[Back on Track] - One Step Closer To Financial Freedom - 300 STEEM POWERED UP! - Feels Damn Good - Thoughts on the Steem blockchain and the future of earning money

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

In the era when money rules all, one is imprisoned by the lack of it. No matter what you say about how money isn't important and whatnot. A homeless person won't eat if he has no money. Unless someone doesn't give him the food of course. As much as a homeless man won't eat without money, even more so does this principle apply in all sectors of our lifes.

A system has been placed on society which makes it that our reality, going down the smallest detail, is greatly influenced by money, or lack of it.

Slaves to inked paper

Don't even try to deny it.

No matter what you say. You can't have good healthcare, education, eat the right foods (organic is widely overpriced to the point where lower and middle class can't afford it), nor can you have a good quality of life and live on a healthy, human "level" if you lack the necessary funds for it. You can't deny it.

Money makes the world go round. Round and round. Round and round.

It has been, and will always be like that, only in the future money definitely won't be issued by such Criminal Rackets that the governments worldwide are. It will be distributed by decentralized blockchains to deserving content creators or consumers, around the world.

Money of the future won't be as we known it for the longest time now. It wont be these arhaic pieces of paper that only hold value because we believe they do. That's quite literally the only value of fiat currencies. Because we are thought to believe that government issued "money" holds value and that, how it works is so hard to understand that people should rather not try to understand how money works, nor question its legitimacy.

In the future, people will wake up to the fact that they are being masively extorted by their governments through taxation of all sorts, and ninja taxed by the Central Banks through inflation. Any rationally thinking human, which I'm fearing is a kind, colse to verge of extinction nowadays. Something like those who used to understand sarcasm. You remember them? They were numbered in bilions before but now there is not many of them left. Most are old, some are declared crazy, and no one can understand what they mean when they are trying to say something.

The great awakening

Good morning!

The Rationals, will opt out of mentioned extortion rackets and centralized systems to migrate their funds, businesses, savings, investments, information, projects and inovations on platforms where there is no Uncle Sam, or similar to ask for his piece of the pie. A pie that he didn't even help to bake. In fact, he was pulling your leg the whole time stealing your money while you were making the pie and now he even wants for a piece of it. A big one. And he is not asking twice. Third time you strike, he calls the men in black and off you go. A couple of years behind bars for not giving the mob ruling the teritory you live in their cut of, solely your efforts.

I don't think so.

Tokenize and Decentralize everything, cut out the middle man, take power away from the greedy corps and give it to the driving force behind Decentralized Applications and blockchains

The community

Those who are producing the value are the ones that should be rewarded. That is what logic implies. Give the money to the driving force behind it; the users, and content creators. Equally and fairly distributed. The greedy corps and the creators of todays most popular apps, websites and services, have managed to fool their users throughout the years into thinking that what they are doing on there isn't worth anything. While in fact they are empowering them to make billions of dollars, per year.

This will all change in the future though in a massive shift of consciousness

Through the power tokenization

Decentralizing the centralized business models and setting the right incentives will empower the people. Freedom will rule the world and shape the new economy. It may be called a black market by the governments, it may be outlawed but, it will be the future of life without the parasitic system leeching on our every action.

Money, or at least ways to earn it, has in the recent time been increasingly escaping the realm of physical labor, the corporate system and has entered the hustling territory.


What I mean by hustling may be far from what you are thinking about it. It's definitely far from what Wikipedia wan'ts you to think hustling is nor is it doing stuff like dealing drugs, or stealing, or anything else involving breaking the laws but, finding ways of going well above and beyond the old fashioned way of earning money. Not working a 9 to 5 job, boxed up in a cubicle but, working for yourself. When You want, what You want and how long You want. Hustling is making money out of anything because it's literally everywhere. Not only does the stuff grow on trees but, there are a lot more ways to earn it than one would ever imagine.

A hustler is like a magician. He can make money and create opportunities that are for most people seemingly popping out of nowhere. Like a magician performing a trick in front of a crowd. The crowds perception of reality weak thus, it is easily manipulated by the magician. They don't understand the slight of hand and the shortcut of their, very limited attention span that the magician is abusing to decieve them. Like the magician, the hustler is able to circumvent the traditional means of converting his time to money. It's so abstract to the outside observer. How the hustler is able to create money seemingly out of nothing? That the non-hustler, can't percieve it. As the crowd couldn't understand the magic trick, neither can the non-hustler understand how hustlers create money. Unless they become one themselves.

Only when they finally start listening to us, and opt out of centralized platforms (fuck their convenience) and come on board on any of the decentralized solutions to start monetizing their activities instead of feeding the GREEDY CORPORATIONS, is when they will be able to become true hustlers.

Websites, projects, Dapps, exist and countless others are being built as you read this, that alow you to earn money for things you would usually do elsewhere, for free, while enriching the .1%. Out of fun, because everyone is on it. The Sheeple Effect.

Now you can Hustle your way out to financial freedom by creating content that you create anyway but, instead of giving it away for free to the centralized systems, Decentralized solutions will pay you for it.

The Steem blockchain

Is a prime example of this revolutionary idea. On Steem, or any of the Steem-based dapps, users are kings. Content rules, Quality helps and Persistance leads to Improvement and Success. Those that produce content here on a regular basis, work on their following, networking, writing, video creation, design or any other skillset. Are the ones that are and will be heavily rewarded for their efforts and they are the ones that are creating the value behind this blokchain. It's all on us ladies and gentleman.

If we fuck up and everybody starts humping the reward pool like @haejin and The Greedy Whales of Steem, this place will go where DLie wen't, down the shithole. On the other hand though, if we manage to curate each other and use this tipping economy that alows us to reward each other without spending anything on it (instead the VP aka MANA) fairly, and we use it to reward the ones producing the most value for this place, there will be nothing stopping the Steem space shuttle from going past the Moon and out of the Solar System.

We are the creators of our reality. If we let greed take over, the world falls down and crumbles. But if we use this [Steem] Power wisely, we can create wealth and prosperity for millions of people worldwide.

This is the shift of wealth that we will be seeing more often than ever in the next couple of years. This is the future. We are living it now.

The corps, websites, businesses, dapps, projects, etc. will funnel a portion, if not most of their revenue streams towards the ones that create the value. The Userbase!

We are slowly transitioning into the Age of Abundance

Coins for everyone willing to Hustle!

You are/will be able to earn a living on doing the simplest of things you would never consider to be earning a paycheck for. Something as simple as watching ads, which we are bombarded with on a daily basis, will pay you a nice monthly paycheck. Probably even enouh for rent. You will need to find another income stream of course but, this will be a nice starting point for everyone.

This notion of earning and rewarding the userbase is ever so present on the Steem based Dapps and services. Countless more are being built as you read this and many more of them will come live in the next couple of years.

On Steem we currently can earn for:

I'm sure there are some that I've failed to mention but, these are the ones I could think of right now. If you know of one that I missed feel free to add it in the comment section down below!

This is just the beginning of how money will be distributed in the future and to whom. More dapps will come in the near future and soon you will be able to monetize your everyday activities to the point where you won't need a job to sustain a good lifestyle.

Money will be abundant for those who know how to reach the stream and drink from the source


Those that react first are the ones that will be rewarded the most. The early adopters. Especially us, the ones utilizing the Steem blockchain right now. If you have more than 500 SP at the moment. Consider yourself lucky. You are amongst the few that has managed to see through the iron curtain put on society, escape it, and enter the realm of Abundance.

Build your SP and cherish it like it's the only thing left in the world. Get as much as you can because the next couple of years for Steem are going to be crazy.

For some, Steem/SP will be a lottery ticket out of slavery to the financial system

But only for those who don't power down and are the ones that are here for the long run.

I have recognized the true potential of the Steem blockchain a very long time ago. It was probably more than a year ago when I could truly invision how far this place will go in the future. The first time I wrote about view on the Steem blockchain and its potential was 7 months ago in a post titled Understanding Full Potential of The Steem Blockchain And Why To Power Up Back then, with probably around 3k SP in my wallet I Powered Up 364 Steem and made a short + long term goal for the future of my SP holdings.

My short term goal is to reach 5000 SP in the next couple of months, and long term is 10 000 SP.

The assumptions made about the Steem blockchain and the goals I've set myself in that post have been getting strongly reaffirmed in the past couple of months. I've been getting increasingly positive and certain about the inevitable outcome that lies dead ahead for the Steem blockchain. In the next couple of years the Dapps will take over and incentivize every single activity you can think of through tokenization. They will basically be fighting for our attention by throwing money at us for doing the simplest things. Stuff like playing games and watching ads, using a mobile app, etc.

POWER UP! All the Way Up!


Is what I have been doing with all of my earnings on here, ever since I started my Steem journey, more than 16 moons ago. A year ago I would have never believed I would get this far. I could have only dreamed about 10k SP and a 1$ USD upvote. That dream has now faded into a short term goal. I'm shaping my reality. Living the dream. Materializing my thoughts. Setting the bar up higher. Doing my best. Learning, adapting to changes and growing. Getting closer to the end goal. Fighting a battle so important that I can't afford to lose it.


Yesterday was a good day to buy some Steem and Power it Up

One step closer to freedom.

So, I pulled out some of my earnings from other coins and bought some Steem to Power it Up, bringing me a bit closer to where I want to be. Free. Last time I bought Steem was a hard blow because the price I paid for it was 1,5$ per Steem for around 800 Steem in total. Thinking the bears will finally leave the market I thought I was buying at the bottom of the dip. As we've seen that turned out to be far from reality. I could have bought double the amount if not more, if I have waited for a couple more months. That hurt a lot because I don't have fiat, nor do I have a job to make it, so it hurt. A fucking lot! Still stings when I think of it.

power up all the way.JPG

Yesterday, an opportunity has presented itself that alowed me to snatch more than 300 Steem at a heavily discounted price of 0.8$ per Steem. The lowest price of Steem I was ever able to buy at. It greatly helped me get over the overpriced Steem I bought earlier. Powering it Up made me really happy because I was under the 2k Free SP limit I like to have for manual curation. My SP is already greatly stretched out everywhere. Trying to do as much as I can with it through delegating it out to worthy projects, I wasn't left with much to curate with. Now my free SP is at 2.16k and I'm already thinking of which project to support next.

I'm at peace with being at 2k undelegated SP and I'm always on the lookout for ways to put my SP to some good use.

Last time I did such a thing @streamersunite was born. A manual curation project for Steems abandoned live streamers. Who knows what I might come up with next. Sky is the limit. If only I had more SP. Hmmm.... I have to work on some income streams, short or long term that will make some fiat to invest in more SP. Steem won't be this low for much longer, maybe never again when it finally meets the bulls. Need to think quick.

In the time I spent here, I have earned a lot.

Powered Up everything!

Currently totaling at 6.7k SP through rewards, and investing all of the fiat I could get my hands on to buy in around around 1.5k SP. I've also given out a lot. More than 1k SP in the contests and curation shows I host. With 6.7k SP and counting, I'm getting really close to the 10k SP goal that seemed to be impossible not so long ago. This is the path I'll keep walking firmly on. At the moment, 25k SP is the new "impossible", or hard to reach but, I'm sure that, If STEEM stays this low for long enough, 25k SP won't be unreachable, level. My persistance and motivation is unquestionable. There is only one goal. It is to be secured when shit hit's the fan and our current monetary system collapses under its own weight. When all fiat currencies hyperinflate to their true value of the paper and ink used to create them. That's when cryptocurrencies will go sky high as people will have nothing other to trade with other than gold.

The only thing that might stop me from achieving my goals at this point is if Steem price meets the bulls again and starts soaring up. Then, it will be a bit harder to earn the SP, but I'll still be earning it!

Stack up now or cry later

The bulls are around the corner, you don't have much time to react. The future of money is here and Steem is its backbone. Abandon the Old School ways of earning a paychek and embrace The Age of Abundance which is now but, only for those who know how to find and open the income streams, create opportunities where no one would expect them, and drink from the source. TIP: Steem, social media, video production, content creation, design, freelancing, programming, etc.

One step at a time. Financial freedom is inevitable.


Share your thoughts.

Stay connected!


The bulls are around the corner and we don't you don't have much time to react!

Glad to connected with a True believer of STEEM.

Since Yesterday, I'm buying minimum 7 SP every single day for next 7 years and it's my personal challenge... It'll be my daily habit.

our greatness is limited only by the investments you make in ourselves and investing in SP is also an Investment in ourselves!

Agreed, thus I must quicken in assuring creting other streams of income to get as much fiat in Steem as I can.

Likewise. It's nice to meet like minded individuals here. I've been full time on Steem ever since I got here and my beliefs in Steem and its bright future are only getting stronger.

Wish I had some fiat to throw in now. But it doesn't matter. Having to work for it is building me as a person.

Spot on my friend! Spot on. That's why I'minvesting as much as I can in myself to ensure a better tomorrow. Far away from the financial system, fiat currencies and 9 to 5 jobs.

Literally vey low RC, but your article gave me a kickstart in my work and my challenge to provide the platform with great content continuously(but exams are on head now so not much continuous now).

Moreover in writing section, especially in science articles steemstem is one of the most popular and powerful platform (i know you knew it, because you had told me about it) . It also had launched its own platform, which is currently on beta stage. Soon it will have a great Dapp, providing opportunity to science lovers and more..

And on last cheers for 300 SP.

I appreciate that you came to comment, even with the low SP. Glad I was able to motivate you. That was the whole point of the article. To pump up as many users about Steem as possible. Glad the message got through!

Yes, I've seen that you got a couple of upvotes from them recently. Just keep working on the quality of your content, especially styling and layout of information and I'm sure that you will get more of their support in the future.

Good luck and full Steem ahead!

Oh ye, and ty!

Thanks for the valuable feedback for my writing style, just trying my best to qualify to steemstem as they require a genuine and valuable content. Moreover i have a mentor from steemstem, which is helping me to improve my post quality tooo..

Good luck, my friend! I hope I keep learning about steem with you! And get some leverage on my hard work investment! Cheers!

Thank you dear @nolasco! I can only hope to be able to share my knowledge and that it will pass on to my readers. Glad you are getting some good use out of it!

Steem on!

Hi @runicar!

Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
Your UA account score is currently 4.890 which ranks you at #1178 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has improved 23 places in the last three days (old rank 1201).

In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 239 contributions, your post is ranked at #58.

Evaluation of your UA score:
  • Some people are already following you, keep going!
  • The readers like your work!
  • You have already shown user engagement, try to improve it further.

Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server

That was a nice post - some of the things you talked about I knew in bits and pieces but you nicely condensed it in a more coherent understanding of the matter:

  • decentralization (cutting out the middle man)
  • getting paid for things that were previously unimaginable
  • the meaning of hustling

Funny thing is a couple of months someone on dtube mentioned hustling and I wasn't quite sure about the meaning. But I love how you phrased it:

A hustler is like a magician. He can make money and create opportunities that are for most people seemingly popping out of nowhere. Hustling is making money out of anything because it's literally everywhere. Not only does the stuff grow on trees but, there are a lot more ways to earn it than one would ever imagine.

Good stuff @runicar! Mind if I resteem it? (I used to be @igwentertainment, but I lost that account. A long story, anyway...)

You still interested in the farm business? (Remember we discussed briefly about it at discord.)

Poweeeeeeer up ! Nice seeing a post from you dear friend !

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