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RE: Important Changes to and Wallet

in #steem5 years ago

This is what I was trying to say, thanks for saying it so much better. I didn't see any notice of it beforehand - people pointed out that it was mentioned, but it was mentioned in a post titled something about a "condenser split," which is techno babble to me so I didn't click on it, because Steemit doesn't translate their tech-update posts for the non-techies. The post wasn't pinned, like some other unimportant posts were, and it didn't even show up in that update sidebar for me. The post about updates to wallet mentioned in the title was posted after the fact, and pinned.
Luckily I've learned enough that I know what to do about keys and keep them all written down and the like, but immediately after this rolled out, the Steemit FB group I'm in had several people asking how the heck to get in their wallets. Extrapolate our small group to the larger user base who maybe don't have a helper group to go ask, and I'm sure there are still people who are confused.
I don't begrudge them making the change, I just really wish Stinc would hire someone who's sole job would be to communicate things to the community, making sure pertinent things were pinned, warnings went out well in advance, how-tos and guides were available, and techno babble got translated. I'm not a techie but am in that middle ground where I can go searching for resources and usually grasp it - lots of people hit a wall and say, "what do I do now??"

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