Not worth my time nor money

in #steem6 years ago

In my morning post I wrote about some of the things that Steem can't buy, like relationships and a track record. Tonight I thought I would look at something else to do with Steem price instead. A lot of people stop posting (fine by me!) when Steem price drops away because it just isn't worth their time, which must mean that they either are only here for the money or, they are going to buy in low instead of spend their time and effort getting it out of the inflation pool. Everyone has their own path.

For me at this point in time, I am unable to buy in but hopefully soon, I will be able to get a little fiat together and add some Steem to my account that way. But, I am not planning on stopping posting either, there is just too much Steem up for grabs at the moment and to say it is not worth the time is crazy of one actually thinks that Steem will eventually go up.

This is my last post's potential payout (taken from @steemchiller's


Not a great deal is it with an estimated value of 2.24 USD? I am not interested in that part though, I am interested in the Steem future value. While many might believe the FUD that this place or crypto is DED, I do not, I think the last all time high will pale in comparison to a year or two from now and even the next real run is going to eclipse it.

But, I can really only use the last ATH as a possible indicator of future price, as imperfect as that is. What is this post's future value then?

$5.1 BTU (this one was 100% powered up)
Author (me) gets: 9.56 SP
Curators get: 2.67 SP
total: 12.23 STEEM

While the total post is worth a princely $2.93 at the current steem price of ~0.24 cents, at the ATH of ~8, that same posts would be worth, $97. Yep, it might never get there again but while 2.93 isn't worth my time, 97 dollars definitely is. Oh, that was with curation so for me the author, it is 76.50. Of course, it is only worth that much if I still have that Steem when Steem is 8 dollars again. For those who were here at the beginning of the year, how many of your posts were making ~$100? That is now a $5 dollar post value for those who held, like me. Talk about volatile.

But here is the thing for me currently, since I am unable to buy in due to life situation (hopefully change is coming), I can still work for the Steem and hope that one day it is going to go up in value. Sure, if I was living off it, I wouldn't be able to afford even a basic meal for my family but, if one day it does go up, these hours I am spending for a fraction of a minimum salary, will be highly valuable in the future. Since I look long on Steem and investing myself in general, all is well. Actually, the lower the price goes, the more chance I have of it aligning with me getting some fiat together, sorry to those who are hoping for an increase.

It all really depends on the story one is willing to tell themselves. Some (like me) believe that Steem is worth earning at anytime because of the future value of it, some believe that it is only worth earning when the prices are up, some think it is always a good time to sell. Of course, those who think that don't necessarily understand how vests work or that without having a vested interest, they rely on the support of a vested community, which may or may not remember all of that selling out and complaining about price at a later date.

This is what makes the price part of the game interesting doesn't it? People have different strategies that they think are obviously the best option for them at the time. It is always this way when investing oneself into something, whether it be a university degree, a sports career, an exercise program, dietary intake, a book. All of our choices are purchases made with our resources, time is money because it can be used to purchase experience. We get to choose the experience it buys.

My time here buys experience with all of those things I mentioned in the other post, relationships, friends, network, skill development, knowledge, track record and blockchain specific knowledge (highly valuable in my eyes) while still collecting Steem at a higher rate than normal. Because those who find it 'isn't worth their time' aren't here leaving more in the pool and, those who think 'it isn't worth their money', prices are kept low giving me and others like me who are looking to the future, a chance to buy in at a lower price. Brilliant.

All the while I and similar are here earning Steem, voting, engaging, powering up, we are increasing our stake through various channels like curation, interest, selling, earning future SMT tokens and several other ways. How I see Steem and all of the various games and dynamics in play is that the entire system is a massive proof-of-brain testing mechanism.

There is a high level of complexity according to some people when it comes to the technical aspects but, the real complexity is in how we as individuals deal with all of the various dynamics at play and, how we approach our own expectations and emotions. Most of the issues people have with Steem aren't actually Steem related, they are personal preference related. Some love it and can deal with all kinds of issues, some hate it no matter what is going on. Some are patient, while some want everything right away. These things aren't on the technology layer, they are on the personality layer.

People might want this to be place for everyone and everyone is welcome but, some personalities are less capable to cope with some things than others. A change happens and some learn and adjust, while others complain. Some invest into the future while others spend all they can get their hands on now. Some lay blame while others find solution, run while some stand their ground. These things don't just affect Steem, do they?

We all have different complexities in our life to contend with, as well as predispositions and predilections for this, that and the other thing. Some of our habits and behaviors help us, some harm us and when it comes to the way we interact on Steem, our personalities are going to affect that too. This is much more than just a social platform that pays people for content, it is a resource filled with tools that we can learn with, use to develop ourselves and, potentially one day, provide a better experience for many. Well, not everyone believes that, do they?

It is all part of the game of life and how we choose to spend our time experiencing it. Just like 'one man's trash is another's treasure', what isn't worth one person's time or money could make another very wealthy. It could also make some people very disappointed and a host of other things.

Life is fun isn't it?

[ a Steem original ]

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I agree. Despite all the negativity and the volatile markets and the worry, it's some of the best fun I've had. I still can't get over the (mindblowing) fact that I am here...
I think it's about perspecitve, really. You can be the sort of person who goes 'if it can fall so low, think how high it might rise' or you might just tremble at how low it's fallen. It's all in how you see it, since that determines what you invest in it.
Now, I like the first attitude because it has so much more potential. Opens up a lot more possibilites than the second, in my opinion.
One thing I do wonder though, what life-changing, valuable things are all the quitters engaging in right now? I'll just bet they're on Facebook or some other time waster. I can't imagine that all of them are earning shit tons of cash in all this time they're saving not being on Steem.
For me, it's rather simple. No one else is currently fighting to pay me to write, so I'll stick around. That's the financial part of it, anyway, which is but a fraction.

Posted using Partiko Android

One thing I do wonder though, what life-changing, valuable things are all the quitters engaging in right now?

This is an interesting thing to consider. I completely understand if they are trying to build somewhere else but, if they are just actin the same somewhere else, it seems like a waste.

I can't imagine that all of them are earning shit tons of cash in all this time they're saving not being on Steem.

If they are, good luck to them.

For me, it's rather simple. No one else is currently fighting to pay me to write, so I'll stick around. That's the financial part of it, anyway, which is but a fraction.

The future is bright for those who learn.

if they are trying to build somewhere else but, if they are just actin the same somewhere else, it seems like a waste.

Somehow, I don't think they're trying to build. I mean, there's a lot of potential for building right here that they ignored. Beside, leaving at the first sign of trouble doesn't seem like a builder mindset. A house will never get built if the builders keep running away.

Oh, I agree. It's a curiosity, at best, but what they do is really up to them. I don't seek to justify my choice of staying or anything. I know why I'm here. Beyond that, what anyone else does is up to them.

And yeah, I feel the same way about that future :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Somehow, I don't think they're trying to build.

Some people use the Steem clones because they like how it feels like old steem. They are going to develop into new things too.

Oh, I agree. It's a curiosity, at best, but what they do is really up to them.

It is the same in everything in the world. I don't blame people for acting differently than me. Some might behave much better for their eperience, some worse but, we all have to live our own life.

They are going to develop into new things too.

Everything changes, it's the one constant of life. It would be childish to expect everything to stay the same. Besides, why assume it's a change for the worse?

Besides, why assume it's a change for the worse?

Because of comfort. People only want what they believe will help them and the unknown is nearly always viewed a negative.

Maybe it is time to get a slogan:

Steem - just use it.

Actually, the lower the price goes, the more chance I have of it aligning with me getting some fiat together,

Same here. I don’t want to miss the low price of steem. I started here when the price was $7 and have been buying in all the way down this slid. The more I can buy at these prices the better I will be off.

Most of the issues people have with Steem aren't actually Steem related, they are personal preference related. Some love it and can deal with all kinds of issues, some hate it no matter what is going on. Some are patient, while some want everything right away. These things aren't on the technology layer, they are on the personality layer.


All in all, it seems like the whole market meltdown is a great sorting mechanism of those who are short term thinkers from those who are long term thinkers.

PROVIDED the underlying fundamentals of the Steem blockchain remain sound, then the long-term thinkers would see earning Steem at ANY price as a good deal. According to @penguinpablo's stats posts, the "number of daily accounts transacting" has dropped through 45,000 so that's who's sharing in the rewards pool. If I understand how the system works, that means fewer people sharing a constant amount of Steem. And a decline from 80,000 to 79,000 would have a smaller effect on each individual's share than a decline from 45,000 to 44,000; that's just simple math.


Yep, that is pretty much how it works and when it comes to 'real people' there are even fewer out there.

then the long-term thinkers would see earning Steem at ANY price as a good deal.

I know someone who believes, it is always a good time to buy Steem and he has put his money where his mouth is often enough.

When I see people freaking out about Steemit I always wonder how everything else they are involved with is doing.

Right now all the other cryptos we have investments in have dropped a similar amount to Steem, our business has just had the worst month in five years, and our local economy is doing badly, so Steemit is about par for the couse really. One year ago we were making so much money it was astonishing. My point being, no point freaking out, things change, and this is all beyond our control anyway.

When I see people freaking out about Steemit I always wonder how everything else they are involved with is doing.

@honeydue just wrote similar =)

My point being, no point freaking out, things change, and this is all beyond our control anyway.

People freak out at their losses, real or imagined.

If we focus on the fiat value, our payouts are lower each day for sure which adds to those not motivated to engage. However, the fact is that the amount of STEEM being earned is larger than otherwise possible. While a $5 payout today can get you around 20 STEEM, it would get you less than 2 STEEM in January. That is a 10x difference! This is why this is the best time to earn as much as you can to accumulate as much Steem Power for the future when the payouts improve and many come back to engage.

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You got a 74.85% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @tarazkp!

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According to #steem standards you are doing very well.
Compare #steem to dollar value is injustice.
Accumulation is the name of the game.
Great post.
Keep on postin

Posted using Partiko iOS

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