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RE: Why I won't support Jerry Banfield anymore - JerryCoin

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I don't mean this to sound shallow and mean, but I go with this gut feeling all the time and I usually am right. I have never trusted @jerrybanfield or wanted to read his articles or invest in his ventures because of his goody-two-shoes wide open eyes and glib smile, while bragging I'm a vegan so believe my shtick because my shit doesn't stink. I don't dislike the fellow, I don't know him, I would have to get to know you before I like or hate you. I don't trust people who copy others ideas and promise easy success and think eating a certain way will make a person character pure and their shit taste like rainbow icecream. Vegan food smells the same as any other food at the end of the day as it ends up being flushed down the toilet.

I've seen plenty of these kinda hucksters in the Dharma Sangha circus. It was his face looking so open and angelic like he has a direct connection to all that is holy. I never read what he posted because I don't visit the trending page that much. I mostly look for updates for Steemit improvements. The rest of the content is not my kind of reading content.

This is the sad thing about bidbots anyone can buy a bid, maybe that isn't sad, perhaps that's fair, we all have access to high rewards if we have the funds but isn't that like the real world? Only the rich can buy advertising. Look at corporations that poison the world can buy advertising and buy off governments to look the other way and at the same time give corporations tax-free favor status because politicians need corporate funding to run for office.

Steemit has no rules, so I give everyone some advice,

"Buyer Beware," and grow up.

Until you can make a system that everyone has an even playing field to trend or be totally ignored and is safe from scammers stop whining and bickering. That's is why I don't watch the news anymore. Too much complaining and talking shit about everyone while nothing productive gets done!"

One cool thing about the bidbots is the trending page there is more variety, the circle jerkers and whales don't write anything unusual, they push content out every day, and it is the same old stuff over and over and over... At least @yallapapi is funny, and that gold dust guy was hilarious because he was so obvious, over the top huckster. I don't agree with flagging the abuser's comments to silence them while you are flagging their article, that's playing dirty. The accused person isn't allowed to defend themselves.

I'm afraid those with the power to flag people into oblivion will flag per personal views rather than have a set of rules everyone has to follow when flagging. I think bidbots should have a set limit of how much an account can buy per post, per day, and per week.


the bidbot conversation probably won't ever be resolved with our current system. The platform's users can't seem to find a common ground and even though facts can be presented, most of them like to go with how they feel.

Regarding the trending, I don't like 80% of its content, but I'm under no delusion there was ever a Golden Age of trending. I've seen the past trending posts.

I think the trending page needs to go and one can find trending posts under tags.

I believe white-list, black-list, and vote buying ability based on the quality of posts per Smartsteem vote buying system is an excellent way to go for bidbots if we are to keep the system we have.

Although Smartsteem has been caught selling votes to the characters that are in hot water with the Steemit Gods and protectors right now.

However, we need a set list of rules for all bidbots and flagging bots/people, or I see people and bots flagging competitors or people's personal/scientific/religious/political views they don't agree with out of existence.

I can't think of one service that is 100% right all the time, and I'm not only talking about crypto, but I hear you, and I share your frustrations.

I happen to think that Oracles might be the ones to save us from ourselves, as long as we are smart enough to stack the different levels of approvability and lever them against a databases of consensus.

Now this would operate parallel to steem, trading against it, so that we could effectively attempt to create a healthier environment, not by completely eliminating the ugly, but by controlling it, removing some incentives (the ego driven ones mainly) and effectively building a wall (triggering words there) between quality content and gaming of trending.

Have you by any chance watched the video shared by SteemitBlog?... it gave me a bit of hope, it really did...

I am looking forward to the new systems just because I like learning, we are in beta.

I'm not a technical person and have no clue about how systems work until I get into the system and work with it, I learn from doing.

I've read about SMTs and oracles, but I haven't watched the video. I will check it out @memo.

My gut and reading history tells me you can't regulate morality or greed through math/algorithms and government enforcement. I think that makes black markets and criminals. The only thing that works controlling greed is fear of going to hell, and some people don't care whether they go to hell.

If someone can come up with some math and a system that can even the economic playing field here on Steemit while mitigating scammer-easy-money mentality we can apply it to all economies, it would change the world!

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