Token flows, cryptofying communities and gaming Steem

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

With so much going on at Steem currently, what I have noticed in myself is that there is a little bit of confusion on what exactly I should be doing. Don't get me wrong, I am just going to keep on posting like normal anyway, but there are other games afoot that I am unsure about. Do I buy some PAL and stake it? Should I start vlogging and podcasts? Perhaps I should create a TarazCoin?

What is the best way to go?

This is the confusion I have been talking about for quite awhile that I see as a driver of Steem in the future as while the platform decentralizes, many more games open up meaning that there are a lot more and increasingly diverse opportunities to participate. The complexity involved will make it hard for any one person to game the system efficiently as every approach will have pros and cons attached to it.

This is fantastic, isn't it?

While there are going to people who take the easy approach and keep doing what they are currently doing, there are gong to be others who will take the foot in the door approach and push their way into the ecosystem to carve out a place for themselves. The opportunity on Steem is enormous for the future regardless of what people may believe or experience now.

One of the benefits of Steem is that there is a low barrier of entry to build on the blockchain and because it is feeless, the cost to users can be more accurately managed. A large community that is non tokenized already has to pay for their userbase in some way but for most of them, going to a crypto experience is going to cost them more than it might be worth.

However in time, non-crypto communities can join up to Steem and potentially even have support along the way to advise them on how best to tokenize and empower their current community without it costing the earth or having to start from scratch. There are already platforms developing that are able to do this to some degree and in the end it might be possible that either Steem will integrate with the community in question or, the information they have can be ported over with the relevant info blockchained.

There are obviously lots of benefits for a community to tokenize even if those tokens aren't worth much at all to begin with, or ever as it builds a gamified experience that users will start to attach to and use to gauge and relate with the experience. This gamification is what is happening on Steem now as there are more and more platforms with numbers getting attached to them and various rating systems that people love to get as feedback, even if not an earner. The internet is full of them already and the games have been full of them for quite a few decades already, even if it was nothing more than bragging rights to have a top score on the Space Invaders arcade game.

What all these numbers do is give indicators to direction and a user can build meaning into the ones they think are important for them, while someone else might not care about that metric at all. What is your most important Steem metric do you think? SP? Post count? Upvote value? Average post earnings?

With growing complexity of the ecosystem but decreasing barriers to entry and simplification of front ends, users are going to find themselves building an experience profile that is unique to them as each will choose to utilize the Steem blockchain in different ways and using a varying set of tools. Continually developing gamification experience makes gaming the system increasingly difficult and the broader the usecases and spread of users, the less impact those who do game the system have as it is being gamed all over the platform.

Steem is made to be gamed.

The problem is that it was too easy for some people to game it over others with behaviors that are not overly healthy, which led to a gross imbalance in resource allocation early on an continues today, but this is changing in multiple ways and not just through the spread of Steem. This is just the early phases of course and I do believe Steem is the coin to hold onto as it powers the platform like electricity, but people should be exploring the ecosystem breadth and seeing what tools are available to them that they may be better suited to wield.

So many things going on, so little time to play. What happens when there are ten million users spread across a thousand applications? It is going to be a lot of fun, that's what.

[ a Steem original ]


I have tried out palnet and I like that I am getting now palcoin and steem on a post. So I just bought another 475 palcoins while at a cheap price to add to my airdrop and staked it all.

Posted using Partiko Android

What is "cheap" today, may be not at all in a few days

Exactly right.

Posted using Partiko Android

Steem is made to be gamed.

This was the problem I first had with Steem, but now I don’t see it as a bad thing. It is what it is. It’s still early days. If Steem is around in five years it will be many many times better than it is today and the bad behaviours as a result of this gamification will not really be a thing anymore.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I am hopping that with the EIP and the application growth there would be more 'games' to play that add value to the ecosystem, rather than just the individual.

What a great way to look at it and a neat time to take and analyze a snapshot.

I feel like I am missing out on some of the gamification of the platform and perhaps not growing my stake as quickly as I could. It only gets more complicated from here and I really do like that.

As steem powers tokens which power applications which power communities, sitting on a cache of fuel is going to really become powerful.

So good man!

Posted using Partiko iOS

As steem powers tokens which power applications which power communities, sitting on a cache of fuel is going to really become powerful.

This is my prediction and position at least. =)

We have been waiting a long time for this to start. It has and I am no ware ready. Hahaha. That’s life.
I am on the boat with a ticket. :)

I have missed out so many good things (in crypto space) during my recent trip to Madagascar, and have a busy time now to "catch up"

I hope you have pictures to share
Catch up when you are ready. Every one is still here and thats crypto. :)

:D more ready than most I'd say.

I quite like how it’s diversifying like an edgy hydra. Mostly because between the original long form blogging thing and dtube I now have everything I want conveniently in one spot (more or less).

You don’t need to be everywhere. In fact you probably shouldn’t be everywhere, you’ll stretch yourself too thin and then won’t have the resources to do any of them well 😆 trying out new things is always good though 🙃

Though you talking about all the tokenisations reminds me of a dystopian short story I read on here somewhere sometime in the last couple of years 😳

Posted using Partiko iOS

I quite like how it’s diversifying like an edgy hydra.

Me too.

trying out new things is always good though

This is the thing of it, I would like to try stuff but don't have the time to set it up and psyche myself for it :D

Though you talking about all the tokenisations reminds me of a dystopian short story I read on here somewhere sometime in the last couple of years

It has the potential for it. ;D

That lack of time thing is the worst isn't it XD I reckon it's just setup that might be a problem for you as you don't seem to be the type that would take too long to psyche yourself up XP

But I don't want things to be dystopian D:

If someone will create TarazCoin it might just as well be you. It's like securing your domain name early on. I hope you have already bought a domain name for your daughter because when she is ready to use it, it might not be available anymore. Same will be with coins, I think.

Posted using Partiko Android

I haven't but I probably should get on that :)

I haven't but I probably should get on that :)

You could just use their tag and grow your PAL organically. If you think the token has legs then buy and stake while ppl are dumping their claimdrops on the market.
I'm commenting as a take a short break from coding PALCoin support into @we-are. That'll help spread some PALCoin about.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yep, it is interesting. I have about 2500 staked on Pal now. Bought some very high the other day :D

question, OCD or vote selling? seems to me if i'm going to play this PAL game makes no sense to have a high steem upvote value. been getting wrecked by manual curating with steem anyway - time taken and return is BS! guess you guys all know that, i'm still catching up lol. Will wait for the EIP until then PAL is my pal lol

I have no idea whether PAL is going to do anything at all but there will hopefully be a way to disconnect from Steem at some point other wise it is a bit crzy, especially for the larger accounts. I hope the EIP comes soon.

Yeah, I would like my PAL stake to be worth SOMETHING but I can’t seem to even give out any PAL to good content , despite having 550 staked atm.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I did similar. The only thing i appologize is i've paid way to much for some PAL's just a few days ago. PAL price is still going down . How low it can drop ???

LOL yeah, I paid 30 Steem for 30 pal. didn't know about the airdrop otherwise I would have predicted the dump. Perhaps the airdrop should have been staked automatically? oh well.

You are not the only one such. But now i keep buying em at huge discounts.
Just wondering - why people dump ???

Free money!! The same people will later complain how unfair it is you bought yours so low. Same cycle every time.

Good content will come. I expect we'll see the rise of PAL specific curation trails soon.

Posted using Partiko Android


Why not! if you want to brand yourself there is value in it! :)

I could distribute it to all the people who don't flag me when the free flags come.

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