@haejin, Hate to be a dick.. but.. enjoy the videos... :)

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

@haejin I told you I would parody the post you made. This is not an objective post in the same form and fashion as was my last one. That said I'm not going to retype it all so I will copy the portion addressing greed and ungratefulness.

@haejin you have done very well these last couple of weeks, and likely banked $60,000 USD or more thanks to @ranchorelaxo. The absolute last thing you should be doing is posting stuff like this:

How to HELP @haejin.... ADD STEEM POWER and UPVOTE!!


It smacks of greed and ungratefulness for what you have achieved. You need more? You need more votes and a larger portion of the rewards pool? You should, at this point exercise humility and thankfulness while remaining quiet on the issue except to say thank you to your followers while you keep chugging away on your analysis. I mean seriously? Would you like us to set up a Gofundme page for you? This is not appreciative behavior, nor is it the type of behavior I could look up to if you achieve mythical whale status.

You should take some time once your rewards come in and go through and curate like there is no tomorrow. Find other analysts, authors in other categories, those just getting started and try to elevate them to you new found level on Steemit. But whatever you do, do not put forth a pity party campaign for the disadvantaged @haejin whom just made more in a week, than most will make in a few years of hard work. It’s shallow, deplorable, and while I don’t know you, I hope that behavior such as this is not typically your norm.

The moral of the above is that your should be a lot LESS, like this with such a self serving post, transparent, sympathy garnering, knuckle headed post :

Seriously, you should be grateful, praising your followers, not asking for help. Considering your upcoming payout I would expect you to be much more like this in private:

Congrats on your success, maintain your humility and its o.k. for you to discreetly....


Can't feed with greed!

I know no one who ever survive with eating his own greed. My comment to this bizarre and sad story with @haejin is to put some hard work into your success is much better approach.

I'm proud on every SBD I earn hear on Steemit but besides financial success for me, much more important is commitment you show with your writing and blogging here. This is what defines your personalty and in long term bring you true recognition by the people.

I agree, great comment.. As I have stated in the past.. You have to always act with humility and attempt to elevate others to your level any chance possible. Does this mean that I can't parody sillyness? no.. I found it amusing.. As a leader you also have to be willing to step up and take the heat for those in your charge, as any mistakes they may have made are a direct reflection of your leadership. You also need to stand in and fight your on battles and lead them not turn it over to your followers to do for you. You do this through being nice to those that hate you, and in spite of their actions you still attempt to elevate them. What you don't do is ask your followers for more, when they are the ones fighting your battles.. You give back to them for their efforts and attempt to win over and help those that are against you...

Indeed a great comment dude. ''Commitment'' is the keyword
Steem on!

haejin doesn't give a fuck about you or Steemit. He just cares about making money.

That may be the case, and if that is his mission in life then who am I to deter him from it. Unless the platform changes, or the way in which rewards are allowed to be distributed change then I cannot fault @haejin for using the system to his advantage.

bernie is using it to his advantage also.....Obviously its doesn't appear to be helping you but in truth he was one of the first and biggest investors....Steemit may not even be existing right now if not for him....we don't really know. Im jus saying everyone has just as much right to down vote as they do up vote. I almost never down vote but thats just my personal choice is all.

That is true but I think users should down vote based on policy. As to we don't really know him.. depends..I would theorize the real world version is not much better. Impulsive, temper, etc. likely a record of some sort based on the patterns of behavior I have observed based on my experience in other fields that deal with that type. But its theory.. Can't we all just get along..

It would be nice if we could all get along yes and yes it IS POSSIBLE, yet it is not likely with the current state of human consciousness.

More evolved people realize that it only makes sense to work together and get along even if its agreeing to disagree.

True but we have a very wide cross section here that consists of both the evolved and unevolved.

Hahahahahaaha, I completely lost it on that first one...

Who are they? You would have to read my last post, but its a whole saga related to the rewards pool..

A saga is an understatement. Since I joined I've seen a lot of ranting that one might find on reddit. However; I feel some of these rants are very just.

true, I can certainly agree with you there but that is our little society in action..

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