2 Years on Steem - Learning While Earning

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

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@raj808, this is an awesome post, but you didn't mention HF21. Will it save STEEM, destroy it, or be agnostic and just let it be?

I believe in the principle of buying low, selling high, but I'm skeptical that STEEM will ever get to $10 again. I don't think Steem Engine is helping the platform. It's hurting it, actually. With all these additional tokens competing against STEEM for attention, how will the value ever rise? As BTC, ETH, and all the major coins have rallied in the last month, STEEM continued to fall. Not a good sign.

There's a lot to like about Steemit, but I'm wondering now if continued investment will be futile.

Cheers m8 👍🙂

But I did address HF21... Have a second read 😉

But what about HF21?
It will only work out if large stake holders live up to the suggested aims stated in the EIP and start to change their behaviors in regards to curation.

Steem will only increase in value if either things return to what it was before (no delegation = no vote selling) or it evolves into something different from a content reward platform.

That's my 100%, no holds barred estimation of what needs to happen lol

Far from the company line 🤣

Posted using Partiko Android

Ah, so you did. I read that last part then forgot you were talking about HF21.

Steem will have to win back some of the people it has lost. One reason it's lost so much value is because people are leaving in droves. That's not going to happen if the bidbots don't go away and the powers-that-be don't quit gaming the system. Now they have Steem Engine creating all these tokens, and a proliferation of those isn't helping the value of STEEM either.

That's not going to happen if the bidbots don't go away and the powers-that-be don't quit gaming the system. Now they have Steem Engine creating all these tokens, and a proliferation of those isn't helping the value of STEEM either.

I agree m8. And I'm one of the few who has the balls to say so on high profile posts! Everyone else seem to be band wagon jumpers. I said as much in my comment on the steemblog post, that Scot tokens have proved only one thing; that the value of a token only retains value based on hodlers/stakers and the integrity of the moderators/leaders.

Btw, I'll express the same opinion toward narrative m8! It's not a fully decentralised platform, and the token has less proven utility than steem. Not dissing narrative, just saying it how I see it! Narrative has the advantage of being a new ecosystem, and also no delegation, so no chance of bidbots... that's a good thing 👍

I will never pull my punches on stuff like that because honestly, in all humility, I'm right in what I've said time and time again about steem. Check out my comment on that steemblog post I mention in this post.


People voted that comment to $6.50.... enough people agreed! I expressed my opinion that steemit.Inc should use their ninja mined stake to vote all bidbots owners out of the consensus witness group. Maybe not the most decentralised option, but stinc have squandered their stake for far too long while high stake thieves have devalued the token at the expense of the platform's value proposition. I thought I'd end up downvoted to death from that comment on the stinc post, but apparently I'm not important enough to be worth the effort. If I had 1000000 SP I'm sure they might listen.

HF21 needs to work as @trafalgar and @kevinwong proposed in the original steem 'economic improvement proposal' to incentivise manual curation from all accounts... otherwise steem dies an even more 'accelerated' slow death.

If the culture doesn't change with HF21 within 3 months I'll be reassessing what I do on here. Basically, I'm not gonna create content for less than $0.25/hour pay! That's my average at the moment. This post has done better than most of my usual steem posts, mainly because of 'theycallmedan' who is one of the only 'honest to goodness' whales who manually curate!

As far as the future is concerned, I think it's possible that steem could find powerful market utility outside of a content creation platform (just look at splinterlands), but that's not a platform I can contribute content on. At the end of the day my 7000 SP is worth $1500 right now, and as I said in this post, I'd rather lose all of that than sell at $0.20/steem. It's a gamble, I'll hodl and continue to post while the payouts remain less than insulting 🙂

Wow. That was one helluva reply.

You're right about Narrative too. It's not decentralized. It doesn't claim to be. At present, it's run by Narrative staff. Some of us are dying to see the Tribunal elections so that community governance can actually take place. And we'd really like to see some utility for NRVE. There are some folks angling for it. It will be interesting to see how it turns out.

I appreciate your passion and your loyalty. You're a real charm. :-)

Excellent comment, it shows your involvement and positive attitude toward a fragile Steemit ecosystem at present. The coming months may be make or break for Steemit.

Congrats on your two years! I guess I'm kinda old school and still see Steemit as a writing platform so its great to see that there are still people like yourself who are constantly investing time to hone in your writing and content production skills. I should really more of that myself ...

Cheers for the congrats :)

its great to see that there are still people like yourself who are constantly investing time to hone in your writing and content production skills.

Thank you, that means a lot. I've put far to much time into steem, if I'm honest, and it's only now I'm pulling back somewhat as I'm in massive debt and need to focus on the other freelance writing I do, and working on my novel.

Priorities lol

HAPPY STEEMIVERSARY ( Oh and its Exyle 😉)

Ah! Happy Steemiversary @raj808! Two years whoop whoop!!! Bring on the cake.
Crap, I am late, cake gone. Ah well, there's always the next milestone ;)

Thanks @misslasvegas 🙂

You're not too late... there's always cake left for friends 🍰😉

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you so much for participating in the Partiko Delegation Plan Round 1! We really appreciate your support! As part of the delegation benefits, we just gave you a 3.00% upvote! Together, let’s change the world!


This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!

Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!


@helpie is a Community Witness.
For more information about our project,
please visit this month’s UPDATE post.

Thank you @helpie for the tastey birthday cake 🎂

Loads of love and appreciation to everyone in the helpie community 👍🙂🍻

Posted using Partiko Android

Congratulations you've made a sterling effort and some great content keep it up bud 💯🐒

Hi m8. Cheers.

I must admit I've been feeling the burnout lately. But this milestone has got my enthusiasm up again 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android

I think a lot have recently there is a big shift happening currently. Welcome back! I think my be my anniversary soon too then 💯🐒

Please, tag me in your anniversary post. Mainly because I want to read it my friend! But also vote the post.

You are one of the few people who've been here since I started on steem.

Posted using Partiko Android

Will be sure too bud, think I might have missed it can't remember how to see the start date oops 💯🐒

Congratulations, @raj808. I agree with you 100% about attracting people who want the opportunity to meet and learn. Earning for me has always been secondary, or even less than that. I do love upvotes and feedback, though. That's the positive reinforcement that keeps me coming back.
I don't see any other forum on the Internet where the same kind of dynamic engagement and creative activity occur. There are literally no barriers to creativity on Steemit. And, if you've been here a while, you are likely to find at least a modest audience.
You were one of the enouraging voices that kept me engaged when I joined. You remain that today.
Here's to a rich future, and to a dramatic rise the price of Steem :))

Yeah, you're right. I get wound up by the politics of steem sometimes... but I forget... That this is the only place that has paid me for my poetry on the internet to date.

That's got to be worth celebrating 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android

Congratz on 2 years, mate!

I agree with the undervalued benefits – one of them for me was getting deeper into photography, because my friend donated his DSLR to me, because he knew I do some blogging here on Steem. Had Steem not been there, I still most likely would be taking pictures with my phone only.

Hi @celestal

Yes, there is always more than meets the eye for the benefits of steem, when we dig a little deeper.

And when we compare to all those activities, pre-steem, at best they're the same but allways without any rewards. Despite some of my misgivings and criticism, I still rate steem as the best online community I've enter been involved with 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @raj808
Congratulations for 2 amazing years in steem ans you have been part of many communities and initiatives. Such a fantastic post. Thanks

Posted using Partiko Android

Cheers for the congrats m8 🙂

Steem life 😆

Posted using Partiko Android

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