Bare cupboards and full pools

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Waking up to more red in the markets isn't fun but, it is what it is, what can be done? Well, I think it comes down to attitude. I was talking about survivor or victim status yesterday in a comment chain and when it comes to getting through the other side, the survivors do better.

This as I see it isn't because the attitude necessarily helps, it is that survivors look for opportunity to take advantage of while victims want someone to blame. There are opportunities in adversity and perhaps more so since there are a lot of victims standing idle.

wrecked (1 of 1).jpg

On Steem I think we are better off because even though we are affected by the market moods and the bears leaving the cupboards bare, we still have other things to do. Rather than sit in forums eating FUD cakes, we can be here spending time with community and content.

Even though prices are low, there is Steem being released every day and content that can attract it. Instead of sitting idle, we can produce and vote and use this time as a chance to improve ourselves and distribute Steem. I hope those with spare SP to vote and a will to improve the system use it instead of letting it sit dormant.

That is their call of course and everyone does what they do with the stake they have. The draw on the Steem pool however works on staked vests and you only lose vests if powering down. Those that don't use their stake to vote, leave the pool to those who do.

The cupboards may be bare but the pool has Steem in it at the ready for distribution. Use it on those who deserve it and will use it well themselves. Empower them for a better future and let those who are only here for the good times, go.

[ a Steem original ]
(posted from phone)


My parents were asking me what coin should the invest in. Truth is that I am so heavily biased towards steem that I almost said buy steem and lend me the tokens so I can make more steem tokens here. Since they'll just HODL it, and I am greedy enough to use that 'hodl' time frame to vest it and earn some more here.

Obviously I didn't say it but I can't find anything wrong with this logic. I mean they already have a little bit of Litecoin, Monero, stellar..... so its obvious that its time to add a DPOS coin to the mix. Steem fits that criteria perfectly....

As the market bleeds off and panic floods the cryptosphere, I can't help but think that while most are forced to sit on their assess and wait for a better market, we are still actively earning money form this blockchain. As much as the price of steem has tanked over the past few months, sometimes I think that I would have been better off by investing in steem back in October- November of 2017.....

Obviously I didn't say it but I can't find anything wrong with this logic.

The bias is strong but, it is still able to earn more coins while holding which I see as a much better investment than the sit and wait coins. Of course, it is good to have some diversity but essentially there is the same risk in Steem as others so why not add some and use it to earn?

I am trying to be more open minded but its difficult. Obviously I have been thinking hard about it and I would give them the whole DPOS lecture and do the whole Steem and EOS thing and then whatever they choose.....

This is the perfect message for crypto hodlers in bear times like this. You might have just encouraged someone with this message who wanted to quit.

If the price goes back up they'll power back up. Can you hardly blame someone who had any significant stake taking it out to protect it. I seen a post the other day where someone has lost tens of thousands...I don't know if I could go there, to much work involved to just let it slip away like that.

Very encouraging message. A better attitude open our eyes to see opportunities that others miss!!!!

For many right now it’s all about that community. You start to see who is here to want to see a future on this platform and who was just around purely for the financial gains when the times where good. It is great even when the cupboards are bare people are still volunteering to spend their time in helping community grow and just be a more enjoyable experience overall for everyone else in it.

I feel very blessed even when steemit is covered in dark clouds that I have a community I get to say good morning to every morning and see what they have been up to. Granted it’s a gaming community so it is very niche but that is also why I just love it so much.

A survivor will have a totally different mind set and a fighting spirit. I think there are a lot of survivors around at the moment and they act totally different to the others.

Recently I saw that you followed me, I give you a follow in return, I would love to invite you to give me upvote on my post, and support my project, I will upvote for you in the future.

I thank you for encouraging me and other artists. Keep on Steemin my friend!

your sight is mistaken. I do not follow you. Thank you for the invitation but I must decline the offer.

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