Shine a light to Premium

in #steem5 years ago

A few weeks ago, @steemitblog mentioned the possibility of "light" accounts that are stripped down versions of owned accounts. How I see it is that these could be used as unnamed accounts that are able to be given Resource Credits (delegation pools are close to release) so that they can interact without them being able to have draw on the inflation pool, except by those who vote on them.

However, as these are light accounts that are essentially owned by the issuing application, that value could be withheld by the application or the earnings they attract split to cover costs of the application.

For example, a user could be given a free account immediately loaded with 50 SP worth of Resource credits and they can start posting. Whatever it earns could be split 50/50 between user/application with the user side going toward the purchase of the account, at which point the user gets a full account wallet with keys and from then on, all earnings are their own. Because the light account is firstly owned by the issuing application, behavior of the account can be somewhat controlled including the learning required to get the most out of account ownership.

There are several ways to do this but, what this could allow is that an application can "recycle" accounts by using some kind of unique identifier that allows one account to be leveraged by many users where they take control of it on login, and lose control on logout. The tracking of the identifier could provide a name that the a future owned account would hold but, it would come with a logo of some kind that says that it is not owned yet, but on hold. There are many technical ways to implement this that the devs can work on but, it means fewer accounts are needed and many fewer will be burned in churn.

What this does is create a differentiation between User and Owner level accounts and this is something that needs to be considered when looking at the value of something. Too cheap, too easy to get and - there is very little personal value in it but once there is a cost involved, thoughts of exclusivity come into play, something I have talked about often enough before.

Steem shouldn't be all inclusive for earnings, but it should always be all inclusive for potential earnings. The reason is that when it comes to an economy, value has to be added in order for value to be extracted, something that Proof-of-Brain (PoB) was meant to address, but so far has done so poorly. The reason it has failed thus far is because the will to extract value trumps the will to add value to the ecosystem. If this was a business, it would have failed long ago as owners who do not build value before taking it kill their business in its infancy.

Many of the early adopters here have spent their time extracting value and discounting the worth of Steem because it was just so easy for them to get. Those who have built their way up in the harder ways and actually bought into Steem, generally have a longer view and because there was a personal cost to participation, value the experience more.

Splitting Free and Premium user and giving perks to premium ownership (like earnings) means that all new users have a zero barrier of entry for participation, but an incentive and are encouraged to own. Because many will work toward ownership rather than spend a few dollars to buy, they may get more connected to the interaction and usage without focusing on the ownership.

However, they will also see the potential of owning on the platform and are more likel to spend a bit to upgrade to premium, a one-time cost. Those that upgrade could also be provided the incentive of having the starting RCs stick with their account for as long as required or over a time period, so they can keep acting open the chain the same even if they only have the few Steem for ownership in their account. Those RCs are a privilege though, not a right and the application will own them (or rent them from the pools).

Speaking of, this also gives a rent basis for Resource Credits as an application could rent the Resource credits they need and instead of paying directly, the 50% they take from light account earnings could be used to pay for the RC rent. this could come in the form of SMTs remember, so delegators of RCs might want to pick and choose to which projects they rent RCs.

While I haven't thought about all the possibilities, the combination of SMTs, Communities and Light accounts opens up a great deal of innovation avenues that can be used to attract and encourage users. Including anyone who wants to participate, but creating differentiation in experience through light and premium means that there can be a great deal more interaction without opening any of the reward pools up to the types of abuse we have seen through Steem delegations.

The goals we need to balance are:

  • creating an attractive place for consumers which will come through unique frontends and innovation
  • places where contributors have the tools to empower their creativity and build their audience
  • a n application-neutral platform environment that makes it easy to develop on and integrate into
  • an economics powered ecosystem that makes it an attractive place to invest and earn on

In my view, these things are the pillars of Steem and while hard to find an adequate equilibrium point with the current range of users, distribution of stake, tools available and mindset - the more people we can attract in to participate across the four, the greater the stability becomes.

What I am currently seeing is there is dumb stake looking to maximize themselves (for three years) and smart stake looking to maximize the Steem experience for users at all levels. The argument on what adds value is going to always be present because that is present in every economic system, but we are slowly pivoting into #newsteem through a shifting mindset of what Steem is.

With the coming communities, the different players can separate and focus their attention on what they believe has value and in so doing, become organized but still distributed nodes, all working toward what they consider a better Steem. The funny thing about Steem is that it is these decentralized and differing views that give the blockchain strength and utility for building ownership through developing experience.

Steem is the underlying protocol that enables the experiences above and it is currently like the internet before all of the layers of websites and tools were built upon it. The internet before the now 4-billion users had a place to connect their lives digitally. Steem can be the application layer on the internet that returns ownership to digital life.

[ a Steem original ]


If this was a business, it would have failed long ago as owners who do not build value before taking it kill their business in its infancy.

Err, yeah...

I'm hopeful SMTs, Communities, RC delegations, and Light accounts can be combined to do some cool stuff - glad i'm not going to be developing these things though.

I've already got a headache thinking about a light account earning vested PORN tokens to steadily fund their premium account purchase :)

I've already got a headache thinking about a light account earning vested PORN tokens to steadily fund their premium account purchase :)


I think the development would be fun to do (if holding skills) as it opens up. New tracts of real estate to build on.

Yes I agree. Just waiting on the conversation:

I've earned enough for a premium account now surely?

Sorry, we don't accept PORN.

I've earned enough for a premium account now surely?

Did you show your Vjayjay?

Yes but you'll have to guess which one of the 5 accounts it is.

The added capabilities of RCs themselves create value as bow there will be less available to claim accounts in theory which would make Steem accounts grownin value as well.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yep, and in time they will be used to create objects, like they do account tickets now. RCs could create artefacts in games for example.

The Idea of "Light" Accounts, is crazy. Steem can be SaaS-Modell to invade platform but never can not full fletched Steemians enjoy the Platform enough to stay. You just burn them and scare them off.

Light Accounts would be a measure for a system which has huge amounts of ppl w8ting in front of the door, who can not pay the entry. Which is just not true. None wants to enter, that is the problem. Light Accounts fix nothing, so don't fix things which are not broken.

umm, okay buddy.

I see you don't get the point, I was below 20SP not even 2 Moth ago - and Steem suxxed for me. Worthless, useless - 1Post / 2 Upvotes a day and 1 NextColony Upgrade and I was out if RC for a whole day. I had 2 options, buy Steem or leave Steem. I chose to buy and 9/10 people would not have chosen that way.

You wanna push Light Accounts and make all new users second class steemians, good luck with that. But take record how many of them stay active longer than 3 days.

Umm, the thing with the delegation pools and the light accounts is that RCs can be provided to the light accounts at no cost and make sure that they don't need to buy in unless they want to start earning immediately. The light account by itself could interact forever and near unlimited if it doesn't abuse with RCs provided it.

Starting into the Steem Universe is so confusing for anyone, can we really create a second type of account and sell the idea of working all the way up to a full account first? The might become a deadlock.

Not letting ppl run out of RC is for sure the right way. Good plan for that point.

Ok, now it is obvious you have no idea what is going on here.

There are these things coming that are called Resource Credit pools where people can delegate RCs to users without having to provide Steem Power to them. This way, they can do all the fuck they want without needing Steem to interact. This doesn't stop them from earning on their content.

What this means is that if an account needs say 50SP of Resource credit value to interact well, an account like mine can delegate to 1000 accounts without it costing me Steem. Understand yet? It also means that Steemit Inc can do the same thing with their Resource credits and empower 200,000 users or something like that.

You can start from this post and work your way backward a year and a half if you care to learn more:

Yes, I did read the post at that time. That means anyone could donate RCs to onboard himself independently right?

If they have the accounts, yes. However,everyone could delegate RCs to anyone else.

and what I just told you scares new users off for at least 2 Moth already - every day - all day long. You don't see them, none does. They come, they feel unwelcome, they leave. End of the Story.

So, you want things to remain the same so that keeps happening?

When I sit in the Train, I sometimes try to convince young ppl to join Steemit. I know what I would need for converting them first hand, so my point of view is already somehow fireproof.

You are going about it all wrong as you do not seem to understand what is actually happening here which means, the people you onboard will have you as their first teacher and will likely hold the same understanding you do. It isn't fireproof.

I will also add, Steem isn't Steemit.

Can Steem sustain health without Steemit Inc?

Yes it can. However, Steemit Inc has been the main developer of the blockchain thus far, but they aren't the only ones with the skills.

I need to read more of your post, just found you today.

Good to hear. I think this place is going to get a lot better and much easier for people to understand in time. At the moment, it is a complicated mess.

But it s 2am and I must be up in a few hours for work so, good night! :)

I would love the courage to boost new user up to at least 50SP delegated and make them super independent from the very beginning.

You can think of ways to make that happen?

Resource Credits..... are you not paying attention?

And how much would their like then be worth?

Ah, so you think people should be able to give value to others without putting any value in???

Oh, you want Steem for the last 3 years that got raped to hell. Well congrats, we don't need to change a thing!

The reason it has failed thus far is because the will to extract value trumps the will to add value to the ecosystem. If this was a business, it would have failed long ago as owners who do not build value before taking it kill their business in its infancy.

So you disagree with basic free market principles working out, and an instead advocate a manged economy?
Communist, much?

The argument on what adds value is going to always be present because that is present in every economic system, but we are slowly pivoting into #newsteem through a shifting mindset of what Steem is.

There is no argument, only the will of others wishing to impose conditions and caveat's on others.
Communism, much?

The funny thing about Steem is that it is these decentralized and differing views that give the blockchain strength and utility for building ownership through developing experience.

There is nothing decentralized about 20 witnesses in cahoots with steeminc deciding the fate of steem.- 15,000 users? (or 20 witnesses in cahoots with 1 million users??? lololol).....
Sounds like the politburo in russia from 1930-60
Seriously?..... Wake up. Not even a smidgen of coffee aroma? Seriously?
Communist much?
Advocate of communism, much?

I saved you the trouble of 'copy and paste to reply' linking go to my post.
heaven forbid you attempt to engage....

....nothing to say.... but plenty of words...

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