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RE: Let’s Make Some STEEM Marketing Memes!! - Social Media Campaign

in #steem5 years ago

I think Justine, together with the other top-witnesses have agreed to squeeze the last drop out of the Steemit Ponzi Blockscheme by trying to lure in as much suckers as they can, because they refuse to cleanup the shit first:

Also listen to the last 5minutes of what PSEC has to say, very important!

We all can do something about it if we unite, but those on top know we lack the self esteem to do so and they all too eagerly exploit this lack of self esteem of most Steemians. If we want to make a change, we have to REACT and UNITE and not follow like sheep to the slaughterbank.


Yes, I’m destroying Steem with memes.. it’s a true conspiracy.. please alert the authorities.

For every meme made, a fairy looses it’s wings.

Memes are coming.

I am not going to promote Steemit to anybody as long as those turning the knobs don(t show they are earnest with changing what needs to be changed here on Steemit. I invited people 2 years ago to Steemit while it was still "alive and kicking" - one of them produced high quality posts, but almost no reaction and after 7 days, you can't even monetize your upvote anymore. What has changed in the mean time? Our views have been removed by the devs: GREAT JOB. And now the top witnesses like @themarkymark no longer flag but downvote systematically critical posts, like Psecdocumentary has so well illustrated. You still can't find shit on this platform. Critical voices and channels like and are systematically downvoted by the smearingbots of top witnesses @berniesanders, @themarkymark, @anyx etc. Posts of Smidge-tv and kawaiicrush are invisible.

This platform is a SHAME.

Steemit has first to clean up its shit and throw out those apex abusers I mentioned above and turn this into a user friendly and well balanced place, where normal users don't have to fear if they post or comment.

Steemit as it now is does nothing else than scare people away, now even more than 2 years ago.

First this place has to work properly, the top abusers need to get kicked out, and the American predator model between users needs to be replaced by a fair and balanced one.

And only THEN we can start inviting new people to this platform.

If we start promoting this platform on a massive scale today with "memes", Steemit will only make a fool of itself to the outside world and the end result would be that we would have to replace the 1 in the meme below by a 2.

"Yes, I’m destroying Steem with memes."

You know, Justineh, that almost rhymes. You're a poet and don't know it ;)

Almost... :)

Don't get suckered into this evil plot to make memes. Memes are bad!

Don't worry; I don't do memes. I'm too old and uncool for that.

Honestly, I don't think memes are bad, per se, I just find them painfully stupid.

They are not painfully stupid. Imagine trying to figure out how much you can say, either funny or serious in a couple of words and a photo.

I never understand the Memes are stupid group. They sometimes are stupid, but when done right they are brilliant.


The Achilles' Heel of the meme is that it depends on a common cultural point of reference. To a person from another culture, or even a person from the same culture but a different generation, the meme can be meaningless or, (possibly worse yet), convey a different meaning entirely.

"WE"? Go see a Doctor.

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