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RE: Off and On Steem and Steeming

in #steem5 years ago

I do feel very at home here, especially on Thursdays when I get to listen to people talk steem on @pennsif's radio show, it's somehow very grounding.

NB personal finance is all I've got TBH... my life is fantastically uninteresting on the whole. I'd struggle to do more than one diary type post per week.

There's defo a fair few oddballs I've made solid connections with and this is a great place for a perspective shift for sure!

Posted using Partiko Android


my life is fantastically uninteresting on the whole. I'd struggle to do more than one diary type post per week.

In a few years...

Day 1456: rolled in Steem.

Day 1628: rolled in Steem.

I have been enjoying myself more here lately as I don't have time to spend on people who are more vampire than human. Some people are just energy suckers and I don't have the energy for it.

Would rolling in steem make my life more interesting?!?

I'm looking forward to the day steem buys me a little piece of woodland where I can build myself an eco shack!

Or I could just post appics pictures of my meals and cinema trips.

Posted using Partiko Android

Would rolling in steem make my life more interesting?!?

There are supposedly YouTube channels to watch people eat.

I'd like a little container home by the sea, an electric car and a nice clean desk to write at.

Sounds like nice life goals. I like the idea of a container home.

Posted using Partiko Android

I sometimes run designs through my imagination to test them out. I am yet to actually walk in one.

I used to do that with Permaculture designs, now I've stopped realising such a move is still quite a way off!

Posted using Partiko Android

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