Potentially getting ahead on Steem

in #steem6 years ago

Yesterday, @steemitblog announced that they are committed to implementing SMTs on the blockchain March the 24th, 2019. If you don't know what SMTs are, don't worry, no one does. Well, that isn't true but no one really knows what kind of effect they will have on the Steem ecosystem or the pressure they will place on the Blockchain.

The hope is of course that it will be positive on price and provide the possibility for Steem to become a foundational piece of the blockchain world. A week earlier, the date came for the implementation of Hardfork 20 on September 25th, only six weeks away. This Hardfork is going to provide developers and data analysts a lot more functionality and ease of use for using and viewing the blockchain. When will Hivemind communities arrive? Who knows.

These developments however are coming at a good time I think as at the moment, there is a great deal of interest in the cryptosphere from investors as well as developers but, it is very difficult to decide where to put ones time, energy and money. Most blockchain projects are full of nice ideas but little else and very few have any use case experience other than for speculation upon in the markets. No matter how one reads the whitepapers or believes in the teams behind the words, the proof is in the pudding as they say. Potentially, a lot of investors are once bitten, twice shy when it comes to tech investments after the bursting of the dotcom bubble two decades ago.

However, they also know that from the heady days of money pouring in and then being sucked out again extremely fast, some companies not only pulled through to survive, but became giants in their own right and birthed new giants along the way. The Googles, Amazons and Ebays which enabled the Facebooks, Instagrams and all of the various service points that run between. Many investors are likely hoping to this time, wait until the hype clears out the trash and see what is going to pull through in a hope that they will be able to pick the coming giants.

There is going to be a great deal of speculation between but over time, the field will begin to narrow down to large projects that offer stability and the room to move and expand upon. This goes beyond just scalability of volume, it is also the ability to be able to build and integrate a diverse range of applications. For example, Groupon is one of the highest earning websites in the world but is unlikely to have been able to be so if Facebook and similar didn't provide a framework for it to propagate itself upon which in turn is made possible by all of the large companies that drove for internet adoption globally before it.

The hope is that Steem, SMTs and communities are going to be able to work in unison to provide possibility for those looking to improve their performance and get an edge over competitors to increase market share. Potentially, Steem could close both some gaps and barriers to entry into a highly competitive industry and offer a range of options for the smallest to the largest organisations to utilize in a variety of ways.

I say hope and potential because nothing is ever certain and there is a long way to go until the real possibilities of blockchains, cryptocurrencies and tokens will be realized. This isn't a short game although, there always tends to be a driving force to rush to get there. This is likely the impatience of human nature at work where we want what we want now, even though we know that the road in front is long, twisting and full of potholes.

No matter what anyone says and no matter how confidently, we are flying somewhat blind into the future as there is a lot of speculation on just what is going to work and what is not. If for example like was mentioned, SMTs do for Steem what ERC20 tokens did for Ethereum, going on current prices and supplies, Steem could be a hundred dollar coin. Is this possible? Yes. Is it likely? That is what the speculation is on, isn't it?

I have very little idea about the tech and just as little about the way markets work but, I am still learning along the way in the hope that what we have here will turn from potential into some form of reality where Steem is part of the future puzzle that will help empower blockchain technologies, cryptocurrencies and availability for the masses to have a little more opportunity and freedom in the way they use ad potentially, live their lives.

It is all very uncertain about whether it will work and, how it will all come together but things do seem to be coming to a head in more ways than on the Steem blockchain. All kinds of tech projects as well as a whole host of financial mechanisms that will allow large companies, investment funds and of course individuals to invest into what will hopefully be the future of the internet in both the infrastructure and the content.

I think that the next year or two in this industry is going to set the tone for the next decade to follow. It is kind of exciting to not only witness but, have a chance to be a part of, even if it is only a minor role played.

[ a Steem original ]


Assuming the marketcap of all crypto grows over time, into the trillions, which I believe will occur. Then Steem, if it continues to gain adoption, and if SMTs are to Steem as ICOs were to ETH, then Steem could be a 100 billion coin before too long, meaning $400 USD/per.

Sounds crazy i know, but IF, IF, IF, then maybe it could. I really think its possible, and I am betting on it with my own money and time here, but I would be lying if I said I thought it was certain to happen.

and if SMTs are to Steem as ICOs were to ETH, then Steem could be a 100 billion coin before too long, meaning $400 USD/per.

It only sounds crazy when people say it out loud but, many think it :) I know it is very optimistic but I agree with you. A few trillion in and the chains that get traction are going to skyrocket, the plan is to make Steem one of them.

You hear so many people moaning and groaning about steem, prices, etc, but honestly now is the time to be right where we are. The potential of Steemit over the next to years is absolutely mind boggling!

Worse case scenerio, I always remind myself that I am getting so much out of being able to write on a regular basis and I have never received a dime for posting on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Correct. That lady line is what I always tell folks when they bitch about their posts not earning much here.

The potential of Steemit over the next to years is absolutely mind boggling!

It is going to be an interesting ride at the very least. Perhaps to hell but, interesting none the less :)

Hey, as long as its not boring, right?

I think that the following line is very important to the conversation:

turn from potential into some form of reality

There are a lot of ideas, hopes, and dreams. The real value comes when the rubber meets the road - when ideas turn into reality that changes the lives of people. Great article!

I think that as far as adoption goes, Steem is doing relatively well considering the usage of other blockchains and there is a lot of development always on the way from many sources.

...Talking of steemit... Have you looked at Minds yet?

I signed up for Minds last night. The UI looks more polished on the surface. Though I kind of prefer the rough cut of Steemit UI.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Front end means little to me at this point and I am happy with basics. The UIs are coming though and I am going to try @Steempeak on the weekend think.

I'm pretty sure there will be an app quite soon enabling the user publish the same content on different blockchains. It'll be exciting.

Minds, I participated in beta for a few months but wasn't for me. If you do not like paying bots to upvote your posts here on Steemit - you won't like the fact that you must pay for views on Minds.
Might I suggest TRYBE.one / https://trybe.one/, a new knowledge sharing platform. I am an early adopter of TRYBE and if you would be interested in joining us, you can earn 100 tokens for sign-up. It allows for referral links to onboard new members and earns the referrer 50 tokens as well. I have not shared my affiliate link here, but for anyone interested - simply message me.

I am looking forward to HF20, HIVE, and SMT and I am hopeful it opens some great new opportunities for us to flourish here. Patience is surely needed when it comes to developing technology that will interrupt status quo. Exciting times ahead and it is up to us to steer it towards sunshine...

Totally agree about Minds. I was also on for Beta last year and wasn't impressed. I thought it was rather messy. Perhaps I ought to go and take another look as they keep informing me to transfer my tokens or something but you can't run with everything!

It is exciting for sure. I know the release of SMTs seem far away but I’m glad I’m glad to be on here again with the opportunity to build more until their release!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I have been here over a year and a half, another 6 months isn't going to hurt too much and you are right, a little growth in between would be nice.

Yeah I think we are luck and are still on the ground floor. It’s early and while nobody knows for sure what’s going to happen, I’m hopeful that there will be significant progress to come in not only the crypto sphere but the world surrounding Steem.

It is definitely ground floor territory but it doesn't feel like it for those already here and coming in. Everyone feels like they are late which is likely the way it will be for a while to come.

Yeah I get that. That’s just human nature...I think years from now we will see that even those who are entering the space now, even they will be early to the party.

I hope the SMT will affect steem positively.

It's good news but what about us lol. It's just going to put more pressure now more than ever before. I am tired but I can sleep next year or maybe the following year I suppose.

I am tired but I can sleep next year or maybe the following year I suppose.

Don't kill yourself over it, there is time :)

I'm just hearing about all these projects and it gets a little confusing, given the amount of details and technicality involved. But I know innovation drives value. A company that is willing to make changes and adapt new ideas/technology, though the chance of failing is present, they have a better chance of suceeding than those who don't.

there are many changes taking place on steemit, some might affect the blockchain positively, some might not. the most important thing is that it doesnt remain static.

Speaking of SMTs, the date was originally "no later than" March 2018, wasn't it?

I'll believe it when I see it...

So SMTs are an investment by a company in the Steem blockchain, where they will subsequently pay their "community" of users with a Steemit-like rewards model, while profiting from their Steem investment as they accumulate more Steem (or at least that last part is what the smart companies will do).. so expect to see minnows on Steemit continue to see a decline in their visibility and ability to grow.

Not necessarily. As I understand them, they have the potential to essentially monetize any website in various ways. The SMT can have its own rules and isn't necessarily used on the Steem interfaces but independently. For example, a news site could implement one to make their content on a per article pay wall rather than a full subscription service. People buy the tokens at the door, 'pay what they play' kinda deal. It need not have anything directly to do with Steem though.

As said, I am not in the tech area.

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