The beauty in accidental poetry

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I am not big fan of automated comments but, I really enjoy @haikubot which detects Haiku and leaves a haiku in comment format. I have never actually knowingly written a Haiku until this little bot popped up a month ago and started commenting on the platform. I know that many don't like such things and see them as Spam and I definitely don't want a million and one bots doing something similar but at times, the poems it creates are quite thought provoking and poignant.

Here are some I have selected from the last 24 hours:

Advice for the ages, @meesterboom

Wisdom at the core, @everittdmickey

Duty and dedication, @girasol149

Art through audience, @donnadavisart

Experience and reflection, @papa-pepper

Building the imagination, @oldtimer

Comraderie in understanding, @corpsvalues

Inspiring the masses @zoneboy

Flirting with the dark side, @natubat

The roads we take, @angloexplorer

And my favourite:


To stop, is to die, @dailyxkcd

There is a lot of crap content on this platform and although none of these people intended to write poetry, here it is, art in the mundane, beauty in the unexpected. For me this little bot shows that with a little bit of thought, a little bit of understanding and work, anyone can create a masterpiece. Yes, these are just random Haiku but here they are, created.

People talk about quality of content and this is what can happen accidentally so, what can be done with intention? What can be done when instead of aiming for votes, one aims for beauty in what they do, in whatever they do? It doesn't matter if you are not an artist, there is beauty in math and science, in a research lab or in the fixing of a car engine.

We spend our lives looking for reward in some form or another, perhaps we should put in our heart, learn to use our hands and minds and, create something beautiful instead. At least from time to time.

Thank you to the accidental poets over the last 24 hours and to @haikubot for unearthing them.

[ a Steem original ]

Edit: Lol, two in a night... on fire!


Well, it got me on a few today too. haha, kind of bad timing.

mental primal scream - deafening verbal submissive silence

My attempt at One line (monoku)

Doubt the bot is ready for that epic level Haiku. I actually had a friend from Hawaii in grade school named Hoku... wonder if there was any relation! hahaha

I could do with or without it it doesn't Matter which way it goes. There is no harm In it compared to other bots and if it makes someones day for a quote more power to it.

There are some utter nonsense bots but then, there is also a large percentage of humans here adding less value to the blockchain than this 😂

I don't care for the bot. I tried replying "Stop" and other similar phrases, but the only reply I got was a snarky (non-haiku) comment from the bot owner telling me if I didn't like it I could mute it. Seems like any bot you can't opt out of is just spam. Yes, I could mute it, but I'd rather not have its replies on my pages. Then my followers are still subjected to it. Just my opinion. :)

I think every bot similar should have a stop function but almost none do.

That would be really nice. I would support requiring the bots to offer an opt out. It's just common courtesy, but apparently that has to be regulated at this point in time. People don't want to consider what impact their actions (or their bot's actions) might have on others and give the person the opportunity to choose not to be bothered.

What makes it worse is that it takes no time, energy or effort for the person to have their bot comment. If it were someone who was just obnoxious, then at least it was mentally costing them something. As it is, it bothers some of those who receive the message, but the bot operator doesn't even have to think about it. Life is strange.

The Haikubot sculpts
Words that seem to have no form
into great beauty

Haikus are easy,
But sometimes they don't make sense,

What can be done when instead of aiming for votes, one aims for beauty in what they do, in whatever they do?

It's really hard, I say that because even I am trying. That's the only real way to enjoy this platform though

That's the only real way to enjoy this platform though

I think it is the way to enjoy life too. Do things that are worth doing the best you can do them and there is beauty. If not in the result, then in the journey.

Lol, I am similar. I tend to dislike bots but the haiku bot has struck me as a little something different. I like it a lot!

most of what it catches is 'nice post' kind of stuff because of the length but really, there are some quite beautiful ones I have read and like yours, some good advice :)

Absolutely! The ones above are excellent examples!

Some people think this bot is spam, but I have found it quite comical.

I believe I have only been visited by it twice; both times unexpected.

It is funny that they are computer generated but sometimes they are meaningless but sometimes they hit home. I love it when it says it has detected haiku though. Sometimes you may consider it as a compliment if your comment gets the haiku treatment.

Yes, they aren't all home runs but it does feel a little special to get 'detected'. This was my second only I think. I might write too much... :D

You have done well with the amount of comments to only have two. Normally picks up short sarcastic ones so expect you to pick up a lot more lol.

I edited at the bottom as I got another a few moments ago.. I think it fits the 'sarcastic' side of me ;)

Are you sure you are not the haiku bot or maybe behind it.

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