The Steem streets: Looking for a place to invest

in #steem6 years ago

Steemit is a very attractive platform for the small content creators, the struggling artist or the musician, the authors and a whole range of diverse writers. It is also very attractive to those battling, those looking to cover bills, the unemployed the struggling. For many, there is almost nothing to lose but, a lot to gain from being on Steem.

But, what about the investors? I am not talking about the first ones in, I am talking about the new investors who may be looking for a crypto space to buy into. Is it attractive?

Yes, trending is a joke and all of the spam and low quality content doesn't help the view but, are they things that large investors care about? Do they care about the spam or the quality of content at all? Would you?

If I was a large investor I would likely not care as much about the user base (other than it growing) and would concern myself with the other end of the scale, the governance. That is the place that has the greatest potential to either maximize my value or, destroy it as it is they who can make the decisions on the blockchain changes that will affect the mobility of value. It would be their behaviors that would make or break my investment.

Now, essentially we are all investors here at different levels if we hold Steem Power, which, we all do otherwise our accounts are immovable. But, if a very large investor was coming in, even though they have stake, they are still at the mercy of the decision makers, the witnesses, the board of directors.

In a company, that board has the express goal of maximizing shareholder value and, if they fail to do so, the board is relatively easy to replace by shareholder vote. Here however, that boards own votes count and they are among the largest votes on the platform. A stake based board where the board members can essentially choose if they are there or not is a risk to the investment.

The next thing I would have to look at is the behavior of that group and if I observed that the board who can almost vote themselves in through collusion was acting in their best interest as shareholders over the groups best interest, that would likely be a deal breaker as it would mean that my investment could be severely limited to increase their investments which might not be anywhere near as large as my own. Imagine trusting 10 million to someone who s trying to maximize their own 500,000 at any cost. The cost might be my ten million.

The passive curation returns of 20-30 percent are great but, the coin is still subject to the same pressures as other coins and could plummet to zero. Add the risk of a board who are not bound to act in my best interest and, the risk is similar to any other coin on the market perhaps. The difference with other coins is that the governance and their members are not visible in the same way. Does this make me more or less likely to invest into a coin other than Steem?

Perhaps more as it seems less risky to invest into something that seems decentralized in comparison to Steem which puts all of the behaviors on display. Good and bad. I would assume that if I was a large investor, I would do my due diligence and hire someone to explore viability for investment. What would be found? Are the witnesses acting in the best interest of the community (shareholders) or, in the best interest of themselves? If my expert looks at the behaviors of other large accounts, would they be acting for longevity or a short game? I would have to look at these kinds of things to weigh the risk exposure of my investment.

The attraction of having a real community to back my investment is very appealing however, if the governance over the code is being deliberated upon by people primarily interested in their own investments and motivated to maximize themselves, that is going to fall heavily in the negative. My stake would give me a voice however, 5 million vests only gives me a chance to affect the positions from about 15-20 in the witness list which doesn't give much of a voice. Once I was invested in, the top witnesses may listen but, there is no guarantee, and I am not invested yet.

The next thing I would look at is the sustainability of the platform behaviors themselves and whether the actions of the community are the kinds of things that would likely build a support base.That would include things like how the community deals with bad actors and system abusers who limit the growth potential. If there was one user taking too much stake or, one group of users taking too much, that would affect the future stability of the platform. If they were obviously negative and too large for the smaller community to deal with, I would look back to the largest accounts and the governance.

If the accounts charged with increasing shareholder value were passive or even supportive of harmful actions, that would throw up even more flags adding additional risks to my investment. If there are some accounts that are growing largely unchecked and those accounts also happen to be governance accounts, more flags again as there would be a conflict of interest between the position of work for the shareholder wealth and maximize personal wealth. The incentive for potential corruption is high.

I don't have millions to invest but I wonder if Steem is a large investor attractive platform. Yes, there are large investors here but, many of the largest accounts are early adopters, miners or bought 6-7 cent Steem. Steem is 3 dollars now which means in a stake based platform, to have the same say as someone who bought in (and didn't grow since) at 7 cents, I would need to buy 40 times as much in dollar value. Meaning, if they spent 100,000 last year, I need to spend 4 Million today. That is a significant difference. But, it is a difference that doesn't matter to the same when buying another coin as it is not stake based, it is just market based and it is liquid.

This is not really my area so now, I open it up to the audience to discuss so I can learn. What other factors am I missing or considering poorly in regards to my investment?

[ a Steemit original ]


I'm of the opinion that we are not 100% there yet. I've done some pitching to big investors myself, just came back from a trip and I made it a point to spend some time doing so, but some of the challenges of Steem raised some eyebrows.

To me, some of the issues make it a very high risk move will be solved with communities, with a better policed system or maybe even with an SMT that solves the issues with distribution, but then again I'm also aware I could just be speaking with bias.

As much as you and I dislike bidbots they can be a way to attract invesment, meaning that someone who has absolutely no interest in making content or curating can simply buy steem delegate to a bot and profit, but the issues that rise from those actions are obvious to most of us.

I suspect that the moment where we find a more sustainable passive way of generating income for investors these concerns will be addressed, meaning that if more services, more products become available on this blockchain, maybe by the implementation of an escrow service or banking functions (think neoxian) at a wider scale, we might be able to offer fertile ground for new money while maintaining some of the integrity and Ethos we are supposed to live by.

Aggroed made a post about bots yesterday, a good read... I agree with most of it, and its always good to get the other side of the story.

Yeah I read the post but it really doesn't change anything does it? Something needs to change but, I can't change it, you can't change it, 99.9 percent of the community don't seem able to change it.

Perhaps the Steemit account should upvote burn posts 100 percent 10x a day and show what pulling on the pool really does.

Steemit is a very attractive platform for the small content creators, the struggling artist or the musician, the authors and a whole range of diverse writers. It is also very attractive to those battling, those looking to cover bills, the unemployed the struggling. For many, there is almost nothing to lose but, a lot to gain from being on Steem.

Accurately expressed

Yes, trending is a joke and all of the spam and low quality content doesn't help the view but, are they things that large investors care about? Do they care about the spam or the quality of content at all? Would you?

To be honest i wouldnt care, i would observe it, but i might just think they are glitches or something, imagine im a large investor and i make a post about trends of steem, and i receive a comment saying, nice dog, i will think its a glitch and just look away, eyes on my wallet and the chart.

A lot of large investors are not bloggers, but we are too quick to classify users based on their wallet holdings lol.(im guilty). If im a large investor, i would like posts that have a full package of what would interest me and a medium level of language fluency with effort. Simple, where the system works fine.

governance tho is a constant interest

The passive curation returns of 20-30 percent are great but, the coin is still subject to the same pressures as other coins and could plummet to zero

I dont think i can ever come out of the denial of this

The passive curation returns of 20-30 percent are great but, the coin is still subject to the same pressures as other coins and could plummet to zero. Add the risk of a board who are not bound to act in my best interest and, the risk is similar to any other coin on the market perhaps. The difference with other coins is that the governance and their members are not visible in the same way. Does this make me more or less likely to invest into a coin other than Steem?

This visibility is quite key as it puts the half the success of my investment into human hands and not entirely computerised and also is tied in a way to their success. Awesome leverage for me as a large investor unlike other coins. I think this might just be my standing point

The trick for people that don't have money is always to enter the beginning, right now there is not much you can do if you don't have much money like me. I'm currently taking a look on other projects "based" on steem, like the smoke network and vice industry token :)

Agreed that investors will look at the governance of Steem. If I had millions to invest, I would first see if I could sway that in my favor. At the very least, I would have discussion with a few of the big whales. I would not invest where there was great risk of the platform going bust due to poor management. If I were a smart investor, I would realize the worth of this blockchain is not in the oligarchs who run it, but in the minnows... the normal everyday folk. Without them, the oligarchs' investments become worthless. I would want to ensure the oligarchs realize that and focus on them instead of themselves.

  • If I felt comfortable enough, I would invest mainly for the potential of the "big boys" coming to play. I'm talking about the major corporations of the world, like Proctor & Gamble. It will be interesting to watch when they decide to test the water of Steem by dipping their big toe in the pool. It's not a matter of if, but when...

For instance, I recently ran across this article
Proctor & Gamble spent $7.1 billion in 2017 for advertising.

[They] ... cut digital advertising spend by $200 million last year based on viewership data provided by tech and media companies that showed its ads were not reaching its target audience effectively.

Could they reach their target market more easily here on Steemit? Maybe...

  • If they used just a small portion of that budget, they could create a marketing dream come true here on Steemit. They could create a community of users of their products (anyone who washes things or uses toilet paper... Here's a list of their brands). Then pass on coupons, run promotions, reward testimonials, ... They will have a whole team of marketing experts studying how best to do this. Contests would be a good way for them to create buzz about a new product.

They would probably put their IT guys to work setting up a method for them to mine data from the blockchain. Someone mentions a new baby, voila, a P&G upvote to get your attention and comment with a link to printable coupons for Pampers. Personalized, of course, with your special code, so the marketers can see when and if you use the coupons.

  • They probably would be interested in the governance of the blockchain. They want eyeballs. They want Return on Investment. It's all a numbers game to them. If they saw too many red flags, they would wait until a competitor got their ducks in a row and end up focusing there. Example of a red flag that would turn off the big advertisers is the poor signup process. In this day and age of instant everything, having to wait weeks if not months for registration is ridiculous.

You have brought up an interesting topic and I look forward to the discussion...

Hi Taraz. I think the investor will only look at the dollar value of the coin Steemit. How is it being mined is there enough being mined for it to grow. Steemit has been going up in value and as you said is around $3 each. You have to take the platform out of the equation and only invest in the coin. Personally if I had millions to invest would I? I probably would because it is a working application and the value has to go up. $3 is nothing as most working application coins will be 10x that in the not so distant future.
I have written a bit about Verge recently being a "sexcoin" now. Who cares it is being used for what it was designed for. it will make money and so will Steemit.

Are we confusing steemit with STEEM? As a blockchain, STEEM is holding up well as a resilient platform delivering the fastest transaction processing speed whilst dealing with amongst the highest number of transactions. As an investor, this has to be attractive.

I also believe its lack of effective marketing is its strength right now. Once more people fathom the potential of this platform, I personally believe there is plenty more upside.

No. Steem has double the transactions and averages about 1.7m a day... sure. The problem is, the next blockchain is likely to be faster. The competitive advantage of steem in the long-term is a community that backs it.

I think there's only one promising feature of steemit, which is the SMT, i want to believe that could be a whole reason to invest.

After reading your last few posts, I think I need to start eating more iodine!


The problem of most cryptocurrencies from top 50 is real life application. All these projects have been here for some time. They have to have some real applications already. Most of them dont't. And now look at Steem. It fullfilled original promises and has a working real life application. Steem now have a comunity and a real value behind it.

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