Maximize STEEM: Throw The Entire World On The STEEM Blockchain (STEEM Manifesto???)

in #steem6 years ago

This is an idea I tossed around for a while. The components come from a variety of different sources. To be honest, I haven't fully worked out all the details in my head yet I thought I would spell it out for you.

It is obvious to anyone that income inequality is growing. A great portion of the world lives in extreme poverty and the western nations are starting to see the ill effects of the haves versus the have-nots. Some are even saying that it is getting so bad in the west that a country like India enjoys more class mobility than the US and that is a caste system.

There are many reasons for this so I will not go into it. The bottom line is no matter what the economic, political system, the result is the same.

Blockchain is a game changer. So are cryptocurrencies. We are starting to see some of the potential on the STEEM blockchain. The community that is forming, for the most part, is fabulous. There are thousands on here that I believe are truly concerned about the plight of humanity. They want to use this newest technology to help as many people as they can.

Most of you follow my Age of Abundance writing and how I arrive at the conclusions that I do. We are seeing a complete paradigm shift starting to kick off. This will continue for more than a decade until society is altered in almost every fashion. Technology will storm ahead and cannot be stopped. That said, it can be delayed by governments, human resistance to change, and the purveyors of FUD.

One of the projects that I dedicated myself to helping, in addition to STEEM, is Manna. Because of my views about technology and what I believe is coming, I feel that we are going to have to do something to counterbalance the extreme job loss that society is facing. I do not believe this time is like all others. We are facing a wave of autonomy, i.e. machines operating without humans. That was never seen before. Automation is one thing; what is coming is a totally new animal.

There are many debates about basic income with both sides being firm in their views. I do not enter into the debates because they really do not matter. By the time the debate is settled, it will be too late. Autonomous machines are rapidly approaching.

HP 3D printers are already printing out parts for HP 3D printers. This is the onset of machines creating machines. We also saw software programs write other software programs. These are in the very early stages of developments but it will not be that way for long. I expect rapid advancement in both these areas.

So what is the answer?

My solution is to throw the entire world on the STEEM blockchain. Do that and we solve many of the problems.

We already see many projects on here trying to help others out. There is @steembasicincome and @tribesteemup. We have @minnowbooster. There are curation trails. I suggested a Minnow uprising in the month of July to try and overwhelm the reward pool to increase the percentage of holdings of the smaller accounts. There is the dollar a day program. Laptops being given away. And a host of other initiatives that help people out.

At the same time, we are awaiting the Smart Media Token technology. This will enable the creation of many applications that design their own tokens. This is a monumental game changer which can enhance the entire ecosystem.

@ned has proclaimed that SMTs are out to "tokenize the Internet". He also said he feels it is his job to get 100K entrepreneurs on the STEEM blockchain in 5 years.

I really dislike when people set low goals.

STEEM needs to have millions of entrepreneurs on this blockchain and forget the Internet, just put the entire world on here.

That should be our focus.

Here is the deal. Presently we basically have two types of entities. There are public entities and private ones. Each serves its purposes while having drawbacks. Depending where one stands, usually on the political spectrum, determines which side is favored. Of course, we know the line between the two entities is often blurred. In China, many "private" corporations are really just fronts for the government. Even in the US, often the government is a puppet for the corporations. Alas, the golden rule.

Fortunately, in moving us towards autonomous machines, technology is also providing us with another option. Enter autonomous organizations (DAO-decentralized autonomous organizations/DAC-decentralized autonomous corporations). These entities are basically run with little to no human interaction.

And that is the game changer.

Forget a hundred million people on the STEEM blockchain, there is a way to get billions on here.

Have the STEEM blockchain alter the path of humanity by creating a DAO for the services out that people use and paying anyone Steemians a basic income out of the profits. In other words, as you can guess, throw the entire world on STEEM.

Let me explain.

Blockchain + cryptocurrency +AI = A new collective paradigm: DAO/DAC.

Autonomous organizations, ie machines and software, do not understand greed. They have no use for money outside meeting the basic expenses required to operate. Profit is unnecessary to them. It is only humans that require profit since it is how we fund ourselves. It is often where unethical behavior enters the picture.

There are plenty of services that people are going to be paying for that will end up creating a profit. However, if we continue on the path we are on, it most likely will flow into the hands of corporations. We see this battle taking place right now on a small scale with cryptocurrency. The battle with the private Wall Street vultures is occurring in some countries while the public entities (governments) are inserting themselves in others. Ultimately, they will both be washed away but it will take some time and a lot of carnage.

This is where STEEM and DAOs enter the picture.

It is time we took ownership of these services away from these entities and put them on the STEEM blockchain.

So who would own them?

The STEEM community i.e nobody...or everybody, depending upon how you look at it.

Hence, DAOs are created that provide services to people around the world yet operate on the STEEM blockchain. All the entrepreneurs who are creating on here are part of the collective community. Of course, the fact that we have cryptocurrency means we can incentivize individual behaviors and reward people on an individual level for their contribution.

The profits from each DAO would be shared with every single Steemian. We would essentially become Wall Street except buy in is nothing. Any person on the planet is eligible to receive this. It is unconditional.

Of course, true digital identity will need to be created first, something that organizations such as Microsoft and Civic are working on.

Here is an example of what I mean.

AI is getting to the point where it can create all types of content. We are seeing it generate music, video, and articles. In a couple years, putting together a television program or a movie will not be outside the abilities.

So we create Steemflix. This is a streaming service of AI generated entertainment. A token is created for this which is used to pay for any costs associated with entity. Obviously, there will be programmers who create the interfaces, people in the shows, and other production people. Those people are paid for their contributions. A portion of the library though, such as documentaries, will be almost exclusively done by software.

Each person pays a monthly subscription just like they are doing now. However, instead of benefiting a Wall Street corporations, the profits go to the STEEM community ie everyone in the world who decides to sign on.

What about autonomous rides? Enter Stuber.

Once again, a SMT is created for this application. The Ride token is used for transactions related to this application. Cars are purchased, perhaps through a crowdfunding. Like with @steemhunt, those who fund the initiative are paid in Ride in exchange for their STEEM (or whatever token is used for funding). Since the car will be autonomous, there will be no driving cost other than the electricity used. There will be periodic maintenance which, in a car full of sensors, will be scheduled automatically. The car can take itself in for service and pay with the Ride token.

In this instance, the profit could be a 50/50 split. Half the money is paid out to all the Steemians. The rest of the money is accumulated for further expansion. The system can then move to different geographic areas or further penetrate a particular market.

Speaking of the electricity, the charging stations can also be part of this application. Ride tokens pay for that service, which then can be used to expand it.

There are other options too.

How about SteemBNB?
Want to trade stocks? Steembrokers at your service.
Selling a home? Steemestate
SteemEnergy could use crowdfunding to set up microgrids that are run by the blockchain.

And the list goes on.

Rewards are paid based upon contributions. Bounty programs are available for marketing and spreading the word. As I mentioned, programmers and others who are developing the interfaces and back end applications are paid directly. Maintenance and upkeep are rewarded.

Need to do some shopping? Steemazon
Where does Steemazon get the products from? Steem3D (printing)
The Steem Drones deliver the products.

Of course, Steemazon pays Steem3D for the printing and Steem3D pays SteemDrones for delivery....don't want any humans messing up the works.

Don't forget about Steem-e-sports for the gamers out there.
Our genome has value? Good. Let researchers pay SteemGenome.
While we are at it, our SteemMedData?

Are there any Steemians who are medical researchers? If there are a billion Steemians, I bet there would be a few. Time to set up the SteemMedResearchLabs. Who better to cure cancer than Steemians?

Obviously, a lot of these initiatives get away from the DAO concept, at least as they stand now. However, as the different components of AI advance, much of the research world will be automated, if not outright autonomous.

Hence, we have a system where individuals are rewarded for their efforts. Every individual is taken care of since all Steemians (humans) share in the profits. Entrepreneurship is alive and well since innovators have incentive to keep innovating. Through the token creation process, they can be rewarded for the idea and start up of the project. All are taken care of yet also are free to further enrich themselves through their efforts and ideas.

Of course, this will not benefit the fat cats of Wall Street, the bankers, and that third party verification system called the government. Alas, if their demise is the price humanity has to pay, so be it. We can try to make due.

The age of machines driven by the different forms of AI is coming. We are going to see this expanding over the next couple decades. Instead of fearing it and allowing great suffering because of it, why do we not embrace it? Using it to our (humanity's) advantage will only unleash the power. The threat of AI is diminished when it is out of the hands of greedy corporations and corrupt governments. It is amazing how much safer things are when bankers and politicians are removed from the picture.

The basis for these ideas come from a few different areas. The problem is that most are either small initiatives or somehow involve governments. Neither of those concepts will solve the problem. We have some big issues in front of us yet, fortunately, have powerful tools at our disposal (and getting more so in the future...check out singularitynet to see about open AI on the blockchain).

People have incentive to use these applications since they share in the profits. As a member of the STEEM community, we are all part of the ecosystem. Would you rather pay for a service where your money goes in the pockets of those on Wall Street or all of humanity? The answer tends to be pretty clear.

It is time we start thinking collectively. STEEM is the perfect place to do this since there is already a large community that thinks in this manner. We are not alone in this view. As the tools of change emerge, we can be the leaders to push this.

Steemians are humanity; humanity is Steemians.

When does the Steem Asteroid Mining Token come out?

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In full disclosure this is a referral link


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would be great if there were wide spread adoption of steem would likely destroy the media gatekeepers of facebook and twitter over night

It is obvious to anyone that income inequality is growing. A great portion of the world lives in extreme poverty and the western nations are starting to see the ill effects of the haves versus the have-nots. Some are even saying that it is getting so bad in the west that a country like India enjoys more class mobility than the US and that is a caste system.

Income inequality in the West is increasing. However, income inequality between countries is decreasing.

See this visualization by the brilliant Hans Rosling:

Amazzing video!
I really enjoy your posts @taskmaster4450
Keep spreading your interesting thoughts woth us.
I read you almost everyday! :)

Amazing dreams. I have thought about these too. They will definitely come to pass on this blockchain. It's just a matter of time.

Great ideas. I hope this Steem Dream comes true. Thanks fir sharing.

@taskmaster4450 Now that is Forward Thinking and I wonder if all the things you just mentioned will happen here on Steemit or will EOS take a lions share of this ??

It all depends on us all. Not even Steemit Inc. What we do or do not do will bring or not bring these to life here!

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

Glorious big changes ahead. It's sure obvious the way things are 'operating' is absokutely nor working. I.e., children being separated from parents and living in tents straight out of a war scene.... right before our eyes. There has to be a better way. And, i love the reference to 'tokens' rather than the current term 'crypto' which has dark and creepy tones to me. Yay Tonkens! Thanks for your solutions based blog posts. I for one really appreciate your outlook. And, will do my best to post 4/ day in July while spending my votes on minnows as much as possible. It will be tricky but I hope the big fish will be supportive. Peace, Love & Joy to you @taskmaster4450

You will certainly be on the invitation list for what I have in mind @taskmaster4450 - our sentiments regarding a fair distribution of fulfillment capacity appears to be virtually identical!

You have my interest peaked @clicketyclick.

I look forward to what you are planning...

Hope not to disappoint @taskmaster4450 - Think it's a workable method enabling every single accountholder in the platform to participate in the real economy from a healthy base.

Willing to donate the concept to a team able to make the best of it!

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