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RE: Don't be afraid of the current STEEM situation - People are the true value of this place.

in #steem6 years ago

I've read the original post as i had only been seeing reactions so i needed to get the full truth of the matter. Now that i have done that i'm not as worried. STEEM is so much more than steem inc but it is a shame to hear that they are struggling since they have driven a lot of the development to date. I can see why since they are surviving on STEEM which as we all know far too well has dropped to a harsh level. Until we start sourcing external revenue for the site and hopefully through the apps then there won't be true stability. What we have are shares in a product but until that product starts earning people won't be as willing to invest in it.

I can applaud the attitude of many of the community leaders in the comment section , people like @nathanmars , @therealwolf and many others are stepping up to the front offering their help to bring this ship back up .. now.. that is the community that has been built here , proving to be strong even in these bad moments.

What we do have is a unique selling point and that is our community of intelligent, driven and caring people and that is something to advertise to the world. Seeing large holders like these stepping up in hard times is what we are all about. We will still be here regardless of the price or regardless of steem inc so it's up to us to make sure that investors can see the benefits of having such a community behind the product. We can do that by keeping the chain active and by bringing in the next wave of people to grow what we have. I expect the new apps to be a big part of it but we need to bring the people to the party.


Yes @niallon11 and as we talked in the last meeting , I hope the next step is the economic sustainability of this blockchain , Steemit Inc reducing costs and focusing on actually working a way around the financial stability of the Steem blockchain is a good start, I hope the right decisions are made over that matter (not that I know them).

And I agree , our unique selling point is our human potential , a community commited in making this place work regardless of price and Steem Inc .. It's also up to us to put our part in here . After talking with many peeps over this matter I know we are going to be fine , it's just a matter of time. Cheers my friend!

I think steem inc need to prioritize making STEEM the best place for apps to be. If they can foster an environment that allows apps to grow and earn money then the apps can take up some of the costs associated with running the chain.

If we have a thousand apps making a profit then 2 million would be nothing between them to run the system. If they wan't to earn money then they would need to cover some of the costs just like any traditional business. The only question is what needs to be done to build such a space. What are the most important factors for app development on the blockchain.

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