Steemit Improvements - Adding Follower Notifications

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

By Commodore Trevor

As a marketer I spend a lot of time on different platforms and I get to spend a lot of time comparing features and advantages of each one. One of the features on Steemit that I find sorely lacking is the fact that figuring out who follows you is tough, and there are no notifications when you pick up a new follower.

What is the point of new follower notifications?

On other platforms I have found it highly useful to know who is following a brand and when the follow. When I see a notification of a new follower pop up I am immediately offered a link to that profile. More often than not I will pop over to that profile and take a glance at their content. Another useful feature I have found on Instagram is that it shows weather I already follow that person or not.

From that point I will often engage with their content or follow them back if I am not already following them. This also puts that person on my radar as someone who at least enjoys my brand's content enough to engage with them.

Why this matters?

From a social stand point I personally real like to know who engages with my content. On my personal feeds I find that when someone follows me I will generally click through to their profile and have a look at their content and I think that this goes for a lot of people. After all when someone wants to connect with you or otherwise wants to consume your content you naturally want to know if you have shared interests or connections. Thus, the social part of social media.

From a business perspective the easiest way that you can generate free and easy marketing exposure is to begin following people. This helps to build community for your brand and potentially expose people to your message. The key is developing a community around the content that your are engaged with. Without an obvious way of knowing who is engaging with your community and when it becomes very difficult to assess the success of any particular campaign. When you post something, someone sees it, engages with it, and immediately follows you there is a clear understanding that that person likes what you just said. If you know messages of a particular type helps to develop community bonds then you can tailor your message in specific ways.

Our strategies are 3 fold on most of our social media accounts:

  1. Posts about Raft Racing
  2. Posts about expeditions
  3. Places of interest to people wanting to raft

We have found that each of these types of posts caters to a different audience and community with different followers engaging. We take note of the pillars of the community who engage with each type of content. Then we go to work with each post sharing each different type of content with these pillars of our community. This allows us to leverage their social networks to help bring people together. Knowing who engages with the content is built into steemit, but knowing who follows after a post can be critical. This is especially true if you are doing a dedicated follower campaign. With a follower campaign the longer the time interval that it is between when you follow someone and they see that you followed them the less likey it is that they will follow you back.

*source: John Lou Tang social media study

What we can do to improve Steemit

The easiest suggestion would be to add a notification like the feed notification over the image in the top right that will show that you have a follower notification. Perhaps a follower link could be added to the drop down with an additional notification block appearing in a different color, green for example, with the notification that you have a new follower. Having the option to quickly see who followed you would allow brands, weather business or personal, to quickly and easily engage with new followers to see who really enjoys your content. YouTube accomplishes this like this:

I don't know if this has been discussed in any upcoming Hardforks or by @ned and the dev team, but I would be interested to know if that is on the table if anyone has any insight. From a marketing standpoint I feel it would definitely help internally to build more engagement among users.

One case in point is that while writing this post I gained 1 follower, however I have no idea who that user is, and more importantly I would really like to know so that I can look at their content, say Hi, potentially follow them back, and just thank them for following me.

What are your thoughts on this topic? Would this help? Would you find it spammy? Do you feel like this would increase spam?

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I am one week in steemit. I found it hard to blog articles because its a bit hard at the moment to know your public target. Of course steemit is still a new brand platform soo as a baby it is it will grow up and improve with time. Good article and really usefull!!! Best regards!!!

Thanks, and I totally agree with you. Finding the branding niche can be tricky. This platform is definitely geared towards cryptocurrency, so that is a branding concern here. In the end I think there is room for all kinds of good content here. Currently I have found the only way to target is to search hashtags, which can be tedious, but I'm glad the platform does tell you the statistics on each tag. Just out of curiosity how are you looking to brand your content?

I am still working on it🤣😅. Mu strategy at the moment is get as much people i can involve with similar content than me.. but i should definitely make something to promote my page😅. Slowly but steady!!!!😁

Cross Platform marketing really helps. If you can bring users from another platform to support you here it is a great benefit and it is generally zero cost. Also, branding content specifically for each platform really helps too. On average people look at 3-4 platforms per day so it is a great opportunity to get people engaged in multiple different ways with your message.

Me too...just joined.... delighted to upvote and follow you... nice if you could return compliment...

I would like follower notifications with the ability to switch them off in settings.

That would definitely be a major help. When you get more followers adding consistently I could see swimming in followers and not knowing what to do with them. This level of control would be a great feature.

You made nice point as I got 8 followers on my first day but I dont know when they follow so I could react immediately for better interaction.

I think steem will improve as time passes and we all will enjoy it.

Thanks, hope it helps the community to start these discussions. If your follower count is low you can really dig into it, but now when someone follows us it is hard to tell who they are without scrolling through the entire list of followers. Just checked out your account and gave you a follow. Keep up the analysis on the crypto world and good luck!

Thanks mate !

It is just my 1st day and I busted my upvote power by just random voting.

Waiting for it to refill and then I will vote wisely.

I will be civering two sectors where I have experience and kniwledge.

  1. Crypto Currencies
  2. Food and health

Awesome! Looking forward to your content. Thanks for the support.

Yeah I will share what best I have. My blogging techniques will get better with time. You can always give suggestions on improving my blogs.


Will do. Definitely happy to pass along any suggestions! YOu may already be aware of this, but formatting really trips a lot of people up, but this really helped us:

Taking a little extra time to add some flair to your post can go a long way.

Awesome. We will have good interactions in coming days and weeks.


Me too...just joined.... delighted to upvote and follow you... nice if you could return compliment...

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