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RE: dMania v0.7: Lots of new fancy features

in #steem6 years ago

@zombee It seems like you're the Face of DMania, so I must tell you:
These Features are cool (⌐■ ͟ʖ■)
But there is a Feature, not yet implemented, that's way more important than all these:
The Search Bar (⌐■ ͟ʖ■)

I'll write a Reply for this Comment, when I finished my StemmIt Article about a few Good Reasons why DMania needs the Search Bar. (⌐■ ͟ʖ■)
But I can tell you already before, that the 1st Good Reason is:
Because 9Gag has it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The Article is ready. Here it is! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

By the Way: To my Surprise I noticed a Yellow Box with Green Outline around my Comment.
It was already there, after I published the Article and before I sent this Reply on the same day.
Does the Yellow Box mean, that my Comment just got highlighted by the Owner of this Post? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Now the Article is also in German. Click here to see the German Version.
Jetzt ist der Artikel, warum DMania eine Suchleiste braucht, auch auf Deutsch. Klicke hier, um ihn zu lesen.

By the Way, I noticed The Yellow Box with Green Outline is gone.
Yesterday it was there, but today it's gone.
It looked a bit like this:

Because it's gone 1 Day after it was there, I don't think anyomore, that it means, that the Comment was chosen by the Owner of the Root Post, but instead was nominated as a Daily Top Comment.
But I never knew exactly, what this Box really meant.

Please tell me, what such a Box means, if you know it exactly.

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