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RE: Can we get a definitive list of the top 100 human commentators on the Steem blockchain in 2018?

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Cool! I didn't expect to be in the list - because of me being lazy these last two or three months - but there I was, lol.
It's about time to become more active again, if I would only be able to find the energy and inspiration. I should take out my laptop again, because I'll never get any higher up in the list if I keep using only my phone - even though I got myself a new one, my typing speed is still extremely low.

Great initiative, @abh12345. I can imagine it is one hell of a job to filter everything out. I always wonder where you can find the time to do these kinds of things. Do you take your computer over to the beach and work from there? ;0)


Congratulations for making the list! And it just shows how not lazy you were the other three or so months.

Why aren't you on the laptop? What's wrong with your energy? Inspiration I get. I missed a post today because I couldn't come up with something. I blame the heat, though. I hope all is all well and that you get back to wherever it is you want to be as far as STEEM goes. :)

It's true, I've been quite a busy bee during the first months of the year, lol.

I'm using the laptop every once in a while, but it's still not very convenient. Although my back is slowly getting better (started physiotherapy yesterday), it appears I'm now suffering from Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction, caused by the fact that I have been using the wrong body poses to avoid my back pain for so long. Pffft, it's almost as painful as the hernia itself :0(

Not finding the energy is more of a mental issue. Not only am I so sick and tired of being tied to my bed for so long, I also have a cat that is terminal ill, which is a heavy load for me to carry.

I was diagnosed with depression last December, and although I've come a long way, I can still feel it crawling under my skin. The 'escape into SteemIt' strategy doesn't seem to work as well as it did a couple of months ago.

And of course, probably the most important factor of all when it comes to energy and inspiration, is that I went cold turkey after years of being an amphetamine addict. Using it, you have all the energy and inspiration you need, even more than you can handle in a day, lol.
So I guess you can say I was using doping during those first months. If Steeming was a sport, I would probably be disqualified, hahaha...

And I can totally understand how the heat can affect your thoughts. We're like melting here. For weeks it has been too hot to even move, lol.
Reading other people's comments, it seems to be a worldwide phenomenon...

It does seem like it's been warm all over, except maybe in the southern hemisphere. Haven't seen any of the Australians complaining about the winter heat wave. :)

Wow. Cold turkey. That's amazing. I hope you're feeling better for it, though, even though there's other things that aren't that great going on. It seems like life can be that way. It compounds before it relents. I wish you well, though, with kicking the habit.

I think there's at least enough marijuana smoking going on that the rules for doping on Steemit would be somewhat lax. :)

Okay, so this SPD is totally completely unfair! So, is the physiotherapy for that? The hernia? Both?

I'm sorry about your cat. I know they can mean a lot, just like family. My sister has had a couple of cats and it's never been easy for her when they pass away. I think she's found some comfort in knowing they're no longer suffering, though. That doesn't mean she doesn't miss them, of course.

Well, dang it, things just need to improve for you. It's been enough. Tell whoever I said so. :)

I will!
Thanks for being you: you are always so understanding. I really appreciate that!

The physiotherapy is originally for the hernia, but it will be beneficial for the SPD too. At least, I hope it will be.

The only positive thing is that the chance that things will get even worse gets pretty small. Except for the cat. We just decided to let him go tomorrow. It is time... I don't want him to get worse, only because I'm too selfish to not want to give up on him. It's one of the most difficult decisions I ever had to make, but there is no way to escape from it. 😭

Just for the record: it appears to be 30° in South-Africa, even though it is winter over there. The planet is really going crazy.

Can you believe I've never even come across @janton? Or at least, for as far as I can remember.
I guess it's time to get myself a new friend that can keep conversations going, lol

howdy from Texas @simplymike! well you've never come across me because I'm a rather shy and illusive introvert! lol. anytime you want to talk all night to boost your participation just give me a holler!

For some reason, that's a little hard to believe, lol.
Just checked out your blog earlier, so I know where to find you ;0)

no I'm sorry @simplymike but you mentioned me first so you are already hopelessly caught and there's no escaping me now! sorry. lol.
I've seen you mentioned like dozens of times, in fact don't you have some kind of contest going on? yeah because a few weeks ago I recommended it to some newer people.

I hear glowing references about you so it's a pleasure to finally meet you.
God bless!

Nice to meet you too, @janton. Finally I bumped into the man behind the myth :0)

I'm not in a very talkative mood at the moment - I know you've read my post, so no need to explain why - but I'll definitely catch up with you later.

oh @simplymike, I so feel your pain and understand, no worries just do what you have to do and I'll be here whenever you want to talk.

Okay. Looks like janton's already rectifying the "never even come across" him issue. :) He's like a force of nature, a Texas twister.

Apparently, ;0)

Happy to see you there, even with being less active over the summer.

Honestly, I've spent days inside thinking/reading/data gathering/writing etc, it's a little sad really considering what's on my doorstep!

The plan is to work hard now, and hope it pays off further down the line. 🙏🏼 We will find out in time if this plan was a good one or not!

I do hope so :0)
What I would give to live so close to the beach...
But once the price of Steem (and other crypto) goes to the moon, you'll probably have all the time in the world, lol

That's the dream!

I'd like to do what @pharesim is doing. Buy a sweet looking van, find a girl, and hit the road.

Just another 435,000 SP to go 😂

You do know you don't really need the girl to make that happen, right ;0P