
Where can I find the Larimer quote?

You won't find them on Steemit that's for sure... they censored him and EOSIO so much here he left. Simply join the EOSIO Telegram channel.

How does one censor the founder? Or am I wrong in thinking that he is the single most influential figure in making Steemit a reality?
btw.. joined.. much thanks.
had forgotten to add telegram after getting a new computer..
funny coinciding with the running of the cryptos

You can't censor someone on Steem! 69 rep and still sounding like a noob.

Yes, you can remove content from display at the frontend. Has been done before.

rep 60.I'm ashamed on your behalf.

It's not censoring if you can still find it on the blockchain.

Steem is not Steemit.

General public on-boarding could care less about the 'chain' through explorers. When the flagship front-end allow censorship and rampant abuse of stake to silence people that is what they see.

Ned got called out for it when he was interviewed by Bloomberg. They saw it, enough to bring it up on live tv.

He went so far as to say in one of his "guitar videos" that he never intended this to be "censorship resistant".

A ton of communities and Apps that could have been built on STEEM and integrated into Steemit have left and launched their own chains or Apps on other chains.

It is what it is.

You mean Jo Schmo isnt digging through explorers to see what someone may or may not have said? Preposterous

So demonetizing content and content being hidden from rankings in social media isnt censorship? Ask youtubers. It appears that a rep score doesnt really mean much when it comes to common sense analysis.

The wallet/posting key feature is the best idea ever. Surely THAT is one of a kind. 🍿

Nope, did it already.

Not the posting key part......thats the part thats clever,😉


The devil is in the details.

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