Backstage tickets and negative attention

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

I was thinking about buying Steem and then came across this post by the highly eSteemed @nonameslefttouse. Worth a read - I'll wait.

Elevator music

So, I wasn't actually thinking about buying Steem myself as I don't get paid for a couple weeks and all free funds are tied up in expenses however, I was wondering why others don't buy. My belief is and like I said to Mr Nonames, Steem the blockchain is a point of subscription and like he added through his post, you don't lose value by subscribing. Well, you could lose fiat value if prices decline etc but, the Steem you have in your wallet, you own. And, it even gives a Steem return by interacting with it in various ways.

How I see the future is that Steem Power will be used as a key of entry into various experiences built upon Steem whether it be a game or premium content on a news type site. But more than that, SP will be a subscriber to reward and engage with the creators themselves. Essentially, Steem Power is a backstage pass to everything on Steem. Is it unfair that some people are able to afford the tickets to meet the bands even though they put on a free concert for everyone to enjoy?

This is analogy only of course but Steem Power is an investment into one's future entertainment activities and while there aren't many bands out there to meet yet, they are growing. But, it is also an investment of the more traditional financial sense and if one is able to first see the entertainment value of it, others will too and that is what drives the masses to subscribe.

The subscription fee is essentially whatever one is willing to put in but, many aren't willing to put in much at all, if anything. That is okay, no one has to subscribe to Netflix or HBO or Spotify or Dropbox or.... you know, no one has to pay for anything on the internet, but they do.

Currently, there is not a large enough entertainment attraction for people to consider powering up some Steem but it is a chicken or the egg problem because, if people did there would also be an explosion of price, attention and therefore willingness to contribute, whether it be through the development of a post or application of some kind. When contributors are actually vying for attention from the audience, they have to actually work harder. But, the audience of Steem also helps them out as rather than having to do the work first, the audience is simultaneously adding attention value through upvote consumption.

But, there is not a great deal of incentive for investors in Steem to promote the bands they enjoy and, because some bands do a lot of "promotion" themselves that attracts potential attentive stake, even those that do try are not going to be able to shine much of a light on their favourites. But, most of the promoted bands don't actually get attention from anyone who likes their music.

However, free downvotes that are suggested in the EIP bring in a new function of attention, as rather than just being able to push a post upward, there is also the possibility to push a post downward. This is something I consider very important in the ordering of content as it means that the promoted bands that no one likes are able to be taken out of the eyeline giving space to the bands that people actually do enjoy. I am quite sure that after incurring promotional losses, many of the promoted bands will disappear and then, the bands that are enjoyed will take their place.

This creates a new form of attention on Steem, negative attention. And this means that while contributors are vying for an audience, they also have to be able to offer something the audience wants to see and, doesn't want to downvote. Once everyone is incentivized to downvote freely, there is a lot more risk and randomization in the system making every paid vote much more unpredictable in value, risk of loss is something most people avoid.

What I do think is that while there are some drawbacks to the downvoting, there wil also be a great deal more interaction as people will become more aware of the content on the platform as they will consider downvoting it. This also means they will consider upvoting it too. While I don't know exactly how this is all going to play out, I do think that in short order, the content in the Trending tabs is going to look somewhat healthier and potentially with more stake in the pool up for grabs, content producers will try harder to produce content of worth.

Yes, 50/50 curation is also potentially coming in which is technically less stake in the pool but, what there is will likely be attracted to better content and away from worse content. This means that content producers actually get what they want as content that is seen as valuable by the community will get rewarded and the stuff that isn't will be flagged down with the difference being given to that which is. For quality producers and personalities that attract attention, this is likely better and for willing consumers who power up, it definitely is.

As I have said many times before, we need a system where there is incentive to be a contributor, a developer, a consumer and an investor and most likely, it is best to have users who are some combination of those points. For example, I am a contributor, investor and consumer and while unable to develop directly, hopefully do add value to those who are through ideas and support. There is incentive for me to interact at all points because I am interested in all points.

While many will disagree with how to do it, most will agree that in the world of digital media, attention has value and that is what we need to be able to attract at all levels of the ecosystem. This is not necessarily easy to do as it isn't done through content alone as even the biggest bands in the world, have promotional teams working for them and the up-and-comers have labels that pay to push their music up the charts to gain traction.

Are you paying attention?

[ a Steem original ]

End of train journey.


I could be wrong, but I think your link to [this post] is broken. I've been clicking for the past hour, nothing. I'll keep trying though, just in case it's not broken. Maybe it's a problem on my end.

All kidding aside. I'm happy I finally got around to writing that one because I've been yelling at the clouds about, "The entertainment industry" and "billions" for a couple years now... and probably just sounded dramatic.

Lol, it should be fixed now :the laptop i am on is shit and the connection on the train kept going in and out and fucking around with me. #Whitegirlproblems

The entertainment value is high here for me already, but I focus on other things than automated dice games that do runners with the cash =) A few flags on the way would be welcome through trending and the communities that care about content should use them well.

I don't gamble, says the guy who spends hours producing art, for crypto. I don't play those games. That's a better way to put it.

About those downvotes. I came to a realization not long ago while discussing a few things under a blog post here and I said:

That whole being labelled a troll or toxic really bugs me. A lot of the shit posting trenders I'd unleash on with some truth, as the kids say nowadays; they'd try that angle on me. Jerry, Joe, CHB, The Nebulous Series(I caught that dude straight up scamming with art)... a few more. I'd have a mountain of upvotes from the community for calling these characters out on their b.s. and they'd still pull out the victim card. Something had to be said though. Free downvotes could mean maybe, instead of a commentator showing up to say a few words and receiving over 100 upvotes or more, making an ass outta myself and being labelled toxic, maybe, just maybe no words will need to be said and those upvotes on the comment can be downvotes on the post. Less arguments that way? Only time will tell. Sorry for the ramble.

I don't really fear those downvotes. They could help, a lot. If it turns into a trainwreck, I mean if someone receives a metric shit ton of downvotes, people stop and stare. That producer might not earn, but they'll get some attention. Human nature to gawk.

That producer might not earn, but they'll get some attention. Human nature to gawk.

People look for downvotes from "some people" wanting the attention it brings.

I think at the very least, we are in for some entertainment value.

It'll be interesting and we'll see some entitlement issues for sure. I'm already armed though and if some of these folks freak out about a few downvotes, I might just have to remind them about how a few complaints on Youtube could lead to the entire channel being demonitized. Even a few days in that situation there could lead to a lot of lost potential revenue. That's the business we're in. TV shows get cancelled. News reporters lose jobs because of weekend drinking benders. This shit ain't easy!

It will be interesting to see the shift in downvote habits. Due to 50/50 curation a downvote on the content creator is also an equivalent downvote on the curator.

Curators will be more vigilant in revenge downvoting to scare timid flaggers away from the content they support.

Curators will be more vigilant in revenge downvoting to scare timid flaggers away from the content they support.

Very likely in some instances but I think less so than if the flag was on their own content directly. The shift (or no shift) is going to indicate toward many different issues and perhaps will eventually take away some of the stigma of getting criticism. I have a feeling I will get flagged a lot more :D

Indeed... plankton will still be afraid to downvote so the whales with bot armies will still make or break the system by either using their stake resonsibly or being short-sighted and allowing disillusioned plankton to move on to greener pastures (non-Steem ones). In effect, nothing will change unless whales decide to become visionaries and act accordingly.

At the moment at least, most active stake is swung by the 300 orcas and the 2000 dolphins on the platform. there are 35 whales, 18 of them are inactive or something like that.

To "me" ...anyone above dolphin (and can shut me down with bots if I somehow accidentally offend them) is a whale.

I increasingly tend to think that for majority bloggers and podcasters Steem is a better deal and investment than email subscribers and Patreon supporters. With email subscribers content producers wouldn't need to pay for email service providers (they could invest that money into Steem) and with Patreon, supporters wouldn't feel like they are throwing all that money away but instead would be investing in that content through Steem Power.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yep, pretty much. There is so much more value in this model and, using it builds ownership, not just a return for a narrow few.

If only we could get a couple of big names to Steem then masses will surely follow. But first, we need to fix curation rewards.

@theycallmedan is starting to make some more moves toward this end.

The economics definitely need some adjustment so that the tokens can become the production earners. At least it is worth the experiment.

It's not just about the money. It's time too or better lack of time. I don't have enough time for voting manually for the most of the time. Definitely not for downvoting.
The other issue is the quality. In my opinion it's completely irrelevant. We have all different perspectives.
I known you'll bring in plagiarism but to search for that is even more time consuming.
Don't ask me about solutions though.
I don't have any.

But I agree on Steem Power. It's a holy grail of steem blockchain, for sure.

Time is definitely an issue and if you imagine that some of the accounts that are curating are "supposed" to spread out 3 million SP in votes manually...

I predict when it comes to flags that there will be negative curation trails to join where manual curators will do the reverse of what is done now. It is going to get messy and could be a lot of fun ;)

SP is going to be more and more useful as time goes on as more than a potential earner.

No one definitely need to put anything in all fairness, but the truth is they just might want to, Steem has so much utility that even when the prices you bought decides to drop you can still recover it by curation or investment. No one definitely needs to, but they have to in order to unlock choices of no holds barred to what Steem can offer.

This is why it will increasingly become s freemium platform and already is to done degree as some apps require steem to participate.

This seems like a very large unsubscription to steem, if you ask me...
They're gonna miss the trip to the moon!!

(No whiff of coffee yet?....I'm trying to help).

Paying attention could also be paying for attention as that economy continues to grow and be the focus of consumerism in the coming years.

Posted using Partiko iOS

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