Asking. Is there a way to create lists of following and their posts?

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

I know the answer is out there and I could simply dig for it. But I want to ask it here, so the answer could be useful for other users too.

Can I create lists of Steem users I follow, so to organize my following and be able to read their posts easily?

Steemit Inc announced months ago the subcommunities, as Reddit has, as a very needed improvement. It seemed that feature was to be implemented fastly. But nothing happened so far.

So, is there a way, using one of the many apps created around Steem, to create groups of users and monitor their posting? Maybe it's possible to do it using Streemian or Steemstats. I don't know.

Update: I forgot to say that I use Streemian-Fanbase function, which notify in my mailbox each new post of the users I add to that list. But Streemian doesn't work so well, often.

Any helping advice?

Thanx In Advance.


This is soemthing I'm looking for since a while. I would like to have an application that allows you to create some groups of people I follow, like favourites, artists, and other topics.... I hope someone will create one soon!

Sure! Just write a blog post with tags of all the people you want to follow. That's how I do it. If you want something more... dynamic then add that feature to the list of "steemit nice to have features" XD

it's the easiest way for sure. now I just have to write a app that read those blogs and list the last posts :D

Well, being old- I go for the old fashioned way. I wrote down a list of people I like enough to read their blog. Then I go to their blog page. Then I misplaced the list and said the hell with it!

lol! it's the way I'd do it, in a file, of course :D

this is the way I do it too! I have a document on my computer with the top 20 people whose blogs I want to be sure to see first. it's old-fashioned but works ;-)

I'm really old... fashioned I write everything on paper- even my posts. I write my stories by hand and then edit while I type them in.

Lol, whatever works is good ;-)

I use telegram bot for this. It easy.

i think you can :)

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