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RE: To the people I brought here: Stay away from Steemit, it's shit - I will get my money out and leave to find a better place

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

No system is perfect...I will go for the beauty!

That's the energy that will grow this platform. It's the FIRST pay-for-blogging site I've ever been a part of.

The negativity serves no value for the goal of growing the economy. It's a whine. It's like the two-year-old who needs a nap.

Thanks for the positivity. It's contagious if it's promoted.

Most truth is one's perception. My truth is that STEEM has really been a positive vibe in my life for the past few months.



So happy to read your comment 🌺🌺🌺

He got more than enough attention, like a little whining boy who thinks the world is so unfair to him. Don’t we all know “those” kind.

He got more than enough attention

Ah @mammasitta!!!! (lol) He surely struck one of your nerves, or two ;+)!

I had to scroll to reread this post to see what was generating all of this 'energy'.

It seems this is the author's rant about his perception and frustrations with the platform.

If truth was told, everyone who's been an active blogger on this site has ranted about something...even if only in thought.

So, let's accept that this beautiful platform will ruffle our feathers occasionally. We should allow for 'venting'; and, stay mindful to not 'stir' the boiling pot. (lol)

If I wasn't guilty of a rant or two, I might feel more in line to agree with you;'s a case of let him who is without sin ( cast the first stone. (John 8:7).

Hopefully, those who walk away from Steemit for a time, are wise enough to leave a few coins in the jar for when STEEM soars to the moon.

That said, just because someone leaves Steemit, doesn't mean they can't and/or won't generate more STEEM value on other platforms.

Best regards to all involved.


Not worth my nerves.

;+) ✌!

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