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RE: @haejin still raping the reward pool! @ned WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO ADDRESS THIS ISSUE??

in #steem7 years ago

He picks random coins and says they will go up hundreds or percent. All of them have the same growth prediction pattern and no research is done on any of the development of the coins. If you look at his success rate for predictions, you'll see it's way less than 50% meaning anybody could have done the same guessing and came up with similar results for predictions.


You are right. It is rubbish.
But the fact is that there are many many MANY other that basically do the same.
I've seen users getting daily $100+ rewards for literaly saying the price of couple of coins every few hours.
No added value.
But then again, maybe that's just it. People are stupid we vote stupid things.
After all, most traffic on the Internet is not society-changing whitepapers about crypto, but rather cat videos and porn.
Meet humanity.

He earned it fool! People joined steem to follow him. If you think about it, the more people that join this website - the more users there are to help upvote other people. Yet what you mindless sheep are doing is making sure that none of his THOUSANDS (growing every day) followers will EVER upvote your stuff you idiot. So maybe if you guys would be nice, then maybe - you would win over some of our votes. Yet, your idiotic small brain can't grasp that concept you're a retard! PLAIN AND SIMPLE YOUR ALL MINDLESS SHEEP! I LAUGH AT YOU ALL, YOUR IDIOTS - 94% of the pool is still left JACKASS! (PLEASE UPVOTE THIS SO THESE DUMB IDIOTS CAN OPEN THERE MIND TO THE BIGGER PICTURE - HAIJEN WENT FROM 8K TWITTER TO 11.1K IN LESS THAN A WEEK (DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY OF THOSE TWITTER FOLLOWERS WILL JOIN STEEM. THAT BRINGS MORE PEOPLE TO THE PLATFORM. WHICH IN TURN BRINGS MORE VOTES. YET THESE STUPID, JACKASS, DUMB, MORONIC, SMALL BRAIN, IDIOTIC SHEEP CANT UNDERSTAND THAT BASIC CONCEPT) I REALLY HAVE NEVER MET PEOPLE SO DAMN DUMB!)

I can guarantee you that even if you are 100% correct about something, calling the people you're talking to 'MINDLESS SHEEP' will not win you any support or sympathy. <3

But what would we do if there was no porn or cat videos?

Just stop following these people.... if you want to get suckered into this garbage then be my guest.
But i agree. Better no garbage....

I feel the subject matter here shouldn't be attacked. He is doing what he knows how to do Best. Anyone could as well so the same !! it's so fine, what he he has been doing only catches the interest of a lot of people that is why he gets the upvotes.

He is filling up a Gap, many would snub any day.

Do you have any data to back up that claim? I have stacks of $ that say his hit rate is well above 50%.

To be fair, if you made literally any position in any coin in the crypto market the past months, you would have made money. While I appreciate @Haejin's work, it doesn't take knowledge in TA to succeed in crypto - whether that's a good or bad thing.

You are quite right, I would have made money either way, I would have made less on my own though, of that I have no doubt whatsoever.

If you work out the actual math, find out if your investments did better than you would have by buying in at the same dollar amount in all cryptos and waiting. I promise you, that method has never been beaten in the long run and the advisor you're listening to is only trying to boost his own personal investment - the one before your own. He's using you.

I am absolutely certain, it's not just a case of "oh @haejin says this coin will go up" and I bought it, I think I've done that once. I held when I otherwise would have sold, and I sold and moved positions into different coins on more than one occasion. Is it just that he influenced me to not be dumb? Maybe but nonetheless the information was valuable to me.

That is a bit beside the point in the context of my original response though. If it's so easy to make money in this market, how can his hit rate possibly be less than 50%? That truly would require skill. @ponts won't provide that data because it doesn't exist.

Here, ( go educate yourself about the method he claims he have 15+ years of experience.

BTW, the best analyst on the financial market ever existed only had 68% of accuracy.
Make sure to read through all of it, and make your own conclusions.

I have no interest in debating the quality or wisdom of my own due diligence. I have made money as a direct result of advice from @haejin now you can choose to assume I am lying or that it was just a happy coincidence, I don't really care.

Look back over this thread, someone claimed that @haejin is right less than 50% of the time. That was the comment I responded to and a moron could see that is false. In fact as I have said elsewhere, right now in this market claiming that X or Y coin will rise in price and being wrong more than 50% of the time would require true skill.

See, here is the problem.
Someone disagree with you, and give you a place to reach more information, what do you do? Ignore the information and feel offended.

Who cares if you made money with his advice? Like you just said, in this market, anyone that call a coin will rise have 90% of chance to be right. So yeah, its kind of easy to be an "invertment guru" on cryptos....

Also, do some math on your trades. What would happen if had bought the coins you hade at random and just held them?

you are right taking.........also right....................
l support you.............

I couldn't agree more, I actually just wrote a post about this exact idea - Crypto is working for everyone in it (for the most part), what's stopping other people from joining? How can we improve crypto literacy?

With a fast rise in the value of bitcoin, i think many people have got attracted towards it. Since bitcoin value increased from 100$ a few years ago to some where around 20000$ right now, I think many people are hoping the same with other currencies as well. Thus are buying anything that is cheap. This in return giving success to every crypto currency even if it was dead for a long time.

Do you want someone to hold your hand and walk you through his posts!? Literally anyone can look at his blog and come to the same conclusions. I'm not saying that the coins he picked haven't gone up in value. I'm saying that his predictions are purely made up, and that he is wrong more than half the time.

It's not me that needs the hand holding, I read almost all of his posts and watch the videos, and have done so for quite some time.

Again do you have data to back your 50% claim? Saying it more than once doesn't add credibility.

what thanks.

This is absolutely not true. It is very easy to check how many times he has picked the coins that go up the most. I think only a blind man will deny Haejin's skills, but whatever. I choose to follow him, you don't and that's fine. I only can't understand the reason for jealous posts like the one from berniesanders - nobody forced me or any of the Haejin's followers to upvote him - we are just being thankful for what he does.

Absolutely.. He is taking steps a whole lot of people out there won't find a substantial reason taking.

Crypto literacy will improve exponentially as people lose money. Literacy will happen through experience.

Thanks for the information. I was looking into his stuff and couldn't really wrap my head around it. That said, a few people seemed to have made tons of money using his methods.

He uses, elliott wave. It's a bit complicated but it's a great way to analyse stocks or crypto's. I use it too. But he does it with random coins...

it's a great way to analyse stocks or crypto's

Please, educate yourself a bit here (

I don't care if he was using Baltazar crap what I don't like is he was raping the reward pool as if there was no tomorrow. I can do my own crypto card reading as well if we get to that point.

Yes most people who learned how this thing work are cashing out by the second!


Its so frustrating. I joined steemit as a photographer with the hope that quality content might rise to the top. I guess all platforms are subject to abuse but it does make it frustrating.

Sounds like the typical trader. Not being able to outperform the market or in this case Bitcoin.

oh my gut

Let me drop my comment here - so it'll have the chance of getting a wider reach.

I'm neutral right here and I'm not supporting anybody, but lemme just speak my mind.

For me, anytime I see a post calling for the Flagging of another person's post, it just speaks:




to me, which I tought we were all against.

It's my opinion tho.


Can you just imagine if Conor McGregor signs up for a Steem account and up-vote every trash talk he can think of? Well, this is just the beginning. The algorithm is literally broke! A new way of distributing the reward is a must, else Steem is doomed.

Can you come up with an example or suggestion of how steem's algorithm can be improved?

I have been screaming this before from day one of my on-boarding here and I have to scream this again: The voting power of a whale is too much! Can we not just minimize its devastating influence for the betterment of humanity on Steem?

There is a reason why the US electoral process is utilizing what they call Electoral Votes per State.

But anyway, this is just a wishful thinking. Nobody's even listening to @berniesanders scream how much more to an unknown minnow just like me.

Well, i thought that has been address with hardfork 19? Vote power has been exponential before this but now it's linear. That's the fairest configuration available.. otherwise whales are not incentivised to keep their steem in steem power. that wouldnt be good to steem.

Well, if that is the case I would just wait until those spoiled brat ultra rich kiddos who are sons of oligarchs, owning the majority of Arab oils, who are driving various models of Lamborghini going to night clubs, finally discover Steem and reap all of the reward pool in a matter of seconds. I'm done! Next block chain please.

Major fundamental issues with how rewards are managed on Fatal flaw in the design of the system, leads to whale wars and flagging wars and ....

will ultimately be a limiting factor on the price of STEEM.

Take your investment money elsewhere.

Play around on the forums if you find content you find interesting


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