Steamed steak free present, yes, Ann knew all!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Okay, something must have gone wrong during translation. The suggestions did not work out as well as I thought they would be. Although, when I read the title, it still does make a kind of sense. After some serious posts in my native tongue, I thought it was time for some tongue in cheek thing. At least to get some attention to an almost hidden Steem blockchain feature. Well, since inflation dropped from 100% to 9.75 percent. Which was a good thing, by the way and still is. And over time this rate will drop, relatively, because the amount of Steem is not capped.

Okay, it got a bit technical there again. Yet, there is a bonus for every Steem platform member. It is in your account wallet and it is called Steem Power. Did you know that holding Steem Power makes you a Stake Holder? Well, that has a nice free present. Sorry, it has annual 3 percent 'dividend' attached. (Yes, I rounded it to match exact 3%, looks nicer that way, not that far off though is it?) Really? Yes, really! Somehow I forgot about it, because after the hard forking of last december knocking 90.25% inflation out, the Stake on Steem Power was not that obvious to notice anymore. Well, not for the value held in my account anyway. But thanks to a recent video by Craig Grant I was reminded of this nice Steem gem!

1'080'000 SP gets you about 0.001 STM 'dividend' a second

Yes, there is downside to this. Not everybody has that kind of Steem Power at stake right now. And I have to admit there are times when I do not make that kind of money in an hour. Or day, month, year, well, you get it, I'm not doing something right. Nederlander, got pennywise build in at birth, well, you got it. Still, seems that Powering Up and almost regaining my previous Steem Power level does pay off! Somewhere I'm close to gaining half a Steem a day! At the current Steem price that would make me 'dividend' of about 38 Euro, in 2017. Yes, and only because I held on to my Steem Power.

Per 1000 Steem Power, it would take about 20 minutes to gain 0.001 Steem {STM}. So, if you thought you had to leave the Steem Platform to invest in some Proof Of Stake bitMoney thing, you might want to reconsider that. How could I forget about this thing I once called being a Stake Holder on the Steem Blockchain. Must be the age, and that thing about seeing Abe and becoming wise, forget it, did not happen for me. At least I got my sense of reality back, that is a plus. Also watching Craig Grant his videos helped, just as watching Fyrstikken his ones at JooTjoop more then a year ago. Think he mentioned Steem back then, blogging on a Blockchain? WOW!!! That actually got me interested, yes, the Geeky tech part!

Anyway Kjetil, thanks for bringing the amazing Steem platform to my attention, way back! Seems so long ago that this all started, feel like being part of the furniture already. Think I could already be put on the tax form as a write off.

In time even an egg will walk

Now where are those bank accounts that give 3% on savings. Okay there is a downside to this, because the more Steem there is made over time, the lower the actual 'dividend' on holding Steem Power will get. But that is a very slow proces. And who knows there might be a future inflation correction. Still, if you are a Stake Holder, meaning having Steem Power, means you grow it, without maybe knowing it. Having 333 SP in your Steem account means still about 0.001 STM growth per hour! (At least if I did my math right, if not let me, kindly, know in a reply.)

You see, there is so much more to Steem than meets the eye. Even though it may take some time before it becomes clear. And I needed a reminder of a fellow Steem member for that 'Eureka' moment. Yes, even though Steem Backed Dollar is at 0% interest, you still gain with holding Steem Power at Stake! How great is that!?

Melancholic dribbling

Maybe it is because I'm close to being a year at Steem. Or that I'm just one off from having a network of 400 followers. And I'm closing in on 2750 Posts since the end of may of 2016. Or because I came to meet a lot of great people here. Some that got to the inner circle, the Clan, the place where we share fun and serious stuff. Sharing bad and good times together, that sounds almost like commitment, well engagement, at least, that it is. That is pretty awesome, that is Proof Of A Social Media Platform.

Yes, I can be critical, but that is also what I think is part of commitment, engaging into something with all that you are. Do not know if you are into a relationship with any other human, but you might have come across some disagreement at one time, hm hm... And still hold hands at the end of the day. (Told you there was going to be some dribbling.)

Thank you for your support, all your efforts, your posts, your replies, your upvotes and so on. Spread the light that is Steem.

Carry on!

With Steem gently hooked

image cc-by-sa @oaldamster

ALERT: Some shameless self-promotion ahead...

And to share the joy, here's a singalong that is going to be a hit, well, it is a song, okay a song attempt. So join in: "If you follow me, I will follow you..." (Goof Rock, nuf said...)


And... Even more shameless self promotion:

If you are more into Shameless song Covers from 80's:

Next time I will behave again, promise.

Have a great one!

Wow, you actually did get all the way down to this spot?

Thanks, You rock!

Steem on!

EDIT-1: Added a missing link.


@oaldamster ik heb niet echt gelezen .. ik heb haast
ik moet weg
op naar een feest maar ik kom weer terug opduiken
vandaag wordt jullie koning ook Abraham .. zal je nou meedoen met de challengevan edje?

{NL} Veel plezier @englishtchrivy! :-)

Thanks for your information.
it is interesting
I subscribed to you

It is my pleasure!
You could become my 400th one... That would be great.
(Will follow in return then of course.)

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