Dipping into future demand

in #steem5 years ago

The markets are looking pretty bleak for me as I am not a BTC holder unfortunately which means, my alts are getting hammered. I used to be a semi-decent trader but it was when I had more time and will to spend. These days my hope mostly is that what I hold will eventually go up and Steem will deliver on my mental promises (and the ones I make my wife about the time on Steem).

Regardless though, I feel that I am much better off than most people because even though I might not have plenty and I am not increasing it significantly currently through trading, I have something. Just think how many people in this world have absolutely zero crypto holdings. Sure, they likely sleep better at night.

We always say things like, "don't compare yourself to others" but, comparison to others is a very useful tool in gauging the potential future value of an investment. If there is not many investing, it is either a brilliant move - or a dog. When it comes to the future of blockchain, crypto and a tokenized world, I am confident that there is a great deal of value there that is going to be realized and currently, there are not many people in.

Facebook will change that soon though. A colleague who knows I am into but is not interested in this stuff much at all cam to me a couple days ago and asked, "So, you going to get in on Libra?" No... No, I am not ---- however, when normies are not only knowing the names but recognizing that these things are investment opportunities - it is only a matter of time.

The truth is that while many people are going to benefit from blockchain and distributed network capabilities, it is going to be a relatively small group of people that are going to make most of the gains. The difference is that this group of people are mostly not the same group of people who have the wealth now and there is a much higher rate of distribution culturally and geographically.

This changes things quite a lot plus, the technology encourages more people to take part in development of business and service as well as encourages more economic responsibility from users. This changes other aspects of economy also as it levels the playing field by increasing the skills of those who didn't realise they had a chance to really play.

For a very long time I thought I was one of the people who didn't have a chance to play as I always felt I never had enough extra to make investing into stocks worthwhile. Steem has given me a chance to invest, even though I didn't have enough money. I have since learned that while I have earned, I have also changed my view on investment and found small amounts that I can invest in with. Sure, a lot went into Steem itself but, I am not completely single-faceted - but I am only in on crypto.

While that is a large risk for diversification of investment, I also don't trust the traditional economy much at all and haven't for a very long time, which is also probably part of why I found it so hard to invest into it. Will it cost me to not diversify more? Perhaps, but the amounts I would have been able to put into stocks would have never been life changing, especially since I would likely be even more risk averse.

Life changing is something I am looking for because while I ma grateful for life, it has sucked a fair bit over the last 4 decades too. I think that there is more to it than economic capabilities of course, but I also think that in the world we have created, a lot of issues are non-issues when there are resources available.

I really don't need that much but what I do know is with my current debts, potential for work and future work as well as the likely ongoing needs of my daughter, I likely do need more. How much more is an unknown which means while I may not be a maximizer, I am also not likely to let up until I feel that what I have is enough to be able to provide for what I require.

This is demand in action and it is what makes what is supplied valuable. Some demand a better house or car, others the latest game or whatever the latest gadget is and some demand things that don't even exist yet. I believe that what we are offering on Steem is soon going to be increasingly in demand and that should drive value in numerous ways.

Will it be life changing? I hope so. I also think so.
What are your hopes and demands?

[ a Steem original ]


I have a large family (6 kiddos). My wife and I are blessed by them and love them deeply. We live in a part of the US that costs less than most, but we have to balance a lot of needs and push aside a lot of wants.

I am hopeful that Steem will be a game changer. I hope that to be true. And if my hopes become reality, I will be able to provide more financially as well as spend more time with the ones I love most.

6!!! geez :D

I come from a family of 5, which is probably why there aren't many kids born to my siblings either. I don't think it takes much to change life, sometimes just an easing of burden is enough.

I only own steem so you can imagine how i feel. but i invested around 1 month pay here in it. that why it will not be life changing. i never thought it will be, even in the good times.
i always thought i will develop my skills, get better in English spelling, and maybe buy some new equipment. maybe.

Posted using Partiko Android

Depends how long you hold for and, how much you add over time. a months salary at the right time and some luck and it could be life changing.

i am kinda lucky that I don't need to sell, did not sell any of steem. our average pay is not that much to be life changing 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

1000 steem at 100 dollars would be decent :P 2500 Steem at 100 would be better :D

Toxic environments are not attractive to investors.

SGT report is leaving because of it. (ONLY 1/2 MILLION follwers on you tube!)
Is RT next? lol.
^ and this got down voted for reporting on the sgt withdrawal from steemit...lol. smh.
(I'm not putting my new venture on this blockchain, either).

'if they don't like it, they can leave' is not a profitable mantra - nor is it a customer based ethos.

Without the social media aspect growing, what is steem? What does it have to offer?
It's just another crypto in a sea of them. (and rapidly going south in the league table -now touching 70 in the ranking!.)

I powered down and put it into lite coin.
While only a pittance (in comparison to yourself) - I've still nearly increased the value of my steem by 3X. (and quite a lot more besides if you include the other uses that I've put some of it towards).

A serious question, matey....

Is there any price that you will liquidate at? Fold your bet?
(Always know when to fold if you are gambling, it saves you a fortune).
......or are you going down with the steem ship, regardless of any evidence that you see before your eyes that tells you to bail?

No aroma of coffee?.... at all? Not even a smidgin's?

I'm trying to help.

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