steepshot and even 2 Zapples a day. Didn't get me a lot of votes and comments but it did help me create a following and I experimented what worked and what didn't until i found my niche.

I have now dialed back to creating longer posts which I publish once or max twice a day since I have some people who have me in autovote. I don't really want to burn through their VP and want to maintain a certain quality and standard in my work.

As I wrote before, maybe Steemit should to show only posts created with his dapp.

Well right now it is a jumble of content so all goes to the same feed and interest
Hopefully with hivemind and Communities it will have a sleeker way of filtering content and what you see.
Right now if I see someone who does 5-7 of those color challenges in a day I unfollow the person because it just fills my feed of things I am not interested in.

yeah that makes sense, there can be some kind of setting to tell it not to allow autovotes on certain posts.

That is a good point because having that kind of settings would help especially if a person does different things and you are only interested in a certain topic or way of posting.

I would do 10 a day too if it weren't for the people who have me on autovote

Ha I can barely keep with 2 posts a day but then it's mostly longer content I have now.

Do not agree with you. If you have no inspiration for 10 posts a day then better don't do that. I write article once or twice per week. Always prefer quality over quantity...

Even though I been here, steemit, a lot longer than some I still have not found a happy medium to posting. I did not know about the apps you mentioned using steemit blockchain. Will definitely start looking into them and if I like use them. Zappl looks nice as I tend to do a lot of twitting. Thanks!

Hi @taskmaster4450, with all respect, but I strongly disagree. I would not follow anybody who posts 10 times a day, no matter how much "quality" these posts have. Nobody can read a post feed from more than a handful of authors posting that often.

A good way to get noticed in my opinion is to leave meaningful comments on other peoples posts and engaging in discussions.

With Parley people can talk about topics they love by sharing articles already written.

That is true @taurus1983....

It is a great place to start conversations....need to try and funnel people over there first.

i think when steemit gets changed to communities it will also help things get moving along.
i find it is hard to know which tools to use or places to go because I dont know which apps cost what, whats a scam, who to trust with keys and so on..

but I will try posting more, ive almost abandoned facebook now- so ive more time. nothing to lose. I like how you put it, steemit is a compounding experience.

Its true, but many people will consider it spamming....

Maybe Steemit should to show only posts created with his dapp.

This could get interesting with Zappl. I signed in, tried a post and found a couple things. I could not change my profile picture from there. I also noticed that anything I posted there, shows up on my blog.

I think it has great promise, but I'm a little ambivalent about my blog starting to look like my twitter profile.

Thanks for pointing out the other apps on the blockchain, @taskmaster4450.

I have though a few times of doing something like this but with a different account because i have some amazing friends that added me to their auto vote list and i wouldn't want to be a burden to their VP! I have tried Steepshot already and its pretty handy for posting pictures!

Thanks for the comment @lunaticpandora.

Yes if you have a number of friends who have you on auto-voter, it is tough since you torch their VP.

A different account would work well for this purpose.

If they're using Steemauto they can actually select a maximum amount of posts to be upvoted each day per person

Hi Task! I came back to check this post out after a few days. I enjoy taking in your perspective and encouragenent on new things. Great of you to share! You're content has been really helpful as i have been getting used to steem and this new environment. I hope i can heed your advice and try some of these new apps out!! If one continues to offer meaningful posts it will still be interesting for readers.

thanks for posting this. I never heard of like many other folks on here. I try to pay close attention to advice for minnows like myself. Especially when it's coming from a high quality poster like you. Thanks!

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