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RE: One up, One Down Steemit Networking Challenge #1

in #steem6 years ago

I will start the answers - I would love to go to China. Why? well there is so much I would like to see. I cant imagine the scale of some of the cities and I would love to see the wall and experience some of their cultures. Its so far away from Ireland, it would just be amazing to go there.


I hope you wish come true :)
Hei, did you ever heard about indonesia?

before I started on steemit I didn't know anyone from Indonesia and yes I would now LOVE to visit

Hey @paulag...

kami tunggu kedatangan mu nyonya di negeri saya "indonesia". pastinya disini anda dimanjakan oleh pesona surga. alam yang hijau dan laut yang biru. dan masih banyak lagi ibu. satu lagi, disini semua murah senyum.

we are waiting for you to visit my country "Indonesia". Surely here you are spoiled by the charm of heaven. green nature and blue sea. and many more mothers. one more, here all smiles.

from Google translation

Posted using Partiko Android

that sounds amazing and because I have made so many friends , it would be even more amazing

bukan sekedar kedengaran saja loh @paulag. ini memang realita... steemit ini memang membuat ikatan perkenalan bukan sekedar sebangsa. tapi se dunia. si pencipta steemit memang luar biasa. terimakasih @ned dan yang membantu. Ini sangat berguna

not just sounds like @paulag this is indeed a reality ... this steemit does make the introductory bond not just a countryman. but the world. the creator of steemit is amazing. thank you @ned and who helped. this is very useful.

Posted using Partiko Android

It is always interesting to get acquainted with other customs and traditions of the countries in which we come. In China, probably a lot of very interesting and unusual for Europeans :)

I would say super unusual, thats why I would love to go. Most of Europe is the same and the only time i left Europe was to Russia

@paulag, In this case, after Russia it will be a contrast for You :)

Visiting the Great Wall in China is a good idea.
Just don't forget an oxygen mask, when you go to China.
The air pollution is very bad in certain places, like Beijing.

Oh, yeah, I heard that too. I've seen some pictures here on our platform that reflected this fact
but, still, the desire to see this country and its attractions is not lost, heh

China sounds amazing. I have worked with some great people from there.

Posted using Partiko Android

@josephsavage I love china culture, his medecine and now how they are changing the politics runing to a market economy.

Dont miss the Yangtse River cruise

Shanghai in China is an advance city. A must visit place for technology. The standard of living is totally different from my country.

The only place I would love to visit is North Pole since no country owns it.

I definitely recommend the coastal areas as they are shopping havens. Of course, having a local guide would be great, then again, I'm sure you can find someone on Steemit!

You should go by feet or bike from west to east. That way you can enjoy China really long 😋😜

Seriously you are right, I also want to go there one day. To see a few things like the Terra cotta army.

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