NED Just Sold Us Out or Tronit or Did Tron Just Become the Largest Owner of STEEM Coins? [steem] [tron] [blockchain]

in #steem4 years ago (edited)


Sold to the Highest Bidder (& only bidder?)

I knew before going to sleep that I would wake up to a Steem/Tron announcement due to some tweets going around between Justin Sun and Ned Scott. I didn't realize it was to announce the death, or rather the transfer of Steem coins into Tron coins. It seems that the Steem coin is going the way of the dinosaur.

With Tron now the largest holder of Steem coins through ownership of Poloniex (#3 largest exchange holding steem until sent to Binance I believe) and now Steemit, inc, Justin Sun plans to integrate Steem into the Tron network, and thus no more Steem Network as we know it today.

I feel that the Steem technology does not need Tron's, but that Tron needs the Steem Technology, and more importantly its community. They claim 20 million Tron users, and that Steem has 1 million users, so there again, why does Tron need Steem?

I believe that since the Tron technology is merely a copy of Ethereum's, they have nothing truly revolutionary to offer. Their claim of 20 Million users is probably from Tron's/Justin Sun's purchase of Bittorrent and claim that user base. This was a strategic move on Sun's part to enhance his Tron coin, and as he claimed in a recent interview, that this merger of tech is the next phase in cryptoland, just as it is in the regular financial world.

Therefore it feels like NED sold us out, but in reality, the corporate mentality has now fully infiltrated cryptoland and it is just the normal course of business. The Question for many of us is what crypto-ship to jump to next, or stay the course and see where these winds take us? EOS's Voice (Steem Killer/enhancer/replacement/copy???) is now on Beta and there are a few other alternatives, but none that I see me going to at the moment.

This truly feels like a walk the plank or stick with us moment!

2020 sure has started with a bang!

+++ @streetstyle


This merger is amazing. Steem is a free, decentralized market to a degree with great tech. It's time to bring some of the chains together, showcase the tech and make this into more of a business. No one was stopping anyone here from buying millions of Steem and influencing the future of the blockchain. Justin is a businessman and took advantage of weak prices and great tech. Be happy he bought a partnership, better than what all the people who trashed steem did.

I agree with your statement. People are overreacting.

Thank you for your reply @crypticat and I am happy about a price boost for Steem, just not so sure of Justin Sun's intentions with the Steem blockchain. From what I can tell, there won't be a Steem blockchain in the future. Not sure how I feel about that right now. I want to see Steem grow, just not sure if a shotgun marriage is my ideal type of wedding. We'll see what happens.

I don't think he can dismantle Steem, there could always be a hardfork (if he controls enough of it) or he can take some of the technology. More than likely as with most mergers, the weaker rises and the stronger token sinks. This is a huge nod towards Steem. We all know there are thousands of other blockchains he could have bought into. JUSTIN BOUGHT INTO STEEMIT and STEEM.

Mostly what concerns me is that Tron/Sun now hold a huge amount of Steem via ownership of Poloniex and now Steemit, inc.. The uncertainty of what he will do or not do and how that affect the steem network is what is most troubling to me. Thanks for your input @crypticat

Curious to see how many will join SPUD next month!😉

That why it is important to diversity and don't stick to only one platform.

So true @chesatochi that is why steem is only a small portion of my crypto.... but more valuable are the friends and the community that surrounds me here on Steem blockchain and that is what concerns me the most. Take care.

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Go right ahead, I won't.

So you're saying my steemit for steem profile pic won't work? what is crypto-space cowboy to do? hehehehe

Will they be taking blood to confirm that we are human?

At some point, many might say "why didn't I buy more steem when I had the opportunity"
Then I could have made a lot of money after Tron entered into a partnership with Steemit. Or maybe not. We'll see what the future brings

Thanks for your reply @xpilar and I do appreciate that this is all a financial gamble but I do have concerns what will ultimately happen to the steem community with these new changes. I do hope that it works out for both investors and well as the community. Take care.

ffs ned

Steem ♨ On !

Posted using Partiko Android

곰돌이가 @bluengel님의 소중한 댓글에 시세변동을 감안하여 $0.021을 보팅해서 $0.021을 지켜드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 7380번 $95.114을 보팅해서 $99.755을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~

We want a strong community and position of steem, it raise and gain after it turn into bad and loss will be diminished it. We also prefer community, profit and business in a equal way.

Posted using Partiko Android

Interesting times ahead will be riding it and see where it goes

Interesting times
Ahead will be riding it
And see where it goes

                 - tattoodjay

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

I think this was more about the domain ( than the users but we have certainly received VERY mixed messages w Justin. One minute, chain swap is a go (this morning video on youtube) and then it's not so per Andrew Levine. I'm just not so sure who I can really trust these days.

Been burned in the past, then again. We all have. Hope we come out on top but I'm keeping a fork in my back pocket. just in case

I do agree about not being unsure on who to trust. I am hoping things workout for the better for Steem and the Steem Blockchain. Take care @anthonyadavisii

We can always build our own Steem w blackjack and hookers if things get too dicey.

Hope things work out as well.

Also, it would have been nice had Justin bought stake like the rest of us instead of surreptitiously acquiring the ninja mine. That more speaks to Ned's character. Had he gotten the same amount of stake through the market. Would have pumped the hell out of the price for sure.

Buen dia apreciado amigo,esperando lo mejor que pueda suceder,no opino por no saber del tema de criptomonedas ya que este pais nada mas hay un pobre bolivar de hambre,yo apoyo lo que usted piense sea lo mejor,feliz fin de semana,descanse y cuidese,saludos y unn abrazo,gracias 🍺☕

Buenas Petra. Pues parece ser que el Steem y su futuro estan en el aire.... espero lo mejor pero cambios tal vez vienen, y ojala sean para lo mejor de los usuarios de esta plataforma que a ayudado a muchos. Tenga buen dia Petra, y saludos a todos desde Los Angeles, Ca.

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