Predators and Prey

in #steem6 years ago

Even though wanting Steem to do well is relatively unanimous, everyone has differing opinions as to what is best way to get there. There are new ideas being developed every day to try and tackle various aspects but, people are people and most are designed to favour a few, not all. This is the way the world works, maximization of the self.

barcelona new  (1 of 1)-6.jpg

There is this underlying position of if the code allows it but I wonder how many take that position in their private lives. Are those living oppressed happy under tyrants and laws they are unable to affect? Do people just accept their station in life? Perhaps they do.

What of bad actors, those who break the law? If someone robs your house, do you call the police, when violent crimes are committed, do you seek justice or just accept, it is part of the natural code of the universe, people are people and some people are violent so, it is what it is.

Maybe thos is just the nature of the animal, some are predators, most are prey. Maybe in a place like Steem we can see the coding of the world at play, the strong eat the weak, natural crimes of opportunity because, where is the risk?

If someone steals half a million Steem, does anyone report them to the police? If they truly are a bad actor, what repercussion do they face in reality? Where is the personal cost in a digital environment, what is the disincentive to act poorly since the code allows it? Demonetization?

How long are you willing and how much time, effort, energy and personal cost will you sink into demonetizing someone in Steem? As the economy grows and onboarding happens, more and more will see opportunity in being a bad actor and less will likely want or have the capabilities to police the system as a community. Even now in these early stages, the struggle to cope is apparent.

We all hope that at least the majority will act well but, the incentive to act in self interest over community growth and development is higher. Nature encourages survival and when there are large predators, one doesn't want to be noticed, flock mentality is the safety net. Go where they go, do what they do.

Rather than banding together to face the risk, it is hide in the middle to lower the chances of being picked off. A life of subsistence driven by fear and this is a self-maximising position too. The code allows life at this level in the same way it allows the predators to roam free until a larger or more skilled predator chooses to intervene and disrupt the pecking order.

I have my views but no one really can define what a bad actor on Steem is because we suffer from the legacy of enslavement. We need an authority to tell us what is right or wrong, even if we know it in our heart. How many here act with a fear of being found out? How many skeletons are people burying? How many know or feel they could do better, but don't? How many expect others to change?

When it comes down to it, code rules all of our behaviours and that code is the personal responsibility for our actions and lives. Many Steem take the catch me if you can attitude at the expense of others, some take a view that personal responsibility requires social consideration of others too. It is a strange world at Steem because of misaligned incentives, the cost to do what is right for the community is higher than the price paid for getting caught doing what is wrong. Whatever wrong may be.

Can you define it?

A few Saturday night thoughts sent from the bedside of my sleeping daughter. When I sit here, I think of where I am and where she could one day be.

[ a Steem original ]
(posted from phone)


Unfortunately there may be a need to have some kind of policing system as the platform grows... As much as it pains me to even imagine. The bad actors will only keep growing if people don't stop them... And it doesn't come by being passive

The code may allow an action to be done. That does not mean that the action should be done or The code permitted it so therefore its permitted.
The cost factor of one action is not equal across the spectrum. The reward for following the intent of the code is outweighed by not following the intent.

The code is there to provide an action. By providing a positive action it also has to provide a negative one.

Every thing in the universe runs on a code.

Every thing in the universe runs on a code.

And even though recoding some aspects of how we behave is possible, most don't bother learning what or how it works.

Perhaps there are no bad actors. There are simply individuals that want something and their desire for that thing overpowers certain considerations of consequences and how the generated waves effect others.

Exploitable code magnifies that.

Yep. Hierachy of desires. If my desire for money is above my desire for a strong community, money wins every time.

I often wonder how the experiment will play out as well. I could really relate to what you are saying about needing an Authority to tell us right and wrong. :)

I am in part in steem for the experiment of learning how to live in a community without central authority. It is as interesting to me as the money.

Trustless systems and Code is law ads to the idea if the code permits it, it is okay.

I am in part in steem for the experiment of learning how to live in a community without central authority.

So far it looks much like living in an authoritative community. I put this down to programmed learning being carried in and habitually relied on as a personal guide, rather than examining alternatives.

We all know what is right and wrong and don't need any authority to police things. As a community we should be able to make decisions and act when needed. Maybe there should be some basic rules put in place to prevent certain temptations. I can't change who I am because I am online, maybe I am different or think differently to others but I am just me. If you are crooked in real life then I guess you will be crooked here as well.

If you are crooked in real life then I guess you will be crooked here as well.

This affects most people like I was saying yesterday or the day before. There are people struggling in ghettos in the real world and they come here, and do and create the same. It is hard to leave the programming at the door and install something new.

It's also easier to do, when they see others doing it without repercussion. I'm sure your daughter sleeps well knowing she has a good Dad looking out for her.

I suppose that is true. They don't know any better.

Maybe in a place like Steem we can see the coding of the world at play...

Steemit is, without much doubt, merely a microcosmic metaphor for the greater world. I do believe @dan might have had something more idealistic in mind, but those who would try to gain for themselves at the expense of others are pretty much everywhere.

The problem with most ideologies is that they work beautifully in a vacuum occupied only by "responsible, intelligent, thinking, accountable adults." But such a world doesn't exist, outside a small and narrow band.

Brings to mind the M. Night Shyamalan movie "The Village." You can't create Utopia without tall walls and fences to keep "them" out... them, being those whose worldview is different from that of the idealists.

Yes, it is a microcosm that isn't discerning enough to be a vacuum, nor can it be to prove itself. It has to be through people willing to actually unlearn and relearn what has brought about the outer world. It is not an easy task nor is it likely to be successful.

The main scenario here is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor get poorer...the truth is the subaordinates are never happy been ruled by tyrants but they have no objection because they dare not...there has been a legacy if enslavement passed down from generation to generation whereby everyone feels they must be told what to do by the government even when they know the right thing.

You got a 37.00% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @tarazkp!

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