RE: I Research Dead People
Hi @redrica :)
I am always happy to hear of someone researching their ancestry, so I wish you every success!
As for the Ancestry DNA testing - they are actually based in the US, even though they have different websites (I don't know why, it can be very confusing - let alone the differences in subs). I'm sorry that I don't know any statistics for their Asia collections, but from what I have read (and why I have recently sent off a kit myself) they do have the largest database of people who have tested with them so the chances are greater of finding matches than with other companies. I had my first test done through FTDNA.
When you get your results you might like to consider getting a FTDNA a/c also and xfering your data across (copying, really) so that you have an even greater chance. Let me know and I'll give you more details about what is involved, if you are interested.
Still, the DNA testing cannot be a substitute for old-fashioned research, but it is a support tool to help steer you along the right track. :)
Awesome! And yes I agree, I'm sure it'll need much more work than just a DNA test. Will definitely be talking to you again, after I've done that first step!
Very glad to have found you on Steemit :)
My pleasure!
I did have a check on Ancestry regarding their Asian records - and disappointingly there are very few; and if you narrow down to which particular country you might be wanting to researching in the resources available will drop even further. I certainly hope they are working on increasing their database in this area.
Ah shame! Well I hope my data will at least help in increasing their Asian database.. Thanks though for checking!
I will send my sample off tomorrow, and will let you know when the results come back :) Are you on or discord?
Discord. I'd love to hear what you think of your results. :)
Great! Will let you know :)