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RE: INTRODUCING VIPER: Sound, video, and blogging platform using STEEM and IPFS

in #steem6 years ago

I've checked it out, but honestly there's a couple changes that would need to be made before I'd consider switching to use your frontend.

First, it's the categories. I like how on sites like Reddit I can pick and choose which categories I want by subscribing, so in a sense I'd love to have it so instead of seeing the stock categories or topics, I can instead select my own. That'll actually tailor the site for more people. It's honestly one of the reasons I didn't join Steemit almost a year ago because I thought it was just yet another cryptocurrency and blockchain enthusiast community, didn't seem like it was a very diverse platform. For those not signed in, might be wise to show random categories for the first 5 or so topics to showcase that point but I digress that one. When you have an account and log in, make it so I can choose what's there on that side bar.

Final thing, I really want better filtering. I don't know how this would be done. I don't understand other languages that aren't English (or ASL, PSE and SEE sign languages). I want to personally somehow filter out non english posts if that's possible. I'd also like to see and respectively split away from the blogs section similar to how you have video and blogs split already. Final filter that I'd like to see is a keyword filter so that I can personally hide posts from view that match keyboards for things I just don't give a damn about at all. This is to reduce clutter of having to look through so much to find something of interest.

For example, I have an interest in the blockchain itself and how it functions because it's interesting enough for me, but I don't care to see the rise and fall of the price in Bitcoins. So filter out Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Litecoin, etc by my keyword filter and I'd no longer see those in the feed until I remove the keywords.

The filters aren't absolutely required to get me over, but the categories is a definite must to make me switch. Get the categories as I requested, I'm sure you'll find more will enjoy Viper over straight Steemit.


Thanks for your awesome feedback,
negative feedback are the feedback types we value the most.

Well, not so much negative feedback as constructive criticism with suggestions to get me on board. I consider Negative Feedback to be "Eh, this sucks ass, fuck this and fuck you, you suck. LOL KYS" that sort of thing. I get what you meant though. ;)

One extra suggestion. Steamd, the way you see how much bandwidth and voting power you have. Integrate something like that in the top bar so we can actively see what our bandwidth limit and power is instead of having to go to a third party site to figure it out. Just crossed my mind since I, as a newbie, ran into that bandwidth exceeded issue.

Might be good to also make sure to put a little details about that as well in the FAQ for ease of accessibility. Confused the hell out of me and almost made me quit Steemit due to lacking and poor information about what it was and how to check it.

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