I Am So Excited!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Thank You Steemit Development Team

Order Has Been Established

At Least For The Moment

For the first time in weeks I can run through my articles comment section and vote on comments every 3-10 seconds instead of every 5 or 10 minutes or maybe never. I like to give a little SP to my commenters, they are special to me. And when I can't after going through all that other beta-bullshit I can really feel my frustration start to bubble and I have to leave the net to calm down.

I can respond to a comment and have the post go through without getting stuck somewhere in between the Steemit interface and the block-chain! I start thinking the Steemit developers have harvested what they need from their Steemit site and are building a competitor to Ethereum, ignoring their little cash cow to sit there chewing it's cud with swollen sore teats, just waiting for a case of mastitis.

Then I feel guilty because I know the crew is working hard.

I can post an article and not have it disappear. I always save my articles before I post just in case something goes wrong, I learned that little trick long ago.

I know Steemit has been in beta for a long time and I have gone through many hard-forks, SP trading at 10 cents, making next to nothing on my post to making tons of SP and back to making next to nothing. I've seen all the bad stuff and good stuff about a centralized market where fortunes can be made, fighting whales, rogue whales, scamming, spamming, and hordes of bots. I didn't give up!

I felt like cashing in my SP and leaving when I couldn't vote or post here on Steemit. That's why I am here! I want to be involved in new technology and share my interests and learn new things. Which is why I have stayed so long and I have a stubborn streak. I don't give up easily and again my stubbornness didn't turn bad, which it can do, I often stay too long in abusive situations, a bad habit I hope I've broken. I am happy I stayed, I have met the coolest people and learned a lot about crypto-currency, block-chains, learned new things about myself, and bought some cool art tools with my earnings from Steemit currency. Even if everything crashes and burns here on Steemit, I am staying!

I hope we have calm waters for a while so I can get back to work creating art and posting weird articles and not worry about Steemit and my Friends


I am sure this is just a little glitch!

Art Prints

some_text A link to My Blog


You double posted this one. Quick delete the other.

for this option you must hack blockchain right now :D

You are correct, its too late now. Now you have to overwrite the post saying

I don't know how I double posted, that was weird, I've never done that before.

It is because the system is now broken in the opposite way. Now, the server gets the message, but the browser does not. So, unless you look from another browser, or from a place like steemd. You cannot tell if your post went through. As, the browser is just sitting there not updating.

Yeah I noticed this, I thought I had a cookie problem. But this is beta so all is cool :p

I really hope you are coming to a succes as I am still struggling to get my blog out. I love yours very funny.

@bigbear, steemit is just like the real world, you can work really hard, create amazing products but if you don't have a bit of luck and know how to network all the talent in the world does not matter. I think stubbornness from my experience can be an asset or obstacle to finding luck and developing a good network. I loath networking...sigh...sigh...sigh lololol

The girl with shark :D That's fantastic! Great article Reddust! As always!


@theguruasia, I think the idea of that picture would make a great painting too! It reminds me of some of my inner battles with my own sharks in my minds eco-system ;-)

I was so happy this morning when I understood that can vote again!:)

@inber, I am blasting through my comments and may have time to curate others posts now instead of using a bot. I hope everything is going well on your side of the world, much love <3

I'm so very glad you are "stubborn," for you'd totally be missed!

The last couple of weeks have been worse than cold gum stuck to a stiletto heel, lots of copy, pasting, deleting duplicates, and hair wrenching cursing, lol!

Thank you for so awesomely condensing this particular batch of Steemit frustrations into one hilarious blog narrative, the mastitis reference was an especially nice touch😆

Cold gum stuck to a stiletto heel, the visual I got fits exactly how I felt...you can still walk but the look is nasty lolololol......farm humor helps fight the hard lonely work... <3

That gummed up stiletto strut is the first thing that popped into my strange brain when I thought of a visual for how I felt whenever I tried posting, commenting, or anything on Steemit over the last couple weeks. Glad you got a laugh out of it too! To insert a little more farm humor: I got so frustrated at times that I wanted to band someone..... 😜

Thanks for the smiles my friend, your work always elicits them.

Things have definitely improved from this morning. :-D

Yeah, I did my happy dance pulling up tomato plants hahaha

We need people like you on the Steemit platform, the long lasting quality glue that keeps it together for the long run.

If we look at most users who started in 2016 they gave up a long time ago facing all the adversity. You are an early adopter but you are still here.

The longevity and development of this platform depends on the users, that is why everyone is important and play a role in the Steemit development. But I think it's especially important for the more early adopters to show confidence and determination not to give up as many minnows look up to to them!

So I guess what I am trying to say is that we are thankful for your kickass determination:)

I figured steemit needs all kinds of people, but most of all steemit needs content creators. I know my strong points, I love community but I am not a very good community organizer nor am I very social. There is a need for content curators and community organizers but without content creators there would be no community or Steemit. So I stay with what I am good at creating art and asking odd questions that make interesting topics. Thank you @dandesign86

We all have our strong 💪 points and we should be thankful for them and Steemit is a great place to share them :)

Is that your steemit established? now posting, upvoting very easily. connected. Super news @reddust

I don't know if one can get established when in beta....lol

lol , you are funny ::) and That last pic with the sunset is just out of this world. Thanks :)

Yeah, it would make a great painting too!

Sure, it would. I stole it already :p

Sure, lots of cool people here on #steemit but you are the coolest of them all I have come across. Who would have thought of posting this?

lmao , that's funny::):):) you stole the show.

this made my day !!!! ^_^

Farm girl humor hahahaha .... at least I didn't post cow-pies :p

hahaha that would have been hilarious. Make sure you tag @ned .

OMG, don't tell @ned ..... glup...hahaha

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