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RE: Are Tesla Shares Overvalued?

in #steem7 years ago

Might be your greatest article. Maybe because I love reading more than listening to video but I learned a lot and it's a nice perspective here.
But buffet took graham to a whole different level and his theory is much more sophisticated and based on 50 years of experience [ that graham did not have].
You can read stuff that buffet said and munger said...10-20 years ago and find nuggets of truth, even prophetic i'd say. Also, Buffett really walks the walk.
I'm only saying this becaue IN FACT all those companies would probably be berkshire investments if they did tech - amazon especially - because the fundamentals are right, the team is right, the vision is there, the product etc...
Also, AMAZON is about to kill it.
I hope it can still grow, it's hard to grow and innovate when you kill it, as we've seen from apple how is kind of stagnant for now [ maybe the apple car will give it a new breath of fresh air ].

Cryptos will be as good as the team behind them. Fundamentals, man :)
It's good that Steam is partly ...well, you.
Walk the walk.


I got nothin' against Warren, in fact I own some Berk.B :)

Glad you liked it. You're too kind! [:blushing:]

:) I'm surprised of your level of knowledge too.
keep it up!

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