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RE: Steemit Retirement Plan!

in #steem7 years ago

I can definitely see this site exploding in popularity very soon. It is a great model. It might be good to have a back up of a backup plan if you know what I mean--Murphy's law and all.

Very cool idea though.


Just don't freak out and sell like my friend did with bitcoin's early days. lol. He would be a multimillionaire right now if he didn't.

"Coulda-woulda-shoulda" doesn't matter. Maybe his higher self craved something other than multimillionaire status--! ;)
All we have is the NOW and the ability to choose what's in alignment with us NOW ^_^

You are right about the higher self not really wanting it. There is an epidemic of self fulfilling prophecies it seems. They might say they want it, but deep down they really don't. Agreed 100%.

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