
This is a superb article about the benefits of steem. I never thought of it like that and it's easy to dismiss the price of steem (or any crypto) when you live in a "richer" country like UK. When a blog post can literally give enough money to families in poor countries to help them put food on the table, that's a very powerful message and these success stories should be a big part of the marketing campaign for steem.

You already know I tweeted that and I know Digibyte is a popular, long standing project (in crypto terms) so work is cut out. But 88 is not a lot and I know there's more people that can get involved. If those higher up can use their "bot methods" to promote these campaigns in the trending section then it will get more visibility for sure.

Rising tide lifts all boats hey.

Hey Nick. Thanks for the encouragement and I think we may already have drawn level or even overtaken digibyte but I need to do a proper count at some point. ha ha, I have to admit all I'm thinking about today is getting off the computer, out into the sun for a walk and then a few pints later in the pub.

You already know I tweeted

Hey yeah, I saw that and thanks for getting involved. A fat vote on this comment as a further thanks ;-)

What you say about liking the message in my article about lifting people at least partially out of poverty is really cool m8. And it's true this could be steem's USP.

When a blog post can literally give enough money to families in poor countries to help them put food on the table, that's a very powerful message and these success stories should be a big part of the marketing campaign for steem.

It was literally one of the main things that kept me happy about staying on steem in my early days. Don't get me wrong, curie came a calling on a lot of my posts which also had a big effect. But those interactions with Marsella was one of the things which will stay with me forever. I really got to know him and his life, and he got to know about my life in Liverpool! This is all through google translate as well, which makes it even more impressive. He used to send his wife onto my posts to talk to me in comments sometimes because she could read/speak passable english and I have a tendency toward using complex words and terminology which is completely subconscious. One time his wife came on to one of our comment threads and told me that google translate had translated a question I asked to mean 'Is your sister available for marriage?' Something like that, it was a while back, over 14 months ago. Ha ha, I think if memory serves I was asking how his sisters marriage was going or something like that. As he'd written a post about her.

Anyway, it was only partly the knowing I was helping support someone who really needed that support that was awesome about that interaction, the main thing was making a real connection with someone who shared my passion for scuba diving past barriers of distance, language and a fckd up government who wouldn't have let me in the country at the time anyway. I couldn't tell you how many times Marsella invited me to stay with him and his family once (his words) the corrupt politicians had been kicked out.

That and a few other freindships and experiences in my early days on steem are a big part of why I'll never give up trying to bring steem into the mainstream. I think that it could really change wealth equality on a global scale if a few things were tweaked, like, delegation modals etc.

Thanks again for your comment and tweeting :-)

This post has been included in the latest edition of SoS Daily News - a digest of all the latest news on the Steem blockchain.

Thanks Pennsif. I love what you do. A steem journalists job is never over lol ;-)

Great write up! Thank you for sharing that wonderful story about your friend, as well. I don't often think about the monetary rewards, but it is a good reminder that for some people it can be a total game changer in life. I need to jump on to the Twitter post still I think, so thank you for the reminder!

Thanks @plantstoplanks. I really appreciate you commenting and I harted ur comment on twitter. I'm pretty sure we are now in the top spot for amount of comments of support for a listing. I'm gonna count it up again tomorrow and put out a post with official numbers but it is the last 6-8 people who commented who've probably pushed us into first place and you were one of these people. Thanks again :-)

Yes, the story about Marsella is highlights something I think a lot of the early adopters of steem maybe don't think about too much, or understand. The value from a media perspective in these types of stories is phenomenal. That type of thing is not what motivates me, genuine interaction and friendship is what was awesome about that story but having worked in press relations and communications I understand the value of stories and how they can really drive a company/charity reputation.

Glad I could hop on the bandwagon to help turn the tides! Fingers crossed we stay on top!

Resteemed so that more people will see the need to dust off their Twitter account/s and comment on Brian's tweet.

I did reply to Brian's tweet ~ After Retweeting it @raj808 ~ And just now thought of a friend who'll be able to do the same.

Thanks so much for putting your energy behind this drive to have STEEM on Coinbase. When (not if) it happens, it will be beneficial to EVERY single Steemian. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

My friend Sylvia Forest just replied to Brian. Sylvia is @forests at Steemit, but hasn't started posting yet. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


Thanks for joining in with the tweet blast @allyinspirit. I've just counted up the latest tally and #steem is in the lead with comments of support from 99 users 🙂

Our closest competition digibyte has 88 people supporting their Blockchain... So if coinbase actually decide to act on the tweet I think we may win the listing.

Ha ha, I will be doing a dance if that happens as I put so much work into this marketing drive 🙂🙂🤪😁

Thanks again for supporting this with ur tweet and getting your friend to tweet also.

That's wonderful news @raj808. All your enthusiasm has ignited enough flames to make it happen. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

Belatedly I have arrived and now tweeted. I have been a little pre-occupied. The story of your friendship and the value Steem brings to some people - well, no words would do it justice. There is so much good on this platform. And not-so-good. I do shudder at some of the goings-on. Not to mention the ethics. Anyhow, Steem has my tweet vote and I hope it's not too late.

A question (and it's a bit like a needle in a haystack), but I'm going to ask it anyway since you're a diver and from Liverpool: do you perhaps know James Rood - also a diver and work(s) in oil & gas. Had a brief flutter in the chicken food business not too long ago.... (I get it's a bit like asking someone from Cape Town if they know someone in Uganda because the former is Africa...) LOL

Hi @fionasfavorites thanks for joining in with the tweet blast on Brian Armstrong's tweet. I've just counted up the latest tally and #steem is in the lead with comments of support from 99 users 🙂

Our closest competition digibyte has 88 people supporting their Blockchain... So if coinbase actually decide to act on the tweet I think we may win the listing.

I will be doing a dance if that happens as I put so much work into this marketing drive 🙂🙂🤪😁

I'm afraid I don't know James Rood but it wasn't so far fetched a question, as Liverpool is one of those cities where a lot of people know each other. It's a very friendly city and the only real divide is between the North and South ends of the city..... Oh and the football clubs lol

Posted using Partiko Android

That is great news @raj808! Looking forward to seeing your dance!

And thank you for your gracious response to a question about James. He is my "son from another mother" - a rugby man (and a Springbok supporter) - although he does follow footie. Dunno which team. Grew up in the Wirral, worked as bouncer in gay clubs the bowels of Liverpool as a youngster and has a degree from Loughborough before dobbing all of that in for a life at sea. His forever first love - from childhood. TMI. Thanks again 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

That's not too much info Fiona. Sounds like a top geezer, I wish I'd met him.

has a degree from Loughborough before dobbing all of that in for a life at sea. His forever first love - from childhood. TMI.

If I wasn't so up and down with a chronic Illness I would be much the same. I dreamed of becoming a scuba instructor but an incident on a very deep dive in Malta convinced me that wasn't the way to go.

I honestly hope every day to find a solution to my condition as another option would be to live the travelling life around South America and South East Asia (where it is cheap) and market my writing to scuba magazines etc to maybe get some free trips or time in the ocean. Nature, natural history and wilderness places have been my deep abiding passion (and the only things that bring me any spiritual feelings) from an early age too, and I got deflected from that realization in my teenage years.

Ha ha, I'm hoping for crypto & particularly steem to gain mass adoption and the price to go through the roof in the next ten years. If that happens, I can retire to somewhere like Malaysia and scuba dive every week 🙂

P.s. I know the Wirral very well and my 'late' best friend Matt grew up in wallesey. I go over the water as much as I can to cycle and sometimes to walk to hilbre island in the mouth of the river dee. Hey, here's a thought. Share this article about hilbre, which includes a reading of one of my best poems, with your friend James. And you might like it too. It's from ages ago, published on steem.

This was the first in a series of 4 or 5 travel style articles I called 'travel at home' about different places in Merseyside. I've just reread it, and this first one was the best of the lot. Let me know if James sees it what he thinks and if it resonates with him, or brings back memories of taking the same journey.

This is the poem reading separate but with the text version as well:

Well, you never know. You may still. His Mum's family are Baxters and her dad - long gone was a vet. Anyhow, I shall share your post with him and ask him to share it with Ali.

Incidendally, even though he trained as a diver (and welder), he's now a sub-sea engineer because as you know, the life of a diver is short - because of the impact on health. I now recall you had health issues which had an impact on your efforts to get to Steemfest. I too wish I could travel...and write more..., but like you, there are financial and other issues....

Anyhow, we make the best of what we have.

Be well

And, if I get a resonse, I'll let you know!

Nice Post. Went and tweeted at that Armstrong post :)

Thanks Robert. I really appreciate it and I harted ur comment on twitter. I'm pretty sure we are now in the top spot for amount of comments of supprt for a listing. I'm gonna count it up again tomorrow and put out a post with official numbers but it is the last 6-8 people who commented who've probably pushed us into first place and you were one of these people. Thanks again brother :-)

I was late to reply this. And happy 3rd birthday to Steem. And replied on the twitter link too. Thank you for spearheading this campaign for Steem. ❤️

Hi Jade.... yes, happy birthday to us all on steem :-)

I really appreciate you commenting and I harted ur comment on twitter. I'm pretty sure we are now in the top spot for amount of comments of support for a listing. I'm gonna count it up again tomorrow and put out a post with official numbers but it is the last 6-8 people who commented who've probably pushed us into first place and you were one of these people. Thanks again :-)

Rewards are a bonus but what relly interest me about Steemit and what I find the most fun is what you mentioned in this post.

What really kept me coming back to his blog though was the conversations we had (using google translate) in the comments section. The way that steem empowers people from very different backgrounds to connect and help each other, is something truely unique, and it's as easy as clicking a mouse button.

I've been traveling for the last 7=months powered by Steem and as I blog about the places I have travelled to comments would come in from Steeians living in the places I blogged about. They invite me to meet up and experience the place from a more local perspective and I've made some good friends along the way.

I don't know of any other social media site that connects people the way Steemit does. It's been really remarkable.

Loved your post and already following you.

Yeah man. You hit the nail on the head

I don't know of any other social media site that connects people the way Steemit does. It's been really remarkable.

it's the connection that you make through steem that are it's real power and USP beyond what anything else has got, at least that I've seen. I haven't seen anything like it anywhere else and it is partly why I'm concerned with the blind fervor that seems to be the thing on steem now about dapps. Like, build build build and be dammed what is actually getting built because development is king lol. I'm a cynic at heart and always have been. But moving swiftly on. The travel thing!

I've been traveling for the last 7=months powered by Steem and as I blog about the places I have travelled to comments would come in from Steeians living in the places I blogged about. They invite me to meet up and experience the place from a more local perspective and I've made some good friends along the way.

That is awesome. It was something I wanted to find a lot of the time when I traveled in the past, meeting up with locals and getting that real authentic look at a country from their perspective as it were. There were times where I kinda pushed my way into interacting with local people or got lucky but often I found the backpacking thing to be a little strange. Like a bunch of Aussies, Europeans, Canadians and Yanks all sticking together as they trouped around Thailand.... well I did a bit of that and made some awesome friends and even hooked up with a Swedish lady but I always wanted to be wandering away from the crowd.

I always wondered if travelling as a steemian meant you ended up having friends all over the world to show you the lesser known sights and chill with. You've answered my question m8 :-)

Yes, a wonderful third anniversary for Steem! Thanks for the link to the Twitter campaign! I replied! 😃

Thank you for tweeting your reply on Brian Armstrong's tweet @thekittygirl What is you're twitter handle if you don't mind me asking? I couldn't find you on the thread as I've been making it like a personal mission to heart every single comment on their in support of steem 😂 I've probably already seen you're tweet but not known it was you if you're twitter name is different.

As you can see in the stats in this post every tweet at this point could be the one that takes us into the top spot. I'm getting very hopeful we can win this listing 😃

Thanks again for tweeting thekittygirl, and for dropping this screen, voted 😃

Great article, @raj808. I see and read those stories of Steem(It) being a life changer for people throughout the world daily. Personally, I have been fortunate enough to be born in a 'rich' country, but I see so many examples of people who have been able to turn their lives around thanks to Steem. That's indeed the true power of this blockchain and this platform.

While I was going through the votes on Twitter earlier this week, I did notice a lot of votes for Digibyte. To be honest, i neglected to go and find out what was so special about the currency, and why they received so many votes. I'll do so later. I'll also be sure to motivate some more people to go over and vote.

I have been fortunate enough to be born in a 'rich' country, but I see so many examples of people who have been able to turn their lives around thanks to Steem. That's indeed the true power of this blockchain and this platform.

yeah, I feel the same way for sure. I think digibyte is a very old well established blockchain with a large communty themselves. One of the primary promoters for steem stevenkendal is also a big promoter of digibyte. For me though, steem has potential above all other blockchain for social/economic change because of the content functionality. I hope so much that new investment coming into steem doesn't drive it to become a dapp only platform.

The power to reward someone a world away from you by paying them for their content is what drives the aspirational appeal of steem. It is that which drew me onto steem and if we loose that we'll lose our soul.

I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately I see more and more people selling their soul... :0(

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