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RE: Two Ways to Earn With SmartSteem: Do the Smart Thing!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

I like your project and joined your organization because I don’t have the time for group work or curation. As an artist and novice writer I spend most of my time in my studio off the net. The rest of my time on Steemit is spent supporting minnows who comment on my blog.

I have been on Steemit producing original quality content for 1.8 years and support projects through delegation and selling my upvotes that support quality content app developers and minnows. I don’t understand why I received a one star rating. I would post this somewhere else but there is no link for chat or Discord.



Hey lovely lady. Sadly the fact that you didn't even warrant a response solidifies my initial feeling about this ad trending on steemit- not really for the people. A few people at the top maybe. I would like to hear some examples of people who have done well using bots as opposed to the way people like you and I built our accounts. Hard work, consistency, and persistence lol.

I have been exploring this area, since bots are new I am withholding my opinion. I do see a two tier system developing on Steemit, large accounts and small accounts. This troubles me and I want no part in a system that does not have a large population of middle sized accounts.

I've seen the exact same trend, and I agree it's very troubling. And seems directly related to these bots. I read a comment by someone who has been here for months using these bots, he said he's not even breaking even. I checked out his account, and there are posts bringing in fifteen to forty dollars, which tells me that he's spending more than that to get them there. This does not seem particularly beneficial to anyone.
I'm glad I ran into you though, I've always loved your blog.

I'm just kinda following this because if you only get a 1-star rating then that raises some fundamental questions about the underlying algorithm they are using.

I am also reserving judgment here because my idealistic heart believes it should still be possible to do OK for yourself here by simply creating quality content and interacting.

I am always positive until proven wrong, I hope your question is answered @denmmarkguy.

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emaizing.. a remarkable achievement

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