Don't be afraid of the current STEEM situation - People are the true value of this place.

in #steem6 years ago

Hello Steemit!

Image source.

So , this is the first time in my blog I think I post something on this topic , even though I keep my blog centered on my musical content I am very aware of what is happening on the platform and I do read a lot , I just happen to be reserved about it over here ( different story on Discord , or If I get on the microphone on one of the @helpie meetings that every now and then I have to run because of @meno's fake news) but I think this time calls for people who have been very active and committed to this place to step out a little more. So here I am.. adding my two cents.

Ever since the @helpie project was started by @meno , @ankapolo and myself our main goal was to create a community that had their mindset on the long term of the game , that supported good human beings , mentored the new ones and helped us grow together , we met who became our very first curator @llfarms , who is now a core member of the team and... the rest is history , we have been a year in and we are not slowing down by any means. Even through all the bear market , we have not stopped .. and will not do so!

But.. this post is not about @helpie...

There is a general sense of doubt, fear, despair.. however you wan't to call it from a lot of users surrounding @ned's last post and as I don't want to get on details on that , you should go read for yourself .. I can applaud the attitude of many of the community leaders in the comment section , people like @nathanmars , @therealwolf and many others are stepping up to the front offering their help to bring this ship back up .. now.. that is the community that has been built here , proving to be strong even in these bad moments. If you feel some doubt .. then take a minute and watch @nathanmars's response to @ned.

You can see this as an opportunity!

In short words , now it is the time to collect STEEM and power up , if you have some extra fiat on you, this is your opportunity to invest. Unfortunately , my current economic situation doesn't let me put cash in .. but I'm very work invested in this place .. I have been posting and curating almost daily for more than a year.. I have collected some stake , depending on who you ask I've done good , just ok or bad BUT I've been consistent and plan to keep being so. I've been in the $8 STEEM and in the $0.30 STEEM operating the same way .. and my aggressive power-up mentality has been strong since day one. Just keep in mind:


Don't look at today's value... look at it's potential.. that little mental change will do wonders for you.. trust me.

My short and long term plan:

Well , I'm in a situation where I will have to do a big move soon , the economic situation in Argentina and my line of work have reached to a point of a dead-end for me .. so.. i'm already making some calls and planning ahead , some logistics need to be done in order to relocate my music studio once again , lot's of gear to sell/move but this time around I'm really thinking of scaling it down and keep it mobile , as long as I have certain key elements in it .. I can take the work with me wherever I go. Seems that the destination will be Ecuador once again , and since @meno is also moving back.. we might get something going together one more time ;) .

In short term , I don't plan to slow on my posting and help around my home based communities @helpie and @minnowsupport , also helping at @msp-waves and doing some curation at @c-squared ( go vote their witness) .. I need to go visit my friends at COM too :P ... I try to stay as active as possible in the @openmic community and I am in the middle of pushing some music collaborations and productions , being a musician myself I have a strong commitment to help bring material to the STEEM music family.

Mid/long term , apart from my relationship with @helpie and @minnowsupport , of where I plan to keep as my home base I am also in the plans of making a label I co-own with Sergio Vivar in Ecuador STEEM powered and bringing the whole team on-board . I would totally be delighted to bring the Ecuadorian music community to the platform , so.. that's on my plans ;) . I'll share more details on that later...

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So , let's keep building the community , the people are the value! I don't know about you but as long as the family I have met around here are still around .. I'm not going anywhere!

Keep on Steemin!



I wish you good luck on the new move and music studio! Keep doing the good work and the powers that be will take care of the rest!

Thank you very much for the good wishes my friend ! I hope everything goes in smoothly :) , it's always an adventure :D! Cheers!

I agree with you! I am lucky enough to be able to invest some funds and last week I powered up to a baby dolphin. Yay! It's the best time to invest! Especially for people like me who didn't join at the very beginning so couldn't use 0.07 dollar to become whales :)

Hey! congratulations on dolphinhood !.. you will get one of these mailed to your door now:

Ooh.. if Steem went back to 0.07... i don't know what I'm selling.. but I'm selling... want to buy my cat? hahahaha ! Cheers and Steem on!

THANK YOU!!! And somebody is ringing my bell so going to open.. hopefully it's your cake ;)

Knock knock Pechi, I am here with you
We are here

te felicito amigo músico y de los buenos, antes de "Steemit" muchos de nosotros perdíamos nuestros trabajos y al final se guardaban en un baúl de recuerdos, pero como exponentes seguíamos trabajando, ahora es cuando tenemos que dar lo mejor para seguir adelante, Steemit es una plataforma original y lo mejor esta aquí, trabajemos juntos y nuestra moneda adquirirá el valor que se merece, no se depriman por ver una caída, subirá y subirá luego, así que a trabajar amigos.

Muchas gracias amigo @betzaelcorvo , estoy totalmente de acuerdo , aquí nosotros los músicos y artistas en general tenemos una plataforma con un gran potencial para mostrar nuestro trabajo , no podemos dejar que se pierda asi que me uno contigo en el deseo de trabajar porque este lugar siga a flote :) . Todo va a estar bien y el tiempo va a premiar a los que se quedaron aqui , estoy seguro :) !

Doubt, fear and despair? What doubt, fear and despair? Ha ha, just kidding. Yes, there is some angst right now, and Ned’s announcement is particularly disheartening. But it is a reminder, as you have shared, that we are a decentralized platform and this is the time for more personal commitment and leadership amongst our vast ranks than ever before. @nathanmars’s offer is amazing, and it nearly made me cry. With that spirit and the wonderful development going on, and the commitment and drive of so many incredible people, we are strong. There is much to be hopeful for. HODL!

Good luck with your move, @pechichemena.

hahahahaha maybe my choice of words were a little dramatic .. anxiety would be best to describe it :D hehehehe ! I think we are going to be fine , the commitment of some of our leaders have proved so ! We can just help pushing this ship to where we want it to be , how long will it take? .. who knows.. but let's just keep going . Thank you for your kind words!

Oh, I think your words were very well chosen, actually! But we can't take everything too seriously, right? I'm hoping that when all the dust settles, what will be left is the committed, crowd-minded people who want to work together to make this a great platform, for the long-run. Maybe everyone who is just in it for the money and personal gain will give up and go haunt something else. :-)

I agree , let's see who stays around ;)

1 Steem = 1 Steem... Yep :)

I'm thankful for the hard times. They're forcing me to have a savings account, for the first time in my life.

We're here for the long haul. :D

hehehehe.. I figured that out without a calculator ... i'm proud.....sobs..

Also , and I know you are ninja on that , Steem Monsters is a very good investment.. even if you don't play.. they seem to hold up their value quite well so... HODL on cards is not a bad idea at all ;)

You write a lot of interesting things in your post: first of all the title that underlines the great importance of us, Steemians. As you write, "we are the real value" in this platform, in particolar all of us the almost daily write or create contents.
Second important thing is that
1 Steem=1 Steem
Today and forever this will be the real idea.
Probably the fiat take us in tribunale, but what help us to overcome it is our love for Steemit itself.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you ! Yes , there is no meaning of creating content and/or developments if people are not around to interact , we are the ones that make this place :) , so we have our responsibility in bringing the value we want here and help move this to the place we would want it to be. Rough times are also times of opportunities , so we better take them . I know we will be fine , this is just a bump on the road! thank you so much for your input! much cheers!

Saludos, @pechichemena. Como eres argentino, te comento en español. No soy músico, sino escritor, pero quiero agradecerte el gran trabajo que hacen en @helpie, apoyando el contenido de calidad. En efecto, son tiempos duros; sin embargo, Steemit sigue siendo un gran proyecto y vale la pena seguir apostando por él. Me alegra saber que @helpie mantendrá su misma línea de trabajo.
Te deseo suerte donde quiera que sea que vayas.

Muchas gracias @rjguerra ! me alegro que lo que estamos pudiendo hacer para la comunidad hispana sea un pequeño aporte a ella , poco a poco queremos seguir encontrando maneras de seguir apoyando esta comunidad que ya es una gran fuerza en una plataforma donde domina el Ingles , con @helpie planeamos seguir la misma linea de trabajo , hemos hecho ajustes por obvias razones pero nuestro ritmo no ha bajado ni piensa bajar , la proyeccion que tenemos es a un largo plazo :) . Gracias por tus buenos deseos ! En realidad soy Ecuatoriano , por eso volver un poco a la patria por un tiempo tiene sentido hehehe .. pero si , actualmente vivo en Argentina . Un gran saludo!

Yes exactly this ❤️❤️❤️❤️

<3<3<3 I got my tie on for writing these .. gotta look serious ... hahahaha :) .

I've read the original post as i had only been seeing reactions so i needed to get the full truth of the matter. Now that i have done that i'm not as worried. STEEM is so much more than steem inc but it is a shame to hear that they are struggling since they have driven a lot of the development to date. I can see why since they are surviving on STEEM which as we all know far too well has dropped to a harsh level. Until we start sourcing external revenue for the site and hopefully through the apps then there won't be true stability. What we have are shares in a product but until that product starts earning people won't be as willing to invest in it.

I can applaud the attitude of many of the community leaders in the comment section , people like @nathanmars , @therealwolf and many others are stepping up to the front offering their help to bring this ship back up .. now.. that is the community that has been built here , proving to be strong even in these bad moments.

What we do have is a unique selling point and that is our community of intelligent, driven and caring people and that is something to advertise to the world. Seeing large holders like these stepping up in hard times is what we are all about. We will still be here regardless of the price or regardless of steem inc so it's up to us to make sure that investors can see the benefits of having such a community behind the product. We can do that by keeping the chain active and by bringing in the next wave of people to grow what we have. I expect the new apps to be a big part of it but we need to bring the people to the party.

Yes @niallon11 and as we talked in the last meeting , I hope the next step is the economic sustainability of this blockchain , Steemit Inc reducing costs and focusing on actually working a way around the financial stability of the Steem blockchain is a good start, I hope the right decisions are made over that matter (not that I know them).

And I agree , our unique selling point is our human potential , a community commited in making this place work regardless of price and Steem Inc .. It's also up to us to put our part in here . After talking with many peeps over this matter I know we are going to be fine , it's just a matter of time. Cheers my friend!

I think steem inc need to prioritize making STEEM the best place for apps to be. If they can foster an environment that allows apps to grow and earn money then the apps can take up some of the costs associated with running the chain.

If we have a thousand apps making a profit then 2 million would be nothing between them to run the system. If they wan't to earn money then they would need to cover some of the costs just like any traditional business. The only question is what needs to be done to build such a space. What are the most important factors for app development on the blockchain.

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