Balancing the books

in #steem5 years ago

There are a lot of tokens flying around Steem at the moment, new tribes and communities and of course - a lot of vote management that needs to take place. While I am not a fan of maximization, I am also not a fan of wastage of resources, so was wondering when a developer is going to create an app that can both better visualize and better process voting efforts.

I don't know much about automation as I vote manually but it is difficult to keep track of what is going on, and I am only using Steem, LEO and PAL. However, more than just the idea of wasted resources, adding in improving feedback tools increases the gamification value as, everyone loves numbers.

There are a lot of new accounts floating around because people like @abh12345 are experimenting with and writing about managing voting power which is great. Part of the core process of Steem is token distribution and due to the use case of the Steem Blockchain, that is going to be across multiple tokens, many multiples in time.

What might be interesting is if there is a core dashboard that can house a number of token and show the vital statistics on the front page, similar to what I added in the image which I created quickly from @Steemchiller's site. each could then be clicked on where it would open up a token specific page that shows more detailed information and history. this should be relatively easy to develop.

Where it gets a bit more difficult is in the balancing of voting across interfaces and tokens but I am pretty sure that one of the savvy devs could create a mechanism that can distribute variable percentage votes based on current voting power.

For example, if my Steem Power is at 80%, my PAL at 90% and my LEO at 100%, a 100% vote on LEO could trigger a 50% on PAL and a 10% on Steem. In time, these figures would start to balance and as they come into alignment, the vote values will be similar, or at least - more aligned more often. I do not know how this works with sidechains but I think that a vote issued on any chain can do a check and send a custom vote percentage out to the other chains. Is it then possible to have it perform this on a main account without having to create alts?

Through this then, it should be possible for those who do set autos to be able to follow authors and vote independently depending on the interface used. For example, a LEO investment post might trigger a 100% LEO vote, but will not get the same support on PAL and Steem.

This type of service could be integrated into Steem-engine or independently and house all kinds of staked voting tokens, provide updates about performance, warnings for various limits being reached and feedback for how well tokens are performing against each other. I believe that with the increasing amount of tokens, these kinds of services are going to become common place, so why not start development now and improving the investment potential and sensitivity across the blockchains.

Or perhaps, this is just a stupid idea and not worth the effort. I have no idea as I have spent all of my time living analogue in a digital Steem world.

[ a Steem original ]


Perhaps it'd be a little cleaner if these SCOT tokens could assign some of the inflation to staked tokens not using their voting power. If sitting at 100% didn't have such a high opportunity cost, people would be more likely to just keep everything under one roof.

yep, that is not a bad idea.

We're gonna need more tags. :P

Those who will create a frontend with 10 or 20 tag limits or even make it unlimited will win in the long run.

I think it's just steemit that limits the tags, I'm pretty sure there was one front-end that had no limits but can't remember which one it is now and if all the new front-ends haven't bothered changing the code after copying condenser.

Steepshot had a 25 tag limit

Posted using Partiko iOS

Was it Zappl? I think there are a few now that do it.

Frankensteem It's alive

This is the cure for Frankensteem :)

Indeed, and I won't be the least bit surprised to see that someone soon makes the magic happen. 🤓

Posted using Partiko Android

Frankensteem has been in planning far too long, finally the lightning has struck the bolts in the neck.

Should work and suit people without the time/resources to go through a process like the one of mine you linked in the post.

The accounts tied into this 'chain' of voting adjustments will need to give authorization to somewhere, a bit like steemrewarding and steemauto do via steemconnect.

This is a bit of a faff on it's own, but a lot depends on how clear the tool is to connect the accounts together. Then it's just a bit of #oldsteem math for #newsteem ventures :)

Paging the very busy @holger80 to take a look at the above when you have time :)

That @holger80 guy does nothing these days... geez. ;D

I think that keychain might be a good integrate into the interface in some way to solve auth issues.

BTW, you should ask @abh12345 to replace his picture instead of stealing yours.

One of the busiest men on Steem that guy! He's also a witness :)

checks which account he's using

oh, err... he stole it from me!

Yep, he gets around.

Why did you reply on this account?

Thought so.

😂 basically self commenting, but more committed

wait til his autovote runs through these.

Lol, whoopseeeee

Posted using Partiko Android

This is a good idea, of course. I would also love the option of auto claiming of the rewards and even autostaking of rewards. Don't know how to handle the active keys securely but keychain might be ble to do it.

i think @howo has created an autoclaim and stake for Steem, perhaps he might be interested in adding a few key authorities to it.

steemauto will do it for you too if you give them your posting key.

As said, I don't know much about automation... :D

Yeah it seems like the wild west of crypto currency. LOL

need a few more gunslingers - and sheriffs :D

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