More detailed available Vote-Value for @smartmarket on

in #steem7 years ago


Hello everybody,

we've made a change to in the way we displayed the available Vote-Value for @smartmarket.

Previously, we only had one number but which wasn't completely accurate due to some Vote-Sellers only selling their votes to specific Users or based on the SmartScore Rating.

But now - we've made the following change (you can find this on

The first value is what is available for everyone who wants to buy votes from @smartmarket.

The second value is what only specific users can get including the first value.

We are also working on a way to display this more specific for the individual user, but for now - our goal was to reduce the mistakes of seeing an available Vote-Number which is actually not available.

What does smartsteem offer?

Our amazing Sponsors who receive 90% of our bid-bot profits:

@doinglean - 9400 SP
@motoengineer - 5.000 SP
@drorion - 4500 SP
@decebal2dac - 1000 SP
@Holbein81 - 500 SP
@sam99 - 439 SP
@puffin - 345 SP
@c0ff33a - 300 SP
@yanosh01 - 250 SP
@jpederson96 - 212 SP
@ohamdache - 100 SP
@patrice - 100 SP
@marty-art 100 SP
@felander - 100 SP
@doqstrader - 90 SP
@vidafitnessveliz - 50 SP
@detlev - 50 SP
@haxmat - 50 SP
@yogesssh - 50 SP
@plushzilla - 50 SP
@gyrosean - 50 SP
@juanv - 40 SP
@braveheart29 - 20 SP
@chnorris - 18 SP
@danielwong - 15 SP
@fatkat - 10 SP
@reko - 10 SP
@baroen96 - 10 SP
@abuzenk - 10 SP

Join us on discord

If you have any questions, feedback, want to collaborate with us or something else you want to tell us - come and join our discord! :)


Good work, more and more organized the page of @smartsteem

Is this the max value in SBD given out? Or max value in SBD that can be sent in for a vote?

So, can I send in $31 SBD for a vote since I'm white listed? Or, would the max be about 14-15SBD since it's 135%? @smartsteem

If it's the max payout, you guys should also include the max send value to avoid confusion. Just my .02.

Also, I have a little over 500SP. If I delegated it to smartsteem, what would my estimated payout be? Curious.

I just joined ☺ , however I got an issue regarding upvoting service, I sent 7 sbd for post promotion however haven't got any upvote or refund it's more than 45 min by now. Plz refund it

@smartsteem I have the same problem, just reveived 20 cents and send 6 sbd. I was really satisfied the first time I used. Hope this is just an exveption. Please refund. This is the article:

I'll look to try it out again... thanks to the sponsors !

@smartsteem ,, when buy upvote why can not,?

Nice post and eager to be it's member as I am new it's work as to get experiences thank you @smartsteem

@smartsteem I have applied for the Whitelist weeks ago and I am still pending.

Can you tell me how much time it requires to get Whitelisted?

Now I know what to do to make my hot content trend.

11 hours ago I paid 0.5 sbd, how long to last the vote

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